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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #1184353
Inspired by God - written by man. But it's not the Bible.
What Is Life?

What is life
Without any meaning?
We all have
Some reason for being.

Life has to be different
For you and for me.
But that's hard
For some people to see.

Some people are right,
And some people are wrong.
Still others,
Just tag along.

I say this
About life,
With or without
A wife.

Be something different.
Be yourself.
After all,
We're all individuals.

"War For Life" (E)

         Imagine being annoyed by your "best" enemy every day of the week, every week of the month, every month of the year, for some twenty plus years. Not a good thing to think of or look forward to, is it?

         Well, this is what I consider as being about as close to describing what I perceive that all Viet Nam Vets who served in certain capacities there, are going through, and have been going through since their return. Add to the above, all the abuse they take from some people when they (some people) find out that these men (and women)spent time there (in Viet Nam).

         Do you think you, or "some people" would be able to handle all of this very well? No wonder some of these men and women finally break!!

         I guess all I 'm trying to say is.... don't judge those who spent their time serving their country, and you, by making sure that we all have the right and privilege to speak so badly about them. Sounds kind of self-destructive and morbid doesn't it? Well, if you don't want to be considered self-destructive and morbid by others or by your own conclusion, I once again ask you not to judge them wrongly.

“War” For Life (P)

Does your “best” enemy
Annoy you every day, of every
Week, of every month, of every
Year? (Multiply that by twenty plus years.)

Well, this is what the veterans of Viet Nam
Deal with every day. The abuse they took
When they got back was just an added
Factor to compound things.

Most of us could not have handled
This kind of confusing problem very well.
Some of those who were on the receiving
End of this could not accept what was being

Given. I think those who suffered
(In more ways than one) should
Not be judge wrongly for having served
Their country with pride and sincerity.

I think it would be self-destructive and
Morbid to judge those people wrongly.
So, if self-destruction and morbidity
Is not to your liking, please don’t judge them wrongly.

The same would apply
To any other soldier
In any other war of
The past, present, or the future.

Life's Span

         Should we be able to live a thousand years, it would be the same out of Eternity as that of a second out of a one year span. Even this does not give a true reflection of Eternity.

The Barrel

When I was down to
The bottom of the barrel,
I thought my life
Was a total peril

But I have
This friend,
Who is good
Right to the end.

Sit down,
And I 'll tell you
Of a real danger.

This story
Will deal
With a
Person's appeal

Any wealth.

After losing
Of what was
Once his life,

A friend of his
Was heard to say
That there had
To be a way

To bring
His friend
From the end.

So he said
That he would
Do all that
He could.

So he set
To the task,
But found
Himself to ask

How and
Where do
I start?"

He knew
He would
Do all that
He could.

So he
Set down
In the West
End of town,

To figure
What it was
All about.

As he began
To organize,
He also

That here
Was a friend
Very close to
The end.

What kind
Of Devotion
Would he carry
With this notion?

As time
Went on
He began
To long

For a final
To all
This confusion.

To this
Very day
He can be
Found to say

"There has to
Be a way!
There has to
Be a way!"

Hard Times

         When I think of the "hard times" we have now, I think back on our forefathers, and how hard they had it. We think that having high taxes and low income are unfair; well think about :

         No electricity, no running water, no propane or natural gas, no indoor plumbing or toilets, no carpeted floors, just dirt floors, no grocery
stores, or cars.


         Getting your water in buckets from a stream. Gathering up and cutting your own firewood by hand. Hunting for your supper. Walking three or more miles in to town, or using an outdoor toilet all the time. Back in the "good old days", living itself was a full time job. Now we "complain" about needing a full time job and then some, just to live. Our "progress", over time, to me, has spoiled us too much. If we had to spend six months fixing our own meals over an open fire, or a fireplace in a dirt floored cabin, making sure we had enough wood cut to handle both cooking and keeping a fire going all night long, but before that, going out and hunting down what we were going to eat, we might think about just how “hard” we really do have it.


         Desperation can cause people to do many things they wouldn't ordinarily do. Just look at the paper.

         Every day you read of people who are honest, hard working, God fearing, and don't have a job, or their present job isn't enough. So, what other way out is there? They turn to a savage instinct buried deep within each of us. Most of us are lucky enough never to have to search that deep within to run across it. We many times start to search, but, as fate would have it, something comes along and we find we can do something else to monopolize our fight for survival. But what about those who aren't that lucky? Those who don't see, or have the "cards falling in their favor" have very little else to choose from. Do they?

The Play Of Our Lives

         The play of our life is set in many different ways. Each one has its own special and unique plot. Some are positive in nature and atmosphere, and some are negative. Regardless what the plot, or how it's set up, each of our plays will have the same final curtain. Death (in an earthly sense only)!

The Game Of Your Life

Life as we know it
Seems awfully hard,
What with always having
To be on your guard.

The simplicity
Of life
Has turned into
Constant strife.

You feel like your always
In a baseball game.
And all you can hear
Is just one name.

With two people out, and you at the plate,
Two strikes down.... now this swing you know
You don't
dare blow.

It 's
A tie....
Make the wrong move,
And you know your going to die.

Rewards Of Kindness

         The meek may inherit the earth and be taken advantage of while here on earth, but like a famous and never endingly popular person once said something like: "Their efforts of kindness shall be returned unto them tenfold ".

Future's Wrath

         Be ye lead of God now. For only this way will the future be able to care for itself. For only God knows what the future holds and can protect you from its wrath.


