Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944994-The-Point-of-No-Return
by Twiga
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2173899
On a Planet where Humans and Humanimals live peacefully things are about to change
#944994 added November 6, 2018 at 12:02am
Restrictions: None
The Point of No Return
As the Insect People of Dirtberg made their way to the surface, they found the Wranglers were already there waiting for them.

“Put your hands up.” Said one of the Wranglers, “All four or six of them.”

The Insect People, not being the type to raise a fuss before, didn’t find the courage to do it now and complied.

Beulah trembled as the Wranglers clamped a large shackle to her neck, and placed more shackles on all four of her wrists.

“Take those Insects to the lower C deck.” Said the apparent leader of this group “We have better pickings elsewhere.”

As Beulah was marched to the Invaders’ spaceship with her Fellow Insect People, she looked around, she had been separated from her family, she couldn’t see her Mom, Dad or five younger siblings anywhere! Where were they?

Meanwhile, in beautiful glamorous Dahlia which wasn’t so beautiful or glamorous anymore now that broken glass was everywhere, all kinds of things had been smashed, trees fallen, and flowers trampled.

In the burlap sack Kevin said to Emerald “Breathe fire! We can escape!”

“I can’t!” Emerald said

“What do you mean you can’t?!” Kevin hissed

“I haven’t had any limestone or platinum in days!” Emerald said “Besides, if we did get out of this bag, don’t you think they would catch us again? Or...Kill us?”

Apparently the Wrangler carrying them overheard their conversation as he started shaking the bag “Oy!” He said in a deep British Accent “You Humanimal-Whelps pipe down in there! You are property of the Wrangler Empire! There is no escape!”

Emerald at that point began to cry, Kevin trying to be brave, began purring and licked away her tears.

The Burly Wrangler took his place behind his King, Lord Sean of Planet Viola Strierra...He stood with his Son (Pardon me Stepson) Prince Edward as they discussed with the Lord of Planet Alderbaren who would only be known as Duke Vortex, their Partner for this Mission, how the spoils were to be divided.

“You shall have exactly 2 percent of the Humanimals we capture from this mission!” Lord Sean said “That is exactly enough for that City-State you have any real control over Duke Vortex.

Duke Vortex, a Massive Mountain of a Man who everyone in the Empire Feared, because he had ruled Alderbaren for 200 years without aging and he seemingly could not be killed, bullets bounced harmlessly off him. The Duke didn’t say anything but simply glared down at Lord Sean

Lord Sean was scared but he knew he had to be brave for his Planet “You have perhaps killed more Slaves than all the rest of us combined!” He said even though he was trembling “Perhaps you will learn to not to tear apart your valuable slaves for sport after this will be your last import for a long time!”

To everyone’s surprise The Duke nodded! “2 percent is more than enough.” He said in his deep menacing voice “After all Lord Sean...Our Slaves are only for the most Elite. We do not let common humans keep Humanimal Slaves.”

Everyone was so surprised by the immortal Duke’s amiability. That Lord Sean decided it was better not to throw in a quip about how that is why Alderbaren is in utter squalor while Viola Strierra which had slaves for every Humans was a Planet of many bustling metropolises.

Kevin and Emerald heard the entire conversation from in the bag. And that was when they realized, their captors were Humans! The Species they had been taught more or less since birth were essentially perfect beings who could do no wrong...Where were their Humans? Why weren’t the Mizzer Humans doing anything to stop this?
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