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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/988855-The-Case-For-Virtue-Over-Happiness
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#988855 added July 22, 2020 at 9:36am
Restrictions: None
The Case For Virtue Over Happiness
I was inspired by Charlie's blog post based on a prompt about virtue today. Here's what I responded:

The goal is to be virtuous. Christianity teaches us to ask for forgiveness if we fail. True belief in something starts with oneself to do what feels right, as in 'do unto others...' It's easy to lose focus, falter and get back.

Christians can be examples of some of the most virtuous people, because they have a guide book to follow. Most people just follow their whims, rather than their hearts. They stop listening to the nagging little conscience. Probably why we are divided rather than unified at this time in history.

Americans especially do not get it. Talk to some Europeans or Canadians who know we were raised to be selfish, callous people. Is it systematic? Whatever it is, it's destroying Christianity. Doors have been open to all kinds of beliefs and lifestyles by people who cannot comprehend how to follow anything but their own desires.

We all could use some time to step back and evaluate how important it is to be a good neighbor, contributor to humanity. Instead of being part of a system that preys on people's weaknesses, we could build strength through something more honorable...like the pursuit of virtue over happiness.

I'm capable of being selfish. I'm capable of great love. Whatever gets rewarded the most is most evident. When virtue goes unnoticed, unrewarded, we are hurt. Pride suffers and we might rampage, hurt the wrong people. The divisive nature of our current condition has man fighting with man than taking a step back, cool off and realize the true rewards of not letting the manipulation of our free will destroy the fabric of our lives.

Great blog post and very worthy subject to tackle. My two cents.


This post is inspired by my feeling that I could be a great contributor to any community I join. It's unfortunate that I am diminished by self-serving systems that do not honor virtue but condemn and punitively diminish participants who've had setbacks, but have also lent great support and virtuous acts along the way. The failure to recognize the balance struck only means that the machine does not feed you, but itself. Once your gifts have been harvested, it moves on.

The whole notion of nurturing a society starts with honoring all who take part in it. The idealistic should not seem threats to the narrative forcefully applied to rhetoric the machine spews, but part of the balance and truth (however subjective) needed for fairness. Because, it is also witnessed by those who are not participants who could also contribute to 'the cause.' Unfortunately, the goal is more totalitarian than socialist in our little republic. Democracy is not recognized or honored, though patronized as a measure of softening the harsh voices.

What does that mean?! *RollEyes*

It means people pretend to tolerate me (this) when they would rather I roll over or go away. They either shun you, act indifferently, or find little ways to diminish you through offerings connected most personally to your pride. Or, the feign an amen but never return to support your cause.

When they've exhausted all rhetoric and resources to guilt, shame or silence and you still stand? They ironically became the divisive, while I stand whole because I am alone and do not need anyone to hold me up. There are no expectations other than more ill will. I can remain guarded, but knowing they cannot do any more to reduce me is knowledge enough.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/988855-The-Case-For-Virtue-Over-Happiness