Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1617349-Sullivans-Chance
Rated: 13+ · Book · Teen · #1617349
A teenage girl from a troubled home ends up pregnant. Will she keep the baby or not?
Chapter 1

Rowan pushed her long dark brown hair behind her ear to keep it from falling into her face. She heaved her heavy book bag onto her shoulder and stood to leave. It was finally seven forty-five so the high school doors would be unlocked. Rowan always got to school early because she was always in a rush to get away from home. Home life for Rowan Cassidy was a constant nightmare. Her mother worked two jobs to make ends meet, while her father sat at home in front of the television drinking his life away.  The only bright spot in Rowans life was her older brother Patrick. He left home the second he graduated high school at the age of eighteen. That had been three years ago, but for Rowan, it felt like an eternity. Patrick was the glue that had held the Cassidy family together. Since their mother worked two jobs, one during the day and another for several hours during the night, Patrick had inherited her responsibilities.  He learned to cook, clean, do laundry and take care of his kid sister.  He also learned how to avoid their father’s alcoholic rages. Now that Patrick was gone, Rowan was left to fend for herself. Patrick had begged Rowan to leave with him. He had assured her that he would get a job and be able to take care of the both of them. But Rowan had only been eleven and refused to leave their mother alone with their father.  Rowan knew it was okay to leave the safety of her room whenever her mother was at home, but as soon as she left for work, Rowan would enclose herself in her small room until morning. Avoiding her father had become Rowan’s life story.  She loved her mother dearly, and didn’t blame her for staying with her father.  Mrs. Cassidy had explained time and again after another one of Mr. Cassidy’s drunkan rages how much she loved him, and what an amazing man he used to be.  Rowan couldn’t remember a time before he drank, but Patrick could. Patrick used to tell her stories about life before their father had lost his job. It always sounded like a fairytale to Rowan. She simply could not imagine her father out in the front yard throwing a football with Patrick. She couldn’t imagine him sitting at the kitchen table as they ate family dinner. Rowan couldn’t imagine a time when her mother stayed home and her father rushed off to work every day. It was another life, a sweet dream to be sure.

         Rowan was jarred from her thoughts by an ear-piercing scream. She hurried around the corner of the school building and came to an abrupt stop. In a secluded corner of the parking lot was a small group of boys. Rowan could hear their raised voices from her position several yards away. Three of the boys were older, at least Sophmores, and were pushing around a smaller blond haired boy. Rowan didn’t recognize the smaller boy, but she was pretty sure he was younger than her. She watched in shock as one of the older boys yanked the smaller ones bag from his back and proceed to empty the contents all over the ground. There seemed to be no reason nor rhyme to their hatefulness. Rowan hated bullies. She had witnessed far to often the pointless abuse of her brother and mother by her father.  Rowan felt her face heat up as her tempered flared.  She hefted her bag firmly onto her shoulder as she made her way to the group of boys. One of the bigger boys had just shoved the smaller one to the grown when Rowan pushed her way through the group. “What do you boys think you’re doing?,” she demanded.

Rowan looked up into the astonished faces of the bullies and down into the tearful one of their victim. She reached down and picked up the small boys backpack and handed it back to him. He took it hesitantly while looking nervously around at the bigger boys. Finally one of the older boys spoke up, “Well, well, well. Who is this, shrimp? Is this your little girlfriend?”

He laughed to himself as he slapped the back of the smaller boys head. Rowan saw red. “Leave him ALONE!,” she yelled into the bigger boys face.

He leered down at her. “Or what?,” he asked with a laugh. “What are you gonna do about it?”

Rowan marched over to the boy and kicked him as hard as she could in the shin. His eyes grew big and yelped in pain. He reached down and grabbed hold of his injured leg.  The other boys with him laughed as he pulled up his jeans to see the damage.  “SHUT UP!,” he snapped at them, “DO SOMETHING!”

The other two boys immediately stopped laughing. Finally one of them grabbed Rowan by the upper arm and jerked her towards him. Rowan gasped at the pain his firm grip caused her. “Maybe you have something we need too,” he sneered.

