Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2159730-The-Love-of-a-Murderer
Rated: ASR · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Mystery · #2159730
Government official and a murderer. The only trick is, he murdered someone for her love.
"But you said you didn't see your wife at all that day," I stated, laying my hands on the table. I loomed over them trembling man in the seat in front of me. My red hair falling on my shoulders with ease.
"I..I...I didn't." He stuttered. Trembling in his boots, his eyes darting away from mine.
"Tsk, Tsk. Don't lie. Lying gets you nowhere." I said, my hazel green eyes glaring at him. I pressed on. Asking more and more questions about the women's murder, before he finally cracked like a dry biscuit in my hands.
"Fine! I did see her! I saw it happen. I wasn't the killer though...I don't know who killed her. " he rambled
"Tell me what you saw, for her sake!" I yelled sharply, taken aback by my outburst, he said " She was talking to someone, dressed in black. Then all of a sudden, Bam! The person in black shot her. Shot my wife!" He said, starting to weep.
"Alright, I'm done here," I said, leaving the room, my black heels clacking, my hair swaying behind me.
"Nice work agent, you always know how to open up a person." Director of Crime, Damien Black told me.
"Well Damien, It's pretty easy for me to make men crumble to my will," I smirked, striding away. This comment was directed at the fact that he constantly flirts with me and tries to ask me out. Poor Damien, a man of high power, trying to swoon someone like me. When I started here, he had hired me as his bodyguard. Then one night, he was a little too tipsy for my liking and well, he started trying to touch me everywhere. I told him to stop, then I said I was his protector, he told me I was more of a distraction. Then I was promoted to a job I'm quite good at. To open up people before people like Damien and other agents go in to take notes on the crime. I get paid a pretty good amount I guess. But let me tell you about this one time, the time where my tricks didn't work. Someone who had other intentions, intentions so odd, so unthinkable. A man who was so determined, by the name of Leonardo. He and I were alone in the room, just him and I to talk. A room with no windows, no cameras, the room I called my office. I asked him a simple question.
"Why did you kill him?" and you know what he answered? He said, " For you.". I was completely shocked. Why would someone kill someone for me? I didn't ask for that.
"I know you. You are very unique and special women. I know your job. You are busy around the clock. The only way I could talk to you was to be convicted. The only way we could be together forever is if I committed a murder," He said. I was silent. I observed him. His black hair, brown eyes, dimpled cheeks and toned body. Now, this was certain. He was a handsome man. But why kill someone. This man had to be insane. His eyes twinkled with lust as he looked at me.
"Now my love. I have a proposition for you," he said.
What might that be?" I questioned,
"Well you see, I can't let you disappoint your boss. Tsk Tsk, that would be bad, because then you would be fired. So I came up with a plan. You see my murder plan was quite complicated. So every day, at the end of the hour, you spend with me, I will give you one small little detail. This way I can see you every day, and that dear boss of your won't be disappointed in his special little lady." He said, smirking at me in a strange manner. I stared at him, shocked. How was this even possible. How was this even real. I couldn't believe it. But you know what I said...I said, "Yes, that sounds reasonable enough.". Why I did this to myself I don't know. But what I do know, is every day I saw him. I talked to him. I fell in love with him. The mysterious man who killed a man to find me. To get close to me. A man so smart not even I could pierce the surface. Till one day, Damien started to notice. I didn't know it.

Till I went to work early one morning, and I asked to have my meeting in the room with him. For him to come to my office. The answer was, "Sorry Miss, he has been deployed to a higher security prison. Since he won't give us enough details or something...You can take it up with Damien. It was on his orders." The anger then started to boil up inside of me, coursing through my veins. My lover was cast away by my jealous boss. You know what I did. I killed him. I killed Damien Black. I killed him and was sent to prison. The same prison as my lover. But you know, even if I had to live the rest of my life in prison. In shame of killing a man, I got to be with my dear one. With my one and only love. I was willing to pay that heavy price, for he did it for me. He wouldn't be here either if not for me. So I owed him, to be here with him. To stay with him till our dying day.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2159730-The-Love-of-a-Murderer