Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ripglaedr3
Please follow an ASR rating.*
Just to let everyone know I was here today...

"Re: EIGHT - 06.18.24"  

...skipping out after lunch.

Giphy...make note bigger:

Maybe, more like:
You should have that checked out. *Worry*

Thanks Giph, you can power down now...
Soooooo, why are you sorry about baking bread?
Numbers lock is the keyboard ninja redacting my words without notice.

Somewhere in dystopia, they're planning new rules.

Everyone is either sun-kissed or sun-scorched. I take one look at the sun and it tells me 'wear a hat'.

Take your pick. I'm hoarding random thoughts
without ransom
on my tablet,
ready to dump them all at your feet....

reheat, again *RollEyes*
'roll' before 'eyes'
but can I remember to do this:
*Rolling* rather than *Laugh*
when I need?


Already posted today. Shoulda saved for...nevermind.

Article was edited for a needed interrogatory, even though readers would have made that leap.
Nothing nefarious, I assure. *Wink*
Now why did you wink? *Rolleyes*
  •   1 comment
I love reading your NF posts, Brian!
Shift end, and not much progress to show, but done for this day…

"If I Have To Die, Gentle Be It

Working through it, what’s heaped on top, thicker, wetter, heavier…*shrug*
We all have to die but I agree with your sentiment - approached slowly and gently, it becomes quite welcome. Beautiful poem, by the way.
Beholden - Support and words much appreciated from a great poet who has inspired me.
Whenever I’m getting my Rage Against The Machine feels, I’m just gonna play this…



...the Instragram post...not 'Rage...'
                   -------- PUNCHES THE --------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Clock2* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Boss says after I'm clocked I need to:
- review
- post in a forum
- do this: post in newsfeed *CheckR*

I guess I'm the boss. *Bigsmile*

I'm on infinity time...if that's a thing...do I get extra cred...?
*trails off*
  •   1 comment
"Re: EIGHT, the Weekend - 06.16.24"   *CheckR*

Forgot the M-Th White Collar set is dining at the grotto, ordering another pitcher of appletinis.

*opens lunch box*

no Twinkie!
Buzzkill is a buzzkill word.

Sorry to be a...*ahem*...Buzzkill.

Buzzkill is people!


You’ve given us a paywall link…
Amethyst Angel🌸📝🪽 - and why I don’t save it for Twit…er…X, now.

*Bird* from *mayaangelouconstruct* *Smile*

Though, I could make an ‘X link’.

I’m way too far outside my *Brain* construct…
Because I’ll never figure out how to monetize, I’ll say I never wanted to in the first place.
*puts 50 on black*

So, why do it?

*sees marbles spilled on floor that need arranging*

No one else is picking them up.

I share:
poem and story...

"rose hips and swimming trunks

it took me a while to accept, but: i'm strange. and it's good.

poem still raw. edits will come after further 'research'.
  •   1 comment
This could be edited for the collection.
I contain multiverses
that contain multitudes]


and that's before I've had my second cup of coffee

When you make that leap from Limp Bizkit's 'Break Something' to the Gorillaz "Feel Good, Inc." for a gif...you know the tone and direction of the day can change at any moment.
Brian Looks @ GP Account, Daft - that's basically how the continuous multitude of playlists in my head work. (Of course, I don't control the tracks, there's no pause or skip, and the volume button is broken).
The unexpected barista that declines concern of your son-in-law’s morning ‘routine’ when seruptitious interruptis instigation ensues…

"Something About Coffee That’s Brewing

Title is a teaser and slight misnomer.

I swear my compree-hen-shun has increased by 10% with bean-pod entah-gray-shun and com-sumpt-shun with *shakes vial* medy-cay-shun.

Regarded as the ‘The second cup theory’.

Now back to your regularly misspelled, pot-hole-cratered grammar readings.

Mine. *Sad* *BigSmile* *Wink*
I used to think sad could seem so beautiful...

"Does It Title Well??

Now, I'm certain it is...without that happy ending.
I write and I write and I write and this is all I ever get out of it:

"The Human Wattage

Now, walk over to the bed. Pillow. Head.

I hope they get along tonight.
Jeff Winger: Guys, I wasn’t gonna show this to anyone, but, uh, it’s pretty profound. I kind of nailed it. If you want I can read it in the documentary. That is, unless you get Tom Hanks.

"I wonder if my cats feel stalked.

Entry title is a misnomer and a caveat hides within.

Done Googling definitions today.

I haven’t been keeping up, with emails especially. Getting there, I hope.
  •   1 comment
As soon as I get my contest entries posted... at least that's what I tell myself...
Not much. How ‘bout you?

"Papa’s Hat

Lots to ponder when there’s nothing better to do.
  •   1 comment
Might pare this down for brother’s memorial book I’m working on.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ripglaedr3