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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/999011-November-24-2020
Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2056808
This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#999011 added November 24, 2020 at 7:22am
Restrictions: None
November 24, 2020
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. Wilcox }Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image Hi Everyone,
Here is the prompt for Tuesday.
Proverbs 3:13-16 Consider the Value of Wisdom
13. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
14. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.
15. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.
16. Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand riches and honor.
Merchandise = Profit Rubies = coral Length of days = Long life
Now to my question, is there anything else that you would like for us to study? Just let me know what interests you the most.

I think wisdom and the attaining of wisdom should be the number one priority of every human being. If people spent more time on seeking wisdom and less time on killing themselves to "get ahead" the world would be a much better place. Martin Luther said humans were "homo incurvatus in se" a term her borrowed from Augustine of Hippo. It means "curved in on oneself" and basically refers to the fact that people are very self-centered. The fall of Adam turned the focus of man from God and others to a focus on self. Now everybody thinks the world revolves around them. If man could lose the self-centered attitus=de the world would be a blessed place.

For my blog Prompt: My cat Bella and I were cruising the galaxy and landed back on this planet:
 Emerald Pixies Playing With Music  (E)
For my friend Ida
#1553147 by Lou-Here By His Grace

Write your views about this poem.

From my limited experience with mystical creatures I'd have to say one must be careful with pixies. They are said to be tricksters and mischievous little things. I wrote a short story, well a series of them for a magazine I once owned and there were pixies in it. The poor guy who was the main character never got ahead with them. He was doused with ice water once and I forget what all they did to him.

I'll have to try to do a review of the poem above. I like poems and this one about a love lost musician was a good one. It flows well and isn't too long. I'll do a formal review hopefully. Right now I'm getting ready for work. I'm just checking in really fast for I know I won't have time to do so later. It's our Thanksgiving dinner at the Salvation Army Huntington Corps and as the Community Care Ministries Secretary (Community Chaplain) I need to be there.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: "Poetry is the mother-tongue of the human race." Johann Georg Hamann
Use this quote to inspire your blog entry."

Read Genesis 11 and it will tell you where languages mostly came from. Language however is a human thing. It is how humans communicate with each other. Poetry is a beautiful expression of language but I don't know that I would say it is the mother tongue.

Blog City image small "Prompt: “Gratitude gets us in the habit of paying attention to the things going well in our lives.”
Emiliana Simon-Thomas
Can you name a few things that is going well with the world in general or in your life in particular?"

Now this is a prompt I could run with. I am so grateful for so many things in my life. I am an honors student in graduate school and am grateful to be able to understand the material and learn it. I have a roof over my head and a job I love. My job is non-taxed and pays only a stipend so I am technically unemployed but it provides my room and board and for that I am grateful. My bills are paid way ahead and for that, I am also grateful. I am grateful for my faith most of all and for Jesus Christ who saved my soul. I don't have time or I'd go on and on. I am working today.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/999011-November-24-2020