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by cupid
Rated: E · Book · Friendship · #1260054
two friends find love with a touch of hope and confidence
There are certain people that you know in your life that you know will always be there so don't take that for granted. Sonny and Wanda had known eachother for the longest time and Wanda declared whhen she was twelve years old that she loved him for who he was and how he treated her with love. The two of them were there when they needed eachother. Through thick and thin. All the four years of high school and college they were best friends sometimes though it was haed Sonny became popular and Wanda became someone dedicated to school. At tthat time in their lives they knew that they were different and had different friends but that didn't matter to either one of them.Ten years passed since Wanda declared that she loved Sonny. It was August 10 and also Sonny's birthday Wanda set up the biggest surprise party for his twenty-fourth birthday. When he walked in the door he wasn't there alone he had a women with him that she had never seen. Sonny was walking to Wanda with the lady by his side and first thanked her for the party and then introduced his fiance to her. Wanda was devistated inside but was not going to show ho broken her heart was. She excused her wself and went to her room and sat there for a while blaming herself for the fact that she didn't tell him sooner. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Wanda said that it was ok to come in and the person coming in was Sonny. He went to her bed and sat beside her at first he didn't see that she was crying but when he noticed he asked her what was wrong and Wanda sat there trying to tell him what was the matter but then she pulled herself together and said to forget it for him to tell her what he wanted. He started out by saying that he loved her and was so happy to see her then thanked her for the party. Sonny ened by telling Wanda that he was going to be getting married in a month and that he would be happy if she would be his maid of honor. Wanda was surprised that he asked her out of all the people he is so close to. THe end of the week came and Wanda and Sonny's fiance Sarah went to the bridal shop to find a dress for Wanda. Sarah turned out to be a pretty good persoin but there was a parrt of Wanda that wished it was her that was marrying Sonny. Wanda told Sarah that she was going to leave the night of the wedding to do a new job that was offered to her as a promotion. Then while Wanda was trying on a dress her cell phone began to ring and when she hung up Sarah could sense that something wasn't right when she asked if everything was alright Wanda said no and told Sarah that she couldn't be in the wedding because she had to leave the same night. Wanda went to Sonny's job after trying on the dress with Sarah and Sarah waited in the car. When Wanda was right in front of the door she turned around but put herself together and went inside. She found Sonny at the front desk and went to him. He greeted her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then when she looked at him she told him she wasn't able to attend the wedding due to her job and he was very upset and said that it was ok he understood that he just wanted his best friend there beside him. The day came and Wanda was getting the rest of her things ready to head out. Wanda grabbed the letter she had written the night before telling Sonny how she felt about him. Sonny couldn't take her to the airport so Sarah did him the favor and promised that she'd accompany her to the airport. When the two of them were at the airport Wanda gave Sarah the letter and asked her to give it to him. Sarah was in her car and read the letter. Everyone was at the Sonny's place getting ready and Sonny had remembered that he left the tie for his tux in the car. While in the car he found the letter Wanda wrote and read it. Sonny was furious that Sarah didn't tell him that there was a letter. Sonny called offthe wedding and went to his car racing through the high and finally arrived at the airport. Wanda was just about to go in and Sonny called her name. Wanda turned around surprised to see him when he finally got to her he kissed her and told her he loved her too. She was so happy he was there and kissed him back. They began to just make out in front of everyone all the people there began clapping. Wanda still wasn't sure what to do about her job. But after all the years that she loved him she stayed. A few weeks later Sonny asked for Wanda's hand in marriage and they ended up getting married . On the honeymoon she told him something she wished for a long time. That things would end like in a fairytale story. Still to this day they're still together and have a son.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1260054-my-dream-came-true