         Just as I believe the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, I believe that man has control over his (or her) own destiny (with the help of God). For man does not live by bread alone. Sometimes he needs a helping hand to guide him in the right direction. We make our own decisions as to what we want to do, or where we want to go, and then, God guides us on our way so that we can find out if it is really the right place or direction for us to be going. If not, then we can change our direction and, once again, we go - with God's guidance. As long as we are willing to put forth the effort to do our part, rest assured, God will always do His.


May your life
Be blessed
With nothing
But the best.

May your life be filled
With lots of love,
And all the gifts
That are sent from Above.

The Right Way To Walk

God's way
Is the only way.
He tries to show
Us every day.

His way is so simple,
But we make it hard.
I think the key is
To stay on your guard.

I also think
If we try our best,
I know God
Will take care of the rest.


         Time waits for no man. We often find that we are always looking for some way to save it, if we can. We may be able to find a way to save a minute now and then; but how much time have we used in trying to find a way to save that time? Will saving time now really be all that beneficial when it comes time to enter eternity? Time (as we know it) probably will not even exist then. So what have we really gained? To me, saving time now will really make no difference in "The End ".

Our Just Reward

Life is rough
To say the least.
But in the end, we'll all
Have everlasting peace.

This was God’ s promise
Over two thousand years ago.
And just in case
You didn't know,

To us to prove
His everlasting love,
He sent His Son
From up Above.

So, don’t you think we owe
God a debt of some sort?
To compare our lives to Eternity,
Our lives are very short.

Our devotion
To do His will,
Can never really
Pay the bill.

So say thanks
In your own best way,
And God will reward you
On Judgment Day.

A Streetcar Called Heaven

         The tickets on this car are free.... if you qualify. To qualify, what you have to do is simple: Believe in God, do as He says, praise His Holy Name, ask Him for what you want and believe it will come true for you, help your fellow man, bring His Word to the deprived and unknowing souls (wherever they may be), don't be ashamed, but rather be proud to announce your Christianity and love for God, look Satan in the eyes and say "Satan! You will never again prevail over my life. It belongs to God!", love your enemies, and remember to feed your soul the "food of Eternal Life". Now, this may seem like a lot, but it only scratches the surface. But regardless, whatever it takes, it is still such a small "price" to pay. Because what you get in return, is a truly Eternal Return on your small, humble "investment". Don't forget, God gave His only Son that we might have Eternal Life. Don't you think we should at least say "Thank you, God."?

All The Way To The Soul

         They say that beauty is only skin deep, but I say that true beauty goes all the way to the soul.

Filling The Bill

I'm sorry to hear
Of your father's fate.
It happened to him....
That's what I hate!

He must be
One heck of a man;
And I'm sure,
Of God he's a loyal fan.

One little prayer,
With his kind of will,
And I 'm sure
God will fill the bill.


         If we are expected to expect a miracle from God in order to receive a miracle from God, this only tells me one thing: our faith, regardless how strong, is but an inkling compared to the strength of God‘s faith. If we have the best of strength in our faith to receive a miracle from God, then God must be expecting a return of some kind for His faith in the idea that we will all be saved on Resurrection Day.

The Child Of The World

This child of the world
Is far different than any other.
He had a virgin
For His Mother.

And to His
Earthly Father,
He was never
A bother.

He knew
That His life
Would be filled
With unending strife.

To His end,
Came agony and pain.
So that we will be
Able to live again.

For The Love Of Life

         Why, for the love of life, do people seem to be so self-centered? People of the "earlier times" used to care about one another, because by doing so, they knew that others would care about them. What was it that triggered people to start thinking so self-centeredly? I think people misread the Bible when they read "God helps those who help themselves". They must have thought "If I concentrate on helping me more often, then I 'll get more help from God ". What they aren't able to understand is that by helping their fellow human beings, they, in the sight of God, are worthy of receiving that much more help from Him.

A Testing Ground

This world is only
A testing ground
To see if we are worthy
Of being Heaven bound.

After our
Everything we do
Brings cause to our worth.

Whether we work hard in a factory,
Or turning over the earth's sod,
We will be going nowhere without
Our faith and belief in God.

We do according
To His will,
And all of His promises
He will fulfill.

This world is only
A testing ground.
To see if we are worthy
Of being Heaven bound.

Mommies Don't Ever Die

Tell me
Of the truth.
What was it like,
Back in your youth?

Did you always dream
Of having my sister and I?
Mommy, dear mommy;
Why did you have to die?

With God looking down
From up on High,
We ask His forgiveness
For our every lie.

I know, with you
I 'd watch every word you'd say.
Was it like that, too,
Back in your day?

We have so many
Questions to ask.
Your not around,
So we gave daddy the task.

When we ask him
"Why, daddy, did mommy have to die?"
He gave us
This reply.

"Mommy didn't
Really die.
She just joined a bigger
Family up on High.

So, children,
Please don't cry.
Always remember;
Mommies don't ever die.

They just join a bigger
Family up on High."
Now I know why
Mommy had to "die".

We Must Prevail

         God promised, after His great flood over the earth, that He would not destroy the earth by another flood. What if He intends on our self-destruction being His way of destroying the earth? Or, could it be that He wants us to think He intends on this manner of destruction, only to use it as a diversion, drawing our attention that way so we can't have enough time to prepare for the real method of our demise? I 'm not that good at "reading between the lines" in the Bible, so all I can do is think of other possibilities. All I've been able to "find" in the Bible is that there will be a judgment day. But what events create the judgment day, I can not find. Only clues of the days before the judgment day. To ask the experts (pastors, priests, Monsignors, even the pope), will do no good; for they, too, like the rest of us, are only human. We are without any kind of "concrete" evidence as to how or what will be the onset to the judgment day. The only way for us to prevail, is to follow His teachings as best we can (as humans) and not worry about the days before the judgment day. We must live each day as "the day before the judgment day". Only in this way.... will we prevail.

