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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/924076-Where-the-Uranium-Went
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#924076 added November 20, 2017 at 4:39pm
Restrictions: None
Where the Uranium Went
There is so much going on in the world of UFOlogy that I scarcely know where to start.

For openers there is a growing body of knowledge surrounding the claim that our sending astronauts to the moon was a hoax. A study of the tapes showing the landing, the telemetry, and evidence contained in the films shows it simply didn't happen. Claims that some of the prelaunch footage made in the desert somehow got mixed in with the supposed actual footage, not to mention claims that it disappeared is jaw dropping. Why our government would be behind such a lie is not entirely clear but the photographic evidence that shows the landing pads free of dust, no landing crater caused by the thrust of the retro rockets and comments and events made since by NASA astronauts certainly puts the whole event under a huge cloud of suspicion. See the facial expressions on Buzz Aldrin as President Trump talks about revitalizing the American Space Program. His look of shock, rolling eyes and nervousness are the body language of a man in fear of where the President's words are leading and incredulity over what he is hearing when he knows the real truth behind the US Space Program.

Second, the face and pyramids on Mars that were claimed by NASA to be a trick of light and shadows has been debunked and the revelations made by prestigious scientists, with backgrounds in the US Space Program show beyond all doubt that the structures are relics of intelligent origin. In addition biological life in form of of trees, what appears to be writings of some sort, and obelisks, rising in arranged clusters are too obvious to ignore. Why did NASA and the JPL conspire to keep these findings from the public?

Third there are findings on our own planet that show megalithic stone work that is of an age that predates early man not to mention an ability to lift and shape massive stones with a precision of stone masonry, transport and erection that modern engineering would be hard pressed to replicate. Look at the evidence in Central and South America.

Forth the fossil record, after years of search fails to reveal a missing link between Primates and Modern Man. Modern man simply appears in a time frame that makes micro evolution completely implausible.

Fifth are the revelations of knowledgable scientists and engineers in Research and Development that are coming forward and admitting that a crash took place at Roswell in the 1950s, saucer technology was taken from the site, that these relics were back engineered and led to many of the technological breakthroughs of the twenty century. What Phillip Corso wrote in his book the "Day after Roswell is being confirmed by independent and credible sources who are coming forward in increasing numbers and affirming that not only crash wreckage, bodies of aliens and survivors, but also affirming that that these incidents led to physical contacts with the aliens, exchange programs and agreements to allow them to pursue interests in our solar system in return for transfers of technology.

Sixth, as the ice melts in Antartica every effort is being made to clamp a security lid on the findings that are taking place. Preserved under the ice are pristine remnants of a PreAdamic civilization that were flash frozen as a result of a cataclysmic events dating to the great flood.

All this is the secret of the Century and makes the Manhattan project appear trivial in comparison. Since World War 2 the United States has developed a Secret Space Program that has taken us to the Moon and Mars and beyond, where we have established bases and a physical presence. If you want to know where all that Yellow Cake went, it wasn't to Iran or North Korea... It was sent off world to run nuclear reactors at bases we operate throughout the solar system.

I could go on and on.... While we worry about Hillary and the NFL a shadow government is taking us in directions that only an elite few are controlling. It makes me nervous.

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