Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/992633-Twenty-Twenty
Rated: 18+ · Book · Philosophy · #2227028
Entries to The Daily Poem Contest.
#992633 added September 7, 2020 at 11:46am
Restrictions: None
Twenty Twenty
Twenty Twenty

Never thought there’d be a date
with such a funny name
bad enough not to belong
in the family of nineteen
but then to repeat the error
seems like a speech impediment.

Never thought there’d be a time
when the world ate itself
hiding away in a corner
and munching on its fear
as though disease and death
were new and not as old as life.

Never thought there’d be a year
when I’d not dare consider
the future a land to be desired
watching fate weigh the balance
between despair and hope
dreading a finger on the scales.

An interesting year, of course,
but remember the Chinese curse
“May you live in interesting times.”
Time machine, anyone?

Line Count: 22
Free Verse
For The Daily Poem: WdC Birthday Edition, Sept. 07 2020
Prompt: Write a poem about seeing 2020 off.

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