He yanked her bag from her shoulder then roughly pushed her to the ground. Rowan glared up at him while he proceeded to dump her things all over the parking lot. She got slowly to her feet. “That is IT!,” she screamed.

Rowan hunched over and charged at the boy holding her bag. She plowed into him sending them both slamming into the pavement. Rowan gasped as she was forcefully jerked off the ground by the boy she had kicked earlier. He held her by the arms while he leaned down into her angry face. “You are one crazy little girl, you know that?,” he asked her.

“You are about to pay for messing with us!” 

Rowan saw him pull his fisted hand back so she closed her eyes prepared for the impact and the pain. She had been hit before and by someone much larger than this kid, she knew she could handle it. “Leave her alone!,” came a shaky voice from behind her.

Rowan’s eyes snapped open. “Don’t worry about me.” she told the smaller boy. “Just go get help!”

The older boy holding her by the arm laughed down into her face. “He ain’t that stupid,” he said smugly.

Suddenly Rowan heard a deeper voice in the distance. “What’s going on guys?,” it asked.

The older boy holding Rowan instantly released her. Rowan stumbled back as the owner of the deep voice pushed through the group. It was Levi Marshall, the star quarterback for their schools football team. He had a look of confusion on his handsome face that immediately turned to anger when he spotted the smaller boy cowering behind Rowan.  “Davey?,” he asked in obvious shock.

Davey stepped slowly from behind Rowan with his head down. He was nervously twisting the strap of his backpack with his hands as he approached Levi. The three older boys glanced anxiously at each other as they watched Levi kneel down in front of the boy they had been bullying. “What’sgoing on man?”

Davey looked around him at the older boys and back at Rowan who stood in apparent shock watching him. 

“It’s nothing,” Davey answered quietly.

Rowan was not about to let these guys get away with what they had done to Davey.

“It was a little more than nothing”, she said as she approached Levi. He stood and glanced down at the little brunette. Levi had seen her before but he wasn’t sure where. He racked his brain as he tried to pin-point why she looked so familiar. She pushed her long hair behind her back as she faced him. 

“These three idiots were bullying Davey,” she said as she pointed a slim finger at them.

Levi’s dark blue eyes narrowed as he took in the older boys. “What?,” he asked softly.

The three Sophmores took a hesitant step back as they watched Levi. “Don’t take another step,” he said in the same soft voice.

Though he wasn’t yelling, it was obvious he was livid.  The three boys stopped moving and stood stock still awaiting their fate.  Everyone knew who Levi Marshall was. Not only was he the star quarterback, the most popular guy in school, and the best looking, he was also well known for his ability to fight.  He stood head and shoulders taller than the other boys, and had already filled out to the size of some of the male teachers at their school.  These bullies had plenty of reason to be afraid.  “Do you have any idea who you were messing with?,” Levi asked the three thugs.

They shook their heads but reminded silent. “This is Davey Marshall…my kid brother.” 

Rowan gasped. She had no idea that Levi had a younger brother.  She glanced down at Davey who still had his head bowed as if in embarrasement.  He had blond hair like Levi, but that was where the similarities ended.  Levi was very tall and well muscled.  Davey was short, even for a middle schooler, and scrawny.  Levi had large, dark blue eyes a square jaw and dimples when he smiled.  Davey’s eyes were brown and his hallow cheeks bore no dimples.  The three sophomores started to fidgit nervously.  The leader finally spoke up, “Look, Marshall, we had no idea he was your brother.”

Levi grabbed the older boy by the back of his neck and jerked him forwards.  “I don’t care”, Levi said through his teeth. “I don’t like to see anyone being pushed around by idiots like you.  Do I make myself clear?”

The older boy nodded his head and Levi shoved him backwards.  He looked down at Davey and asked, “You want me to take care of these guys for you?”

The three boys gasped as they caught Levi’s meaning.  Davey looked around at the bullies’ terrified faces, then back at Rowan who was still watching them.  She smiled at Davey, seeming to know his answer even before he did. “Nah, don’t worry about it Levi,” Davey said with a crooked smile. “Besides, she took care of two of ‘em before you got here.” 

Davey motioned to Rowan and grinned when she winked at him.  Levi cocked an eyebrow at the little brunette. “Really?,” he asked in surprise.

