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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/991749-Coffee-Vs-Alcoholare-are-they-friends-glitch-keep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#991749 added August 28, 2020 at 9:01am
Restrictions: None
Coffee Vs. Alcohol...are are they friends? (glitch, keep)
It turns out that both coffee and alcohol can help your brain with productivity...in moderation. I mean, coffee? Duhhh. But, alcohol? Who knew?


As to my own self, coffee was a late participant in my life. I was ridiculed at one employer in the 90s as 'not a morning person, huh?' Granted, it wasn't the most stimulating work. But, it recalled a similar experience when I worked as a journalist in radio. A PR guy from the paper mill in town, after concluding a phone interview, pointed out I 'sound like you just got out of bed' when I did my first news report at six a.m. I had to up my game after that, if people who are a part of the news are listening and started getting up earlier. Back then, I was 'using' Coca-cola (better not say Coke) to get me self going in the a.m.

But alcohol, yes I should have known. You have always been there for me. All the odes alone at night written with Boone's Farm wine. Help me, I was a poor, college student who had yet discovered the finer things in life. I could sit in my dorm room and pen my odes to some unrealized love or the moon and could feel deep connections to other-worldly feelings where my imagination seeped in psyche. So, definitely, alcohol gets a mention in my whenever-it-shall-be-written-and-then-published novel, as an inspiration.

But, these two in moderation? If I have to realize what each does to me when I go off the deep end.

Coffee will give me the jitters and I get ahead of myself and cannot compose my thoughts at a pace my mind can comprehend. It can be quite unpleasant and I have to do things to settle down. Detox. Whereas alcohol, we know more than a few drinks induces 'sleepy time' and the fights with windmills. Everything from 'I'm going to get my son back' to 'I think I can fly.' Wait, am I still talking about alcohol?

Oh, no. Drugs, you weren't invited to this conversation. Well, you sort of were. Your cousins, anyway. Maybe, for another time. I'll tell you about climbing that one hundred foot pine (yes, that thick-branched, sappy tree) and all the people standing below from the wedding reception I crashed begging me to climb back down. Daring.

So, in summation. Wait. Ahhhhh, coffee all gone. Maybe, another time.


No edits.
I said, NO EDITS!

additional note:

I will just say that I like that my palms don't hit the touch pad while I type anymore. You know, where it quickly highlights a block of text and then a keystroke wipes out all the blue highlighted characters before you can stop. I know there is a restore function...if you're doing it on a word doc of some kind, but not on these tempting dialogue boxes. I'm writing live without a net, baby! Yeah, dumb, I know...if you want to save or store stuff. But, you see. I don't know how far I'm going to go and then I get deep in, and Bam!

I do stop to copy and save when I get in deep and start thinking, 'don't lose this.' It doesn't happen too often. Maybe twice a month or week? I don't know. I do some writing in docs and then copy and paste here and then edit some more and think I should copy and paste this to the document of the first part, and by then, I'm so tired of going back and forth, switching screens and trying to find the other and figure out where I left off that I..just...give....up.

Is all this writing worth it? Is this the grist of life that we seek to transpose and illuminate an otherwise unsuspecting and unaware world? I thought...zzzzz

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/991749-Coffee-Vs-Alcoholare-are-they-friends-glitch-keep