God 's Given Love

         What ever happened to God 's given love? Seems like people get married out of fear of loneliness anymore. Oh, sure, people "think" they "love" the one to whom they are betrothing. But look at the divorce rate these days. What ever happened to taking enough time to really get to know someone; and know that you love that someone? Seems like anymore, people choose some they seem to get along with, but don't really know. People don't take enough time. Sure, times are rough and if you look at it the right way, the rough times can bond people together that much more, and create a stronger faith in each other. Instead, it seems like when times get rough, people say to heck with it (and you), and give up because things aren't the "rosy, easy street" they expected it to be, and they don't want to put forth the effort to really try and make things better for each other. It's such a shame to see it this way. Just think of how proud people could feel right now. They could be saying "Look! We made it work! And we're proud of it!". But instead, people say "It ain't worth it. I give up. I'll take the easy way out." To me, that's the lazy persons way out. And it's a real shame!

Way Back In Time

What a glorious day
Is this Christmas morn.
We give gifts,
Our King to adorn.

For it was on this day,
Way back in time,
God gave us a gift
So pure and sublime.

To show His love,
And remind us
That we all belong
With Him above.

Suffer No Strife

As life deals us
Its daily fits,
And we think how much
It's really the pits,

Let's not be
Totally blinded,
Stand reminded,

That Jesus gave
His life
That we will
"Suffer no strife".

Forgiven And Loved

I am soon from this
World to be gone,
But worry not; for
This world will continue on.

My life?
I have
Not done
Much with,

And for this
I have gained
An enormous

For this
I feel nothing....
But shame.

For God said
That we are to
Spread His Word....
I have not.

For this
I feel nothing....
But shame.

For God said
That we are to
Help our fellow man....
I have not.

For this
I feel nothing....
But shame.

I want so much
To do what is right....
But for I feel
So much shame.

I feel not pity
For myself,
So much shame.

For I have
Not done
The will
Of God.

For this
I feel nothing....
But shame.

How does
One rid
Of so much shame?

By accepting God as
Their Savior,
And accepting
God 's forgiveness.

For this....
I feel....
And Loved.

Last Resort

         Why do people use God as a last resort when all else fails? What is their reason for waiting until they get so desperate? If people were to have turned to God earlier, they wouldn't be in such a position to have no other choice. And they would be able to channel their efforts more positively toward helping those who really need help. God has never said you must wait until you are in a position of having no other choice. So weigh all the facts positively (because there are no negatives about God), and make a stand for God.

Second Chance

         Thirty days from now (or there about), we celebrate our "second chance". We don't really deserve one, but to show us how much He really loves us, He sent His one and only Son to us. We had no idea of who it was to begin with. Only a handful in the world knew who He really was. Once He was grown up and hand picked the chosen twelve, and they were trying to spread the good news, not many out of this world really paid much attention.

         Now, here it is, 2002, and only a small handful still believe it really happened, and a lot more doubt that He will ever return to prove that it really did happen. Why do people have to have proof? Why can't they just have faith and say "Okay, it happened. Now that we have faith about that, let's just go one step further and trust in Him, and have faith that He will return, and when He does return, we will go back to Heaven with Him on our Judgment Day." I'll tell you why I think people have to have proof. It's because the devil has deceived them too many times, so now, people want to have something "in writing". Well, if that's what they want, they need look no further than the Bible. That will be proof enough. Why do you think the devil tries so hard to get people to not believe what the Bible says?

         If you ask me, I say we should rejoice even more; knowing that we will have a second chance given to us, and get eagerly ready for the day of His return.

He May

The Lord
Be my

He may
Give me all that I need;
So that I shall never want
For anything.

He may
Have me to lay down in green
Pastures so that I might have
A better appreciation of those
Things He has given me that I
Have not even asked for.

He may
Lead me beside the still
Waters so that I might better
Understand the serenity His Love
Can bring as it constantly flows
Out to me.

He May
Restore my soul so that
I will be reborn and saved.

He May
Lead me down the path of
Righteousness so that I will
Better understand that He is
Doing it just for His Names sake.

He may
Be with me to act as a rod and staff
To comfort me while I walk through the
Valley of the Shadow of Death, and have me
To fear no evil.

He may
Set a table for me in the presence of
My enemies so that I might know that
Even my enemies are the same as I am....
Human.... and fallible.

He may
Anoint my head with oil and make my
Cup run over so that I might better
Understand that His Love (that runs to
Overflowing) never ends even though I can
Only comprehend just so much about His Love.

He may
Give me all the goodness and mercy I will ever
Need all the days of my life so that I might
Always be reassured and reminded that He means
What He says.

He may
Allow me to dwell
In His house forever
So that I might reap
The rewards of His Love.

But am I really
Deserving of any
Of this (as a mere
Mortal sinner)? No!

He Is Pleased

Christmas past
All red, green, and white,
With lots of carolers
Singing "Silent Night".

While snow
Gently falls,
Inside.... people gather
And sing "Deck The Halls".

Children upstairs
All snug in their beds.
Having presents and sugarplums
Dance in their heads.

Parents and friends
Wish each other good cheer;
And they all thank God
That loved ones are near.

God looks down
From upon His Throne,
And hears every prayer
Without being known.

Without any
He looks down
At His work,


God 's Caretaker

Like an earth
Level rainbow
Are the colors
Of Autumn.

Mother Nature puts
On her best coat.
She's proud of
Her many colors.

When I see her
Wearing her coat,
I think to myself
"What an amazing thing!"

More shades of brown
Than you can imagine.
So many shades of red,
That it would take a year

To count them all.
Some green sprinkled
Throughout, reminding me
That summer is still trying

To hang around. But summer
Soon gives way to join the
Autumn colors that are soon
To be blown all over the country.