Rowan nodded at him. “Well, all I did was kick one of them and then knock down another”, she said shyly.

Levi looked back at the three bullies, taking in their sizes.  These were not small boys and it was obvious they were all older than the brunette.  Most girls that Levi knew were to worried about messing up their hair or clothes to bother with helping a kid being bullied.  Levi stuck his hand out at Rowan, “Thanks for your help…uh…what’s you’re name?”

Rowan laughed as she shook his outstretched hand. “Rowan Cassidy at your service,” she said with a grin.

Levi smiled back, “Cassidy huh? Like Butch Cassidy…makes sense then.”

Rowan narrowed her eyes at Levi. “What makes sense?”, she asked with a confused frown.

“Butch Cassidy could kick some butt too,” he said with a wink.

Rowan burst out laughing.  Levi looked back at the three bullies.  “You guys can go now…I plan to make sure the whole school knows how you were taken down by a little girl,” Levi said with a laugh.

The three sophomores walked off mumbling under their breath.  Davey walked slowly up to Rowan. “Thanks for your help,” he said shyly. “I’m sorry they pushed you around too.”

Levi glanced sharply at Rowan. “Are you hurt?”, he asked in concern. 

Rowan shook her head, “Oh no, I’m fine!”

Davey bent down and started picking up Rowan’s things from the parking lot.  “They dumped her stuff out and knocked her down too,” Davey said as he handed Rowan back her things.

“Maybe I should have taken care of them after all,” Levi said with a growl.

Rowan rolled her eyes at Levi. “I can take care of myself”, she said proudly.

Levi laughed, “I guess you can, Butch.”

Rowan narrowed her eyes at him. “The names Rowan, not Butch”, she said.

Levi laughed at her serious expression.  “But Butch is a better fit for a tough little girl like you,” he teased.  Rowan jumped when she heard the tardy bell ring. “Crap, I’m late!”, she said in frustration.

Levi took Rowans book bag from her shoulder, “Here, let me carry this for you. It’s the least I can do after how you helped out my brother.”

Rowan looked nervously around her then back up at Levi. “It’s okay Levi”, she said, “You don’t owe me anything. I would have done that for anybody.”

Levi pulled the bag away as Rowan tried to take it back. “I know, I know, but it would make me feel better. Besides, Davey wants me too.”

Levi ruffled Davey’s shaggy blond hair.  Davey smiled up at Rowan and Levi, “Yeah, Rowan, let Levi be your personal slave for the day!”  Levi laughed.

“You better get to class buddy,” he said as Davey slung his backpack onto his thin shoulders.

“On my way”, Davey said. “And thanks again Rowan.” 

Rowan smiled at Davey as he made his way across the parking lot to the middle school building.  “He seems like a sweet heart”, Rowan said as she watched him walk away.

  Levi smiled, “He’s the best kid brother I know. We better head inside before we get in trouble though.”

Rowan nodded her head as she turned to follow Levi into the high school.  Rowan was a Freshman and very aware at what being seen with Levi Marshall would do to her reputation.  The problem was that Rowan didn’t want to elevate her social status. She was fine with simply blending in to the background.  Rowan cringed as they entered the school.  Immediately people stopped and stared at the two of them walking together.  Rowan tried to slow her pace down, hoping Levi would keep walking and simply forget about her.  Her plan didn’t work.  Levi glanced around him then spun around to see where Rowan had dissapreared too. “Are you coming?”, he asked in confusion.

  Rowan glanced around her and saw other people talking in hushed whispers as they watched them in awe.  Great, she thought, now I have been seen talking to Levi Marshall! “I can take my bag from here”, she said in a rush as she reached behind Levi for her bag.

He chuckled and pulled away from her. “Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”, he asked in surprise.

Rowan shook her head. “No, not at all. I just need to get to class and the Freshman hall is in the opposite direction as the Junior hall.”

Levi narrowed his eyes Rowan. “You’re a Freshman?”

Rowan cringed when another group of girls passed them in the hallway.  They immediately began whispering and giggling as they walked into the girls restroom. Rowan turned back to Levi. “Yes, how old did you think I was?”, she asked in exasperation. 

