Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2326150-Monster-Mafia
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #2326150
Werewolves, Vampires and Humans battle for control of the criminal underworld.
This story is set in the same universe as my Wolfe Family Farm interactive. This time, we're going from the country to the big city. With vampires, werewolves and humans each having their own organized crime syndicate. Humans are typically seen as nothing more than animals, food for the wolves and vamps. So, those who manage to escape captivity typically end up joining the human Mafia, if nothing else out of necessity for survival.

Of course, the three gangs don't think very highly of each other, and are often at odds. Whether it's in the streets or in the rackets, they're always on the brink of an all out war. To any contributors of this story, feel free to take inspiration from classic Mafia works such as The Godfather, Goodfellas, or even the Mafia video game series.

As always, lets see where this goes and have fun with it!
It was a grey and dreary afternoon. Rain fell from the clouds over the cemetery onto a crowd of black umbrellas as two coffins were lowered into the ground.The funeral in question was for Don Batrello and his oldest son. The Don had been the head of the Vampire crime syndicate for decades, and was preparing to retire as he taught his son to fill his position. But that was all cut short by a bomb placed beneath the Don's car, set to explode as soon as the ignition was activated.

The don and his son were so badly burned and mutilated from the explosion, they had to close the caskets for the viewing. As the service came to a close, the mourners talked amongst themselves, mostly regarding the future of the family business. Now that Don Batrello and his oldest son were gone, his youngest son, Victor, was poised to take over. Nobody dared say it out loud, but several of the family members suspected that Victor had a hand in his father's and brother's demise. Of course, they couldn't prove it.

After the funeral, Victor took his seat in his father's chair. Despite his relatively young age, he had big plans for his newly inherited empire...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, preparations were underway for a grand wedding to be held the next morning at the estate of Al Lupe, head of the Lupe Crime family. He had made his fortune in various rackets over the years, and had many of the city's police and politicians on his payroll. It was his Son who was getting married, to one Hanna Wolfe, a country girl. Al didn't really care too much who his son chose to marry, as long as he and his bride were happy. And they didn't go poking their noses into the family's private business.

As far as Hanna or her family knew, Al was a legitimate businessman. And he would make sure it stayed that way...

On the south side of town, a young human male in a fancy suit, coat and fedora calmly walked down the street and into a blood bank. In a neighborhood like this, made up of mostly wolves and vamps, he made for a rather odd sight. "Can I help you?" The receptionist asked, eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm here on behalf of my master, Mr. Fang." Said the young man, showing her the numbers tattooed on his arm. "He sent me for a word with the manager of this establishment."

"I didn't know Mr. Fang kept humans as messengers." The receptionist said."Let's just say I'm something of an indentured servant." The young man, whose name was Richard Parker, was actually on an initiation from the local human Mafia. He had escaped captivity about a month ago, and fell in with the local crime syndicate in order to survive.

"Mr. Ludwick? You have a visitor." The receptionist said into the intercom. "Send him in."

Making his way to the manager's office, Richard opened the door and saw his target: A rather portly vampire sitting behind a polished wood desk. "What the?! Who the hell are-" But the manager was cut off as Richard put a silver bullet clean through his forehead, splattering blood on the wall behind him. He stashed the gun back inside his coat, and walked outside. He'd used a silencer, so nobody else in the bank even heard the shot. The job was finished. The Don would be most pleased when he informed him of his success...
Rex Fafnir put a strip of deer jerky into his mouth, and chewed it, as he looked the restrained, and beaten, werewolf up and down. The Garlic and Silver agent had to chuckle.

"Police in four states have been after this mutt, and a Feral catches him trying to steal from one of their hidden gardens," the agent said.

"It was a little more than that," said a heavily tattooed human. "He didn't like it when I asked him to leave, even when I offered him some deer meat, if food was what he needed."

Rex chuckled. "You offered him deer meat, and he wanted something else."

The tattooed human nodded. "He wanