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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/986748-June-29-2020
Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2056808
This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#986748 added June 29, 2020 at 7:21am
Restrictions: None
June 29, 2020
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions! Prompt: Today we were cruising through the galaxy and the star system Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love came on the view screen. Soft scans showed that there was life on the plants so I headed an away team and found planet
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to have some very interesting specimens about what to do in a crisis. One of the pieces of advice was "The news media are NOT you're friends."

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

I agree with Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love . I have watched the talking heads quite a few times lately and for about the first thirty seconds they tell you the facts. Then they go to twisting those facts to meet their own agenda. On Fox News you can count on their twisting the news to make the Republican Party look good. On CNN you can count on them twisting the news to make the Democrats look good. Every newscaster has their own agenda and their agenda biases the news. The days of Walter Cronkite are over.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: “Life is really simple, but men insist on making it complicated.” — Confucius
Is life simple or complicated?"

I would have to say that in my case Confucius is spot on. You see I had a car wreck when I was younger. In the wreck, I sustained a compression fracture of the 4th cervical vertebra in my neck. My head also smashed out my side glass, fracturing my skull in the process. Thank God I was wearing my seat belt or it would have killed me. The injury sustained caused damage to the left frontal lobe of my brain. As a result, I get easily confused when following multi-step or written instructions. As a result of this, I often end up doing way more than is necessary. How often have you ever heard of professors in graduate school telling a student they are overstudying or doing too much homework? All three of my professors this semester have told me I was way overdoing the exercises. They have sent work back to me, telling me very specifically which parts to keep and which parts to turn in. One professor said that if all his students were as diligent he would only have time to grade the papers for that class alone.

Blog City image small "Prompt: For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven-- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Since it is so, spiritually speaking, why do you think our planet now has this Covid 19 pandemic?"

Originally, I thought the pandemic was the result of man's attitudes toward God of late. We have been legalizing all sorts of things that God's word specifically points out as "sin". I thought COVID-19 was sent as retribution for that sin just as God used plagues and conquering countries in the Old Testament to bring people in line.

Then I did more research on the subject and I am now convinced that COVID-19 is one of the many results of the fall of Adam. When man fell God plunged the entire realm of nature into a cycle of death and decay because He loved man so much that He was not willing for man to take the fall alone. Therefore chaos began to abound in nature. Every action, both good or bad has a ripple effect. It reaches out and touches others. Everything is affected by this. COVID-19 is a natural event caused as a result of the sin of man.

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© Copyright 2020 Chris Breva (UN: marvinschrebe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Chris Breva has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/986748-June-29-2020