Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/989500-Daedalus
Rated: 18+ · Book · Philosophy · #2227028
Entries to The Daily Poem Contest.
#989500 added July 30, 2020 at 7:55am
Restrictions: None

Daedalus, great of wisdom and power,
escaped Minos on wings of his construction,
to Sicily where protection was offered.
Yet freedom was sour in the old man’s mouth,
his son, Icarus, having fallen from the sky
when his wings melted in the heat of the sun.
Daedalus mourned the day he devised their flight,
his wisdom mocked by the youth’s demise,
betrayed by fate to succeed in his dream,
his hands filled with ashes of a funeral pyre.
Now his dark days stretched empty before him,
the questions haunting his every hour,
was this the price of knowledge and art,
can anything pay for the loss of a loved one,
did his foolish pride cause the death of his son?
Despising now his fame and renown,
as a bitter old man he went to the grave.

Line Count: 17
Free Verse
For The Daily Poem, July 30 2020
Prompt: Write a poem inspired by a myth or fairytale.

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