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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/988777
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #930898
I am using an old book to do Spiritual Blog and religious entries.
#988777 added July 21, 2020 at 12:00pm
Restrictions: None
Testimony That Jesus Has Worked in My Life
Prompt: Give a testimonial that Jesus has worked in your life.

Seven years ago, I had surgery for a bowel obstruction. I was on a breathing tube for 6 days and almost died the first night after my surgery. I love God and Jesus and I woke up and found all this out. I was unable to walk. I prayed and got healed. I had a wound vac on me and used a walker. I was mad at my surgeon at first. I thought he goofed. I told him I forgive him because God wants me to. The surgeon did nothing wrong. I prayed and cried. The surgeon had saved my life. I apologized to the surgeon and we became friends if it is okay to be friends with your surgeon. I am walking on my own but I have to use a railing to go upstairs. I can't walk fast. I have arthritis in my legs. Jesus got me through me this and he is still with me. I just got baptized last year. I prayed to God about this and he wanted me to get baptized. I DID! God and Jesus still help me get through things and I pray for everyone all the time. I go to church but we have social distancing. I read my Bible and I watch Dr. David Jeremiah. I remind myself every day that God's got this. Jesus helps me all the time. I don't forget that he is in charge. He does work miracles. He did with me.

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