I like to go for a drive
In the country on a tree
Lined, seldom used country
Road. Or, maybe go for a

Walk in an area of
Seldom walked trees.
Hearing the rustle of leaves
Being pushed out of the way

By my feet, or
Crackling under
My feet as I step
On them. Some birds are

Singing, and squirrels
Chattering saying "Look
Everybody! There is a
Human among us. Be careful!"

The cool briskness of
A slight breeze helps
To sharpen my senses as
I walk along trying to

Appreciate the many
Annual miracles of
Mother Nature. I feel
Like a very lucky person

To be alive and able to
Notice and acknowledge the
Many different wonders of
God 's Caretaker.


To see God
Is but to look
Out any window
In your house.

Anything out there
Is inspired of God.
Whether it is by an
Act of nature, or

Built by man,
God had a hand
In the creation
Of whatever you see.

God creates a miracle
Every second of every
Day when it comes to
Things of nature.

He is also responsible
For the miracle of humans
Being able to think, and
Make decisions, and

Rationalize about a
Variety of subjects.
Most of us have the
Same basic attributes

Concerning many things,
But He gave some humans
(Both male and female)
A more deeply seated

Attribute about one
Certain subject (or another)
That makes them an
Exception to the general

Populace (in a positive way).
We call these people
"Gifted", but they
Are "normal" to God.

Those not so fortunate
As those who are of
The "normal" range,
Are called "retarded",

But still God works
His miracle again,
When He gives some
Of these "retarded" humans

Extra abilities that even
"Normal" humans could not
Attain with all the lessons
And professional training possible.

These humans are born
With the ability "naturally"
Through a gift from God.
And what about

The many other
Miracles of God?
Look around and see
How many you can find.

The Ultimate Writer (E)

         This is someone who has the capability to write about anything at all. People, the world, outer space, the Universe, our Galaxy, or any place else that happens to exist. This person is also capable of telling you anything you ever wanted to know about your life or the life of anyone else that has been alive on this or any other world, in this or any other Universe.

         This person can tell you the most minute detail right down to the DNA of an atom. This same person is also capable of complete and total forgiveness. (And why not.... He gave us The Ultimate and Supreme Sacrifice of Love.)

Sacrifice Of Love

Many centuries ago,
A sad, but blessed event took place.
God showed us
Every ounce of His Loving Grace.

His Son was at
His end.
And His pain and suffering
Nothing would mend.

All those who knew Him could do
Was pray to His Father above.
And thank Him for sending the
Supreme Sacrifice of Love.

The Soul Of Life

What has the
Soul of Life
That our
Soul does not?

Why is the question
Of the Soul of Life
So mysterious and
(Seeming) almost "forbidden"?

When we are born,
So is our soul;
As is the
Soul of Life

As we grow up,
So does our soul;
As does the
Soul of Life.

As we mature,
So does our soul,
And the Soul of Life,
Or does it?

When we die,
Our soul does not.
Nor does the
Soul of Life.

The Soul of Life
Moves on to
A fresh, new
Life on which to grow.

For the
Soul of Life
Is a soul that
Never ends.

Give praise to
The Soul of Life
For giving us
His Son.

During, To, For, With, And About

         What are we going to do when it comes time for us to answer to our maker for all of the things we've done, or not done during, to, for, with, and about, our lives?

         I don't care what kind of an excuse we give Him. It will be nothing more than an excuse. That's all it will be, because there will be no justified reason for what we have or have not done . It will not be enough (short of total one hundred percent devotion to Him; giving total thanks to Him, and praising only Him).

Sacrifices Made

With sacrifices
Having to be made,
They sometimes feel
Like a double-edged blade.

Either way
We go
We just seem
To know

That in
The end
If we
Don't bend,

We'll not have
To know
The wrath of
That mighty swords blow.

The "sacrifice" of staying on the
Straight and narrow,
Will help you set your sights
As straight as an arrow.

For this you
Need not grieve.
For it can only allow you
God's blessings to receive.

         The following is a prayer that was originally made for the Omaha Police Officer's and Omaha Fire Fighter's. I thought that the same thing could apply to Security Officer's also, so I merely inserted Security Officer where Police Officer or Fire Fighter was at on the original card. That is my only "contribution" to this piece. I can not tell you who wrote this piece to begin with. Because there was no author's name attached.

A Security Officer's Prayer

Lord, give this Security Officer Courage.
Courage to face and conquer his/her own fears.
Courage to go where others will not.

Give him/her Strength.
Strength of body to protect others.
Strength of Spirit to help others.

Give him/her Dedication.
Dedication to the job, and to do it well.
Dedication to the Community, and to keep it safe.

Give him/her Lord, Concern.
Concern for others, and Compassion for those in need.
And please, Lord, through it all, be at his/her side.

The Ultimate Writer (P)

Some one who can write
About anything at all;
From outer space, to what's
Going on at the local mall.

Someone who (if necessary) can
Write about all of your life;
From the very best to
Your most personal strife.

Someone who can write in
Micro account so detailed;
And give a full account
If anyone has failed.

Someone with Compassion
And a caring way,
That gives total forgiveness
Each and every day.

Someone who had it written
That He was Above,
And then sent us the
Ultimate Sacrifice Of Love.

The Guide Of Your Life

Let your daytime
Guide be
The sunlight,

And the moon
Be your guide
At night.

But always
Let the love of God
Be the mainstay guide of your life.

Think Not Of Me

Think not of me,
But rather of thee.
For thou hast many
Pleasures yet to see.