Levi was stunned. He had never irritated a girl the way he was obviously irritating Rowan.  And he could not believe she was only a Freshman.  He looked down into her frustrated face and smiled.  She was really cute.  She had hazel eyes that were more green than brown.  Her face was heart shaped, her nose was small and her lips were full.  Her dark brown hair hung all the way to her narrow waist.  She was very petite, her head only coming to Levi’s chest.  “I don’t know”, Levi answered, “Older I guess.”

Rowan rolled her eyes at him. “Well, I’m younger”, she said as she reached for her bag again.  “And now I’m really late for class, do you mind handing over my bag now?”

Levi laughed and spun around to evade Rowan’s grasp.  “Only if you can catch me”, he said as he started jogging backwards down the hallway.  Rowan threw her hands up in frustration. “Are you kidding me?”, she asked.

Levi stopped and chuckled to himself. “Am I making you mad?”

Rowan turned around as if to walk away.  When she heard Levi start walking towards her, she immediately spun around and sprinted down the hallway.  Levi was not prepared for her attack.  He started to turn and run, but Rowan grabbed her bag before he could.  “Caught you!”, she said proudly.

  Levi ruffled her hair and laughed. “I guess you did Butch!  Sneeky little thing aren’t you?” 

Rowan pushed his hand away from her head and started smoothing her hair back into place.  “It’s Rowan, remember. And I have a big brother, so I’ve had to be sneaky before.”

  Levi handed her book bag back to her.  “You’ll always be Butch to me”, he said with a wink as he turned to go.  Rowan stood watching him in shock.  I would never have pegged Levi Marshal to be so goofy, she thought to herself.


         Rowan spent the rest of the day explaining her reason for being seen with Levi.  Even people who had never before acknowledged her existence were vying for her attention.  This was what Rowan had feared and dreaded. Her life was way to complicated and messy to be put in the limelight.  She had to many skeletons in her closet.  Rowan was perfectly content with her looser status on the social food chain.  She had friends, but she also had her coveted privacy.  Rowan was relieved when the last bell rang at the end of the day.  She gathered her things and quickly made her way to her locker.  She jumped when a deep voice came from behind her.  “Hey Butch!”

Rowan rolled her eyes and slowly turned around. 

“Did I scare ya?”, Levi asked while grinning ear to ear.  Rowan looked around her to make sure no one was watching them. “If you weren’t so loud, you wouldn’t have scared me!”, Rowan snapped. 

Levi laughed. “I really drive you nuts huh?”, he asked.  Rowan felt bad for her crummy attitude. It wasn’t Levi’s fault that she had been stuck talking to nosy snobs all day. “I’m sorry, Levi. You don’t drive me nuts. I just had a bad day is all.” 

Levi frowned down at her. “Did those guys mess with you again?” 

Rowan quickly shook her head. “No, it was nothing like that”, she assured him. “Just one of those days.”

Levi nodded in understanding. “I’ve had days like that myself.  So are you heading home now?” 

Rowan nodded up at him. “Yep, I’ve got a load of homework to do.”

Levi bent down and picked up his backpack. “Me too.  I guess I’ll see ya tomorrow then.”

Rowan smiled at Levi. “Yep, see ya tomorrow.”  She closed her locker as Levi turned to go.  So much for him only acknowledging her for one day.  It looked like he planned to befriend her.  Great, Rowan thought to herself, better get ready for a long week then.

         Rowan was less than a mile from home when a car horn sounded behind her.  She was used to the occasional horns and whistles as she walked the two miles each day to and from school.  She had learned that it was best to simply ignore them.  The horn sounded again and Rowan picked up her pace.  She cringed when she heard the car pull up beside her and slow down.  “Hey Butch!”

Rowan stopped and spun around at the now familiar nickname. It was Levi and Davey in an old Ford truck.  “Want a ride?”, Levi asked with a grin.

Rowan shook her head. “No thanks, I don’t have much farther to go.”

Levi rolled his dark blue eyes at her as he pulled to a stop on the shoulder of the road.  Davey opened the passenger side door and jumped out of the cab of the truck.  “You might as well get in”, he said while motioning to the truck. “Levi’s not gonna let you walk.”

