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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/923113-Fantasy-Newsletter-Due-November-27-for-November-29
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#923113 added November 29, 2017 at 2:50pm
Restrictions: None
Fantasy Newsletter Due November 27 for November 29
1. In a strange forest I wander...
2. From An Irradiated Crypt (Prelude)
3. Freedom from the Dark
4. An Unknown Past
5. A Star Trek Thanksgiving
6. Old And New
7. The Fairy Tale

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NaNoWriMo Draws to an End
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Good-Bye NaNoWriMo for another year

Did you complete 50,000 words?
About This Newsletter

NaNoWriMo elves and unicorns cry,
because their stories are ending for the year,
they want a sequel,
they want to tell their author
about their dragon friends
and all the celebrating
when their stories become best sellers.

Letter From the Editor

National Novel Writing Month ends on Thursday, November 30. This does not mean your novel is finished, because 50,000 words may be the beginning of the story. The writing frenzy ends, and we can begin the process of either editing or completing. Now the NaNoWriMo is drawing to an end for 2017, I have some questions for my readers. My next newsletter will be published on December 27, and the deadline for submission is Thursday, December 21.

Did you include any unusual beasts in your novel? Did you plan your novel in October, or did you simply start writing it on November 1?? Did you include any magic or other type of technology in your novel? Will you begin editing your novel on December 1, or will you allow it to rest until January 1? Did you learn anything in November that will help other authors write fantasy or science fiction? Do you have any stories, related to your NaNo novel, that you would like to submit to this newsletter? Please make sure the stories are rated 18+ or less.

Is there any subjects or themes which you would like to see covered in this newsletter? Would you like to see a newsletter that focuses on a specific species of mythological creature? Do you have a favorite fantasy or science fiction author, living or dead, that inspires you? How do you research your novels or stories? Do you do your research online, offline, or both?

I have read some intriguing and exciting science fiction and fantasy stories and poems over the last couple of months. I have included some of them in this newsletter, please read them. Have you read any stories (fantasy or science fiction) that you like? What do you look for when you read these genres? Do you write Steampunk? Do you write fanfiction in any of these genres? Do you enjoy reading mixed genre stories? How do the characters in your novels and stories celebrate a special occasion?

Editor's Picks

 In a strange forest I wander...  (18+)
Prologue to the tales of the red willow
#1851417 by shadow&flame

Excerpt: this time this is over.
         Finally it has all ended...

 From An Irradiated Crypt (PRELUDE)  (13+)
1891: From Book Three in the Rail Legacy. Let the chase begin...
#2136978 by William J. Jackson

Excerpt: The King of Keys crashed into the trees of Indian Isle resilient in mind, broken in body. Red cedar broke his plummet to the earth, while the sylvan scent of split bark awakened his senses to the vivid intimacy of pain. Branches scratched as cat claws. Venerable limbs pummeled ribs to the breaking point. He managed on the final branch to gain a meager stance, aided by three strands of impervious whips the King could extend from each fingertip, his singular aptitude from the blue prowess which made some of the race paranormal. Humanity plus. Over the years, those ten whips slashing in and out of view had snared enemies, lifted him out of dark ravines, saved children stuck in wells and made every boy take up the bullwhip as if it were the next great art form. On this merciless eve of fog and violence, the strands of this vigilante paranormal were literally saving him from becoming another plot in this sullen isle's expansive, melancholy cemetery. As battered as he felt, the weary mind gave thanks to this minor talent, for it alone remained after his most powerful weapon sizzled, useless, on both forearms.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2139269 by Not Available.

Excerpt: How long have I been in this dark place? I wish I knew; I yearn for someone to come and bring me into the light. Why am I relegated to this stationary existence? Give me legs and arms – give me something to move about. I spend too much of my time sneezing because of all the dust. Even my keepers do not visit this area on a regular basis.

 An Unknown Past  (18+)
A SpaceStorm uncovered the ruins. But it hasn't explained why it did it, yet.
#2130986 by PureSciFi

Excerpt: The rounded square corners and about two inches square of a SpaceStorm hovers a few inches above a barren dirt desert planet. White puffs that look like clouds about three inches tall lined that SpaceStorm. There was about thirty. And they started out small but got a little bit bigger as they went up. Those puffs swirled around in the opposite direction as the one above or below it. They also shot outward electrical sparks, bolts, and spears constantly.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2140437 by Not Available.

Excerpt: The banquet hall was decorated with cardboard turkeys. One of guests sidled up to me and wrapped her arm in mine. “My sweet Captain Kirk, how are you?”

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This item number is not valid.
#2140362 by Not Available.

Except: Martha had become a late riser in her old age. She stood at the kitchen window drinking in the warmth of the morning sun. She decided sitting on the front porch would be a perfect place to do her embroidery. She grabbed her bag with her embroidery needle and headed out the front door.

 The Fairy Tale  (13+)
Of princesses and dragons. Classic with a twist.
#2140171 by Tommy Mooney

Except: Once upon a time, a beautiful princess lived in an enormous palace with the queen and the king. She was a very special princess indeed; her hair was a light cerulean and her eyes a golden brown, like no other. She loved to run and play in the hills surrounding the palace, and would often find herself spending entire days outside.

augustus12 writes: I would like to write what can only be described as 'Erotica'. Sex does rear its ugly head often in my fantasies. Will this prevent me from submitting my stories?
         The content rating is E through 18+ ratings only. Prosperous Snow celebrating

dragonwoman writes: Thanks for including my Halloween tale in your newsletter.

Blasi writes: Are the Editor's pick choices to write about or do I want whatever I want for this?
         Write about whatever you want. The Editor's picks are stories or poems I find intriguing.Prosperous Snow celebrating

© Copyright 2017 Prosperous Snow celebrating (UN: nfdarbe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Prosperous Snow celebrating has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/923113-Fantasy-Newsletter-Due-November-27-for-November-29