Though they may scare thee,
Ye must go forth.... bold.
The future hath
Many things to behold.

Though I am gone
And thou may have fear,
Listen carefully
And thou shalt hear.

The words thou shalt here,
Will calm thy hearts pace,
And the look of Serenity
Will be on thy face.

For thou
Shalt know
Of God 's Loving

Higher Power

         Whether we know it or not (or believe it even if we know it), there is a higher power that is controlling our happenings in our lives. Some of us are made aware of it, and some of us choose not to accept it even when we know it to be factual.

         Those who choose to accept it carry a much lighter load (to a point) but at the same time, find that they wish to extend the knowledge and admittance of knowing about the higher power to all who will listen.

         I am a witness to this whenever I listen to Delilah. She carries a great deal of compassion and caring concern for those who call her. It isn't hard to tell when you listen closely to the tone of her voice. She has an exuberance in her voice with those less learned than herself that comes across as if to say "Oh goody! I get to help someone better understand things. This makes my day!". Not "Well, here we go again. Another dummy can't figure things out, so I have to tell them how things really are."

         In closing, it is evident that this higher power is giving us every opportunity to know that He is. With evidence like the example of Delilah, of which there have got to be more, we have no excuses to give for not doing what is right.

         Do the right thing or don't complain when the time comes to explain your actions. Complaining won't be accepted! (Nor will trying to make up excuses.)

         The following is like an "I 'll give you the clues, and you guess who I am" kind of thing.

I Am Surrounding You

         In daylight, when you look upon the ground, you see me. At night, when you are in a lighted room, I am there also, and you can see me then, too. But when you go to sleep in a totally dark room, I am there also, but you can not see me; for it is then that I swell up with care and love, and I can not help myself. I am surrounding you completely, and wrap you up within my bosom, and keep you safe all night long. Who am I?

And You Will

Let the light
Of God
Brighten your

And you will
See things
In a more
Loving way.

Let Them Live

         Every person who has been known to speak out and end up being killed for doing so, has actually come out to be the true victor. Because they have been given the gift of death which is the doorway to Heaven. So, if you really want to "get back" at someone, don't kill them. Just let them live.

Don't Get Too Attached

The only thing this world gives
You that you can take with you
When you die (and even that comes
From God) is your Soul. So, don't
Get too attached to anything, Okay?

The "Real" World

         The "real" world (the one in which we live now) is not any where close to what the real world will be like when we get to it. There will be no comparison.

         Regardless how nice, or how beautiful, or how compassionate, or how anything we make this world into, it will seem like we have been living on the barren waste land of the furtherest most remote area of these (or any other planets in all these) heavens.

         The real world will be perfect in every sense, and in every minute detail. There will be no imperfections at all anywhere. No matter where you look, you will not see anything that is not to your liking, or anyone else's liking. Two people may be looking at the same (identical) pot, and yet each will be seeing something they like (since no two people may like the same things, each person will be seeing what they like. Never will they see something they don't like. That, my friend, is what the real world is all about.

#1 and #2

         May you always be able to remember those things worth remembering. And may God and His love for you rank #1 and #2 on that list.

Make Us

Knowledge, while being learned,
Can be a lot of fun.
I hope that someday
It will help to make us as one.

We need to be taught
To the point that equality
Is all we can see.

Maybe then, we can
Look back on our past
And know the reason why
We need to make equality last.

For not knowing
How to use Equality;
Heaven, for us,
Can never become a reality

We Can’t See It, But….

         Love: A feeling that; when felt, is strong enough to touch even your soul mate, and not needing to have one single word spoken to express how you feel inside about your soul mate. A language no one has to learn to hear it. Isn’t God wonderful? He gives us something that we don’t even have to learn, because it is a part of us just like any other part of our bodies. The only difference is, we can’t see it, or touch it, but we know it’s there when we feel it in our hearts.

Fair To God

         Whenever someone close to you dies, you often think to yourself “It’s not fair!!” Well, let me say this: It’s as fair as God intends it to be. He’s the One who has control over everything including our death. And even if it isn’t fair to you, or anyone else, it’s fair to God.


         It’s nice to be able to recall the days of “yesteryear”. But when you get the fine details that go with those thoughts of the past, you find some of them rather hard to recall. You find yourself digging very deep within the muster enough strength to be able to face those things that are not so nice or pleasant.

         When those kinds of times, things, or events are finally recalled, and we analyze them for what they are (reality in its purest form), we are sometimes surprised to find that our true inner feelings about them are set more concretely than we ever realized before. Whether our feelings are negative or positive, we become more and more aware of just how strong our feelings have become.

         I like to think this was part of Gods’ way of helping us to become stronger in our faith. Faith in the fact that God did indeed allow His Son to become a human sacrifice for all our sins. Faith that Jesus did allow Himself to be sacrificed for all our sins. Faith that we will (on that judgment day) all be forgiven to our faces by God.

         But it all comes down to our having, and maintaining constant, strong feelings of believing through faith that we are forgiven (now). And showing our belief and faith by changing our ways from what, and how we live like from this point in time forward. No ifs, ands, or buts. Just simply turn 180 degrees from how we are right now. Allow it to be seen by all others (not for the sake of “Look at me! I‘m now a Godly person!” But rather as a witness for God as to say “I changed for the better. So can you.”). And, when we show it, we have to mean it at the same time. No false fronts allowed. Don’t forget! God knows it all. He can tell if you really mean it when you change your ways! And just to think about what happens when the judgment day comes should give you a feeling of peace and complete serenity for all eternity.


         Can it be one of God’s ways of getting us to be forced to working together for a (lot) better cause?