Rowan laughed when Levi started honking the horn over and over again. “Okay, okay, I’m coming!”, she yelled.

Davey let Rowan slide in first then he climbed in after her and slammed the door.  Rowan tried to keep from brushing against Levi as they started down the road.  He was just so big, and the cab of the truck was just so small.  Davey was oblivious to her discomfort as he sprawled out in his seat.  “Where to Butch?,” Levi asked.  Rowan pointed to a gravel road up ahead.

“You can just drop me off there.”

Levi shook his head. “I don’t think so.  Do you live down that road?” 

Rowan nodded. “Yeah, but it’s really not necessary to drive me all the way home.” 

Levi laughed. “Are you afraid of what you’re parents will say if they see me dropping you off?”

Rowan shrugged her shoulder. “Maybe,” she said defensively. 

Levi laughed again. “It’s okay. Most parents love me!”  Rowan rolled her eyes at Levi’s over inflated ego.  What she really feared was Levi seeing where she lived. Her parents owned a couple of acres of land, but couldn’t afford to keep the place up.  They lived in a single-wide trailer that had seen better days.  There were cars on blocks in the front yard and chickens running wild everywhere.  The front porch was sagging and some of the windows were boarded up with cardboard and duct tape.  Rowan refused to let Levi see where she lived.  Levi turned onto the gravel road. “Okay, where to?”, he asked.

Rowan pointed to another turn a mile down the road. “Turn left there, and it’s the third house on the right.”

Levi made the turn and stopped in front of a large white, ranch style house. “Nice place”, he said as he put the truck in park.

Levi opened his door and climbed out of the truck. He stuck his had out to Rowan to offer her a hand down.  She tentatively took it and was surprised at how rough it was.  For some reason she pictured Levi with soft hands.  Sure she knew he played football, but throwing a ball didn’t make your hands rough did it?  Rowan glanced back at Davey and said, “It was nice meeting you today, even under the circumstances.”

Davey smiled and waved shyly at Rowan.  She heaved her bag onto her shoulder, pushed her hair behind her ear, and glanced up at Levi. “Thanks for the ride”, she said unsure as to what to do next. 

“No problem.  Do you walk every day?” 

Rowan nodded. “Yeah, but I enjoy it”, she assured him already aware of where this conversation was going.  There was no way she was going to let Levi drive her home from school every day.  He would eventually figure out that she did not live in this beautiful white house. And he would want to know why. That was more information than Rowan was willing to reveal.  Levi narrowed his blue eyes at her. “Expect to see me here at seven thirty in the morning okay?”, he asked as he turned to climb back into the truck.

  Rowan started to panic. “NO! I mean…that’s okay Levi. I appreciate the offer, but I really don’t mind walking. It helps me to stay in shape and clears my head.” 

Levi looked Rowan slowly up and down. “If you get any more ‘in shape’, you’ll shrivel up and fly away.”

Rowan blushed.  She knew she wasn’t as tall and shapely as the other girls her age, but she wasn’t a waif either.  Levi laughed. “I mean that in a good way. And I’ll see ya here tomorrow.”

He didn’t give Rowan a chance to respond. He slammed the truck door, waved at her, and sped away.  Rowan watched until he made the turn to head back to the main highway.  How had she managed to get herself into this, she wondered?  All she had wanted to do was stop a little kid from being beat up, and she ends up with the most popular guy in school driving her home.  While most girls her age would kill for the chance to have any attention from Levi Marshall, Rowan dreaded it.  She knew she should discourage him at all costs, but the problem was, she really liked him. And not just because he was Levi Marshall, the school hunk.  He reminded her a lot of her brother Patrick, a younger, better looking Patrick.  Rowan smiled to herself as she thought about the ride to school tomorrow. Just face it, she told herself, you want to see him again regardless of the risk. Rowan hefted her bag onto her shoulder and began to make her way back down the road to her real house.

#2. Sullivan's Chance- Chapter 3
ID #675785 entered on November 11, 2009 at 4:15pm
#1. Sulivan's Chance- Chapter 2
ID #675782 entered on November 11, 2009 at 4:02pm

© Copyright 2009 A. M. Browning (UN: aprilmarie1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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