Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/944995-Like-a-Dream
by Twiga
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #2173899
On a Planet where Humans and Humanimals live peacefully things are about to change
#944995 added November 6, 2018 at 12:03am
Restrictions: None
Like a Dream
Beulah was on a different ship than Kevin and Emerald, the Voila Strierra had brought an entire fleet of their largest slave ships each like a zeppelin as large as a mountain. Alderbaren on the other hand had one large bulbous Slave Ship accompanied by smaller acrobatic escort fighters. Beulah was placed with all her Fellow Dirtberg Insects on the Lower C Deck.

As she sat between two large Insect Girls, one a Praying Mantis, the other a Stick Insect, she kept turning her head looking for any sign of her family, her antennae scanned for their scents but the place was so jumbled up with thousands of different scents that it was impossible to pick out her family’s cents in this crowd.

Meanwhile Kevin and Emerald were being taken on board still in the burlap sack carried by the brawny British Accented Wrangler...He was especially pleased with his find as Dragons are thought of as the ultimate prize in any Humanimal Hunt, the most powerful Creatures in existence, long believed to be myths until they were rediscovered again very shortly after Humanimals were first created...Every Wrangler hoped to bag at least one Dragon during the hunt, even if that Dragon is a Cub, as for the Cat-Boy, eh Cats were a dime a dozen but a slave is a slave be he rare or common, and Voila Strierra really needed slaves.

When Kevin and Emerald were finally brought out of the sack, they were in an examination room where a bunch of other Cubs were. A Wrangler in a Lab Coat was examining the Cubs for any signs they might not be fit for slavery, any illness or physical disability...Or mental disability...Like simply being too ornery thus would be better off sent to the sausage factory instead.

Kevin and Emerald clung to each other as they Watched this Wrangler measure the Cubs, set them on a scale to determent their weight, look under their eyelids, inspect both sides of the face for symmetry or defects...The standard stethoscope to listen to the heart and lungs...And a through examinations of the entire epidermis for any kind of parasites that might bring a foreign malady to Voila Strierra.
Kevin watched several crying Cubs be inspected and be sent out before it was there turn. Kevin was up first. The last Cub before him a Shaggy Brown Mongrel Puppy who was crying endlessly for his Mama.

“You’ll be with your Mama soon enough in the Quarantine Quarters.” The Wrangler-Inspector said as he sent to Toddler-Pup out the door. The Man was weary he clutched the space between his eyes and said “Please let there be no more toddlers for the rest of my shift.”

He must have been somewhat pleased to see the next two were at least Elementary School aged and both rather quiet neither saying anything as they went through their physical examination.

In truth for both of them and for Beulah, the next couple of hours of journey to Voila Strierra passed rather like a dream...None of them took much notice of anything as they passed them time thinking...’I can’t believe it...This can’t be happening...This can’t be my destiny...’
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