         Why does it take such a catastrophe to get people of this world to realize it’s time to start learning how to get along with one another? Something as simple as doing a little “give and take” should take very little common sense, and a little willingness to be a little less selfish than we “normally” are.

         Don’t wait for the catastrophe to hit home. There is no need for anymore suffering than there already is.

The Man of Few Possessions

         One day, a man had someone knocking at his door. When he answered the door knock, he saw what appeared to be a man of few possessions standing there. The man said that he did not want to seem rude, but he did not want the man hanging around his front door. The man of few possessions said he could understand that, and he turned to go away. The home owner said thank you, and went back inside and closed his front door. At that same instant, something told the home owner to ask the man of few possessions to wait a moment so the man could try and explain to him why he said what he said. When the home owner opened the door, the man of few possessions had already disappeared. Vanished. Was no where to be found anywhere in the neighborhood. (Seems very eerie to me.) “How could someone disappear so quickly?” the home owner thought to himself. This continued to plague the him for the next few days. He finally had to ask his pastor about the matter. He explained to the pastor what had transpired a few days earlier, and then after some short thought, the pastor reminded the home owner about the times that people had been tested in the Bible. “Could it be that you just had a visit from God?“ the pastor asked. Now, these are modern times here, folks. Why would an old test be used in this day-in-age? Maybe because people of today are so rushed and hurried that they wouldn’t even begin to think of something like that being done to anyone. Well, I think that God has all the time in eternity to do something like that. It would help us to slow down a bit and remember that this is just the type of thing that God would like to see us doing. (Helping others as we would like others to help us in our time of need.) Don’t get me wrong here. There are those out there who are willing to take the time to help others, but they are somewhat scarce by comparison to the general populous. They’re called true believers in the word of God.

A Christmas Wish For All Of You

I wish to extend
From me to you
A Merry Christmas
That won't be blue.

A wish
(Though it may not be white)
That for all of you ,
It turns out to be just right.

Because It's Christmas

We often think
This time of year
Of family gatherings
And a lot of good cheer.

We're glad to see
Our nephews and nieces.
(God only knows
How much we love them to pieces.)

On that joyous morning
We hear little feet patter,
And we are glad
We are here able to gather.

We surround ourselves
With all this love,
And before the days end,
We give thanks to God Above.

What puts us in
This sentimental mood?
The answer....
Because.... it's Christmas!

         Dear Santa,

         I only have one wish this year. I wish that my future and the future of my fellow human beings my age can, when we reach our maturity, look back and never be able to know or remember the definition of the word "War". My wish is only one of many such wishes, I know. But the only real way for such a thing to happen is for the people of today to sit down, and talk, and get to know one another on a very personal basis. I don't think that then, anyone would have any reason for killing or keeping someone as a captive. There would be no reason. Everyone would know and learn to love one another. As I see it, it would be impossible for someone to kill someone they truly, and I do mean truly and honestly love. So see what you can do about giving every other child, including me, all the love and understanding needed to erase the word "War" from our earthly vocabulary. Thank you, and.... Merry Christmas, Santa.

New Years Eve

A time for
Happiness and joy.
A time of
Remembering the past.

A time for
Hoping for the future.
The past holds the future
Whether we know it or not.

For many times we over-
Look some things that will
Effect what happens to us
In the future.

A little hindsight
Sometimes clears
Up our


         May you find throughout your life, those things worth being thankful for. Like being able to see the wonders of this world. Being able to smell the fragrances of the beautiful flowers. Having the ability to walk among those same flowers. The wondrous joy of personal feelings: sadness, joy, uncertainty, sorrow, happiness, confidence, insecurity, and so many more, I can't think of them all. These are the things for which so many people don't even stop and think. This is another one of the many wonders. Being able to think for yourself. I guess what I want to say is, don't forget to give thanks this Thanksgiving Day.

A Terrific Thanksgiving Day

To show
My appreciation,
I write you
This note.

On a prayer
To God
The following
I hope:

That you
Have wealth
Good health.

That you have nothing
You need to borrow.
And only happiness....
Never any sorrow.

Should you and your family
Have to be apart,
May they always be with you
Down deep in your heart.

May you have
No bills to pay
And have a
Terrific Thanksgiving Day.


Children are human,
Oh yes they are.
They need more love
Than you or I by far!

They have
More needs
Than most
People do.

To them, far more important
Is their need.
That's why sometimes
A child will plead.

They get what they want
And we do as they ask.
Sometimes it becomes
A pretty hard task.

There's one thing
That will always remain
As a strong
Claim to fame.

We do
We love them.

A Need For Love

         Children have many needs. Some are only wants, but they call it a need anyway. What about the child who wants love? Do you think there should ever be a time when a child should want or need to be loved? I say children should never want or need to be loved!

         Loving a child should be as natural as breathing. And like breathing, a child should never have to think about whether or not they are loved . The same way they don't have to think about making sure they take another breath. Life is hard enough on a child growing up today. Why then should a child have the added burden of finding out whether or not they are loved? They should know rather than having to search out an answer to that question. Knowing they are loved, they automatically have the self-confidence that a child who is lacking that knowledge, does not cave. So, if you want your child to be self-confident, let them know they are loved. By doing this, life may be a little easier for them to try and succeed at. So, don't forget to make your love known to them. Also, don't forget that God loves all of His children. Shouldn't you at least love yours?

Christmas Wishes (1)

         Christmas seems like a lot of fun when your a kid. "Santa" and all the wishes of the many children who sincerely believe that he will bring them on Christ
mas Eve. “Santa” has the power to see to it that all the children get what they want for Christmas, even the under-privileged kids. He doesn't always do it himself. Sometimes he gets a helping hand from his "elves."

         Getting back to the underprivileged kids, remember when you were a kid? How happy it made you feel to see that special present you wanted so-o-o badly under the tree on Christmas morning?

         Most of these underprivileged kids are lucky if they even have a Christmas meal, or even to have their family together. All some of them want is to have a mom and dad, or someone to call mom and dad. Others just want their mom and dad to stop arguing and fighting. Others would like for "Santa" to get their parents to stop beating and abusing them.

         Christmas Day is the birth date of Jesus Christ. Why not make it the birth date of a new feeling for some children who very rarely, if ever, know the happiness they deserve as children. I would like to say "Thank you, Santa", for having "elves" like you have.

Christmas Wishes (2)

         Some dreams come from a thought or idea about something. Some thoughts or ideas come from dreams we've had the night before. Either way, when your a child, sometimes these wishes and dreams may have to stay just that way. When parents are out of work, or don't have a job that pays that well, things get very tight. Some families have just enough to get by on the basics.

         For this reason, some children end up having only wishes and dreams for Christmas. Think back on when you were a child. When you asked for a certain gift for Christmas, and found that gift under the tree on Christmas morning, didn't it make you feel very happy? Put yourself in the place of a child who has never gotten a special gift they always wanted. They have feelings, too. Just once, let a child know what happiness can be like on Christmas morning.

The wishes of a few
Are the dreams of many,
For quite a few
Don't even have a penny.

It takes a wish
To make a dream....
Or is it....
A dream may have to stay as a wish.

Perceptions Of Love

         As I perceive love, it has a clearly different look to different people; but yet it looks the same. The force that drives it is not capable of being comprehended. Look at the most highly disciplined people in the world. Somewhere, deep inside them, you can find love. Even a love they have deeply covered over and not allowed to surface. But, if it does surface, it can never really be covered over again. It's not that man, or woman, is weak, but rather that love, in general, is so strong. People can be persuaded into believing that they are in control of their love, but when they finally see that love for what it really is, they have no choice but to give in to the control that love has on them, and admit that love, not only to the other person, but to themselves as well. Only then can one begin to understand the way love has of "controlling" that part of their life.

Young Love, First Love

Unknown and unexplored
Is this
Young love, First love.

Like a soft-shelled egg, so unprotected
And vulnerable it this
Young love, First love.

So tender and sensitive
Is this
Young love, First love.

So intense and gripping
Is this
Young love, First love.

So impressionistic and powerful
Is this
Young love, First love.

Young love, First love,
It's all sent from above.

Young love,
First love.

Unspoken Love

Sometimes means
A heart is broken.

Love unspoken
Sometimes means
It's only
A token

Love unspoken,
my dear,
Is sometimes a sign
Of unfounded fear.

Love unspoken....
What a sad thing.
If it were said, just think
Of the happiness it might bring.

Behind Your Eyes

When I look
Behind your eyes I see
Someone who is
A very beautiful person to me.

Someone trying to
Her complex, and
Faithful man.

She holds
In her heart
Such a strong love,

And does
What she can
To surround
Her man

With all of her
Like a form fitting

This is the
I see behind
Your eyes.

Low On Love

May you find those things in
Life that have true happiness
And love attached to them.

That way, you'll have a home filled
To overflowing with love to give
Out every time you feel a need to.

And the nice part of it all, you'll
Never have to worry about running
Low on love to give.

There You Are!

Love of
My life,
Where are
You now?

Why can't I
Find you?
Where are
You now?

Am I meant
To give up my search?
Oh, please tell me....
Where are you now?

Am I meant
To ponder in
Agony about
Where you are now?

Wait! Look!
Over there!
No! Over there!
Now over there!

(I think I 'm
Beginning to see.
Your everywhere as long as I
Continue to remember it was you and me.)

Sand Grains

         I loved her with all my heart when we were in Jr. High. And I still love her the same amount, only times 10,000,000.

         For something to relate to, take one grain of sand. That will represent my love for her in Jr. High. And today, thirty-four years later, my love for her now is represented by all the rest of the sand grains on all of the sandy beaches throughout the world.

         Never would I try to nor allow anyone else to intrude on her world or life because that might turn out to make her life miserable, and she doesn't deserve that or anything like that.

         If, to insure her happiness, it meant that I could never lay my eyes on her again, then so be it. For her happiness is a primary concern. I pray that she may continue her blissful marriage.

         I divorced for the third time in 1992, after which my thoughts turned more to her much more often than I care to admit to. When I found out that she had remarried and is ( as I was told) very happy and being treated with the love and respect she deserves, I thought to myself that I can not intrude on her now. It might cast many different shadows on her life, and that is one thing she does not need after being married for such a short period of time. I can (and will) continue to love her as I have for all these years.

Holiday For Sweethearts

The initial shock of love seems
Like every day is a holiday.
"Will anything go wrong?"
You ask yourself. "No way!" You say.

After a time,
Let's say a year,
You find yourself saying
"I love you, dear."

You still go
Back and find
You still have the
Same frame of mind.

As the years go by, and the
Feelings area still the same
And you find out (the hard way)
That life is really no game.

You look back at
All the years past,
And think of the years
Yet to come, and think "What a blast!"

You know your
Living in the
Time of
"Holiday For Sweethearts."

May your life
Be this way,
For God knows that
You deserve a Holiday.

Sunny Love

What you do
With your love,
Is bring out those feelings
Sent from above.

Your love brings
A glimmer of sunshine.
And I feel like
"It's all mine."

Your love brings
Then sunshine of life.
And supports me
Through all of my strife.

Your love brings
The sunshine of fun.
And makes me glad
That we are as one.

I'll Always Have You

I ‘ll always have you,
Or so it seems.
You'll always be there,
In my dreams.

I have no idea
Just what it means,
But there you are, once again,
Your in my dreams.

I think of you
And my heart beams.
Now here you are again,
Back in my dreams.

I picture your eyes
And how they gleam.
And now your back again,
Here in my dreams.

Your precious love
I hope to redeem,
Each time I see you
Back in my dreams.

To keep me
From being blue,
I can proudly say that
I 'll always have you.

Look real hard within my eyes,
And you'll see a certain gleam.
That means you've come back, again;
Even if only in my dreams.

Someone's Love

Someone who has loved and
Lost, will understand.
I don't care if it's
A woman or a man.

When you want to tell someone
Just how you feel,
You hope you don't do it
Looking like a square wheel.

So you
Let it go,
And don't let
Them know.

As time goes on, and you remember;
Those same feelings will never leave.
So you go on with your life,
And continue to believe;

"Some day....
Maybe some day...."
But "some day"
Never comes.

Love's Blood

         After all this time, this phrase "Love's Blood" came to mind. I started thinking and came to the conclusion that the only reference for this phrase is to those men and women who have poured their love's blood into their marriages and into raising their families. They have, from day one focused all of their energy toward one single goal; that of all the people in the world, very few (ratio wise) have been able to succeed at. One thing that has been the foundation force for them has been their love for, and belief in, one another. It seems to me (now a day) to be very unique whenever a couple celebrates an anniversary that is sometimes as high as their children's age, when their children are on the fringes of retirement.

         I feel that these people are truly unique and very special. They use love's blood.... not hates dagger.

From Me To You

As I stand
Here now
I wonder

Our never
Ending love
Will always be nurtured
From the One Above.

From me to you,
I give this ring.
'Cause to me,
You mean everything.

The Color Of Love

White as a
Is the
Color of Love.

Pure as a
New fallen snow
Is the
Color of Love.

Fresh as the
Air after a rain
Is the
Color of Love.

Innocent as a
New born baby
Is the
Color of Love.

Joyous as
Newly weds
Is the Color of Love.

In your times of doubt,
When you need a little shove,
Just think of your favorite thought
And soon you will see the Color of Love.

Old Flames

         Old flames will always burn brightly whether we know it, or want them to or not. We may depart from a “sweetheart” situation, but that doesn't mean that's the end of it. We might think it is, because we have closed that chapter of our life and gone on to another segment of our life. We might get involved in it deeply enough to “forget” about our "sweetheart situation," but sooner or later, something triggers the thoughts of a past "sweetheart." Then we renew "old " feelings. Sometimes our feelings of a past situation give us a renewed strength in the past situation that we want to renew the situation. This creates a turmoil in our present situation that can not be understood by those presently involved because they don't understand why. And the reason for not understanding why is because they have not yet been in that position and experienced the renewal and new strength. If someone had been in that position before, this dilemma would be much easier to accept. Too many times though, this is not the case. It might be helpful if people would stop and think about it.

My Ming Vase

Your heart
Is a fragile thing.
Somewhat like
A valuable Ming.

Fragile enough
To be broken
By an unkind
Word spoken.

Besides the value
Of supporting life,
When broken, it can create
A great deal of strife.

To realize it's broken,
Brings such anguish and pain,
We too often wonder "Can it be put
Back together again?"

We're reminded that
There is a God above
When along comes the
Soothing, comfort of love.

The Difference

         Love: That feeling within each of us that draws two people to one another, while not yet in wedlock.

         Lust: That feeing within each of us that draws two people to one another, while not yet in wedlock.

         What's the difference? In my Random House Thesaurus, the definition of each contains the word "passion." To me, each of us has our own personal morals. I believe that our morals are what determine the difference between love and lust. Our upbringing sets the stage for our basic morals, and life enhances our basic morals as time goes on. This enhancement comes from experiencing the two above definitions. We are, until we marry someone, basically considered to be living in lust. Once we are married to this someone, the lust becomes love.

         The difference, as I see it, is going through a ritual that has been created for and by us. To show all who witness it that we are willing to openly commit ourselves to the other person.

         What, to me, would be just as "legal," would be a private commitment to each other, and to God, that we will never betray each other and remain true and faithful to each other.

Building A Bridge

Building this bridge
Isn't done with tools.
And to work on it
Is not for fools.

It takes real dedication;
Not just "good intention."
A lot of hard work
From your body and Soul.

Not to mention every fiber of
Your very existence.
You must have a real drive
And constant persistence.

"What kind of bridge is this?"
You may want to know.
It's a very special bridge that
Makes every part of you glow.

Look from a mountain
Top high above.
And you will see a beautiful
"Bridge Of Love."

The Flower Of My Hour

Should my life, to God,
Be as only one hour,
I 'm proud to have you
As my special flower.

The flower
Of my hour.

The thins you
Do for me,
Make me so
Glad to see

That you
The flower
Of my hour.

The things
You say
The day

Make me proud
To know that
You are the flower
Of my hour.

Your smile , and the way
You move, are what
Make me feel
So happy.

Knowing you
Are the flower
Of my hour.

Caring for this
Flower is a labor
Of love and joy.

Like A Burning Candle

My love for you is
Like a burning candle.
At times it's more
Than I can handle.

In total darkness,
It's light seems so soft,
Yet gleams so bright.
So goes my love for you.

So soft, yet makes
Me feel so alive.
Ahh, the feeling my love for you give;
Such pleasure I derive.

Is all I
Want to do.

Sometimes I think my candle of love
Could brighten up even a "Black Hole."
Even from so deep
Within my Soul.

This section covers only the first one hundred pages.
#1. Quotations Of The Heart (Continued...)
ID #471910 entered on June 20, 2007 at 4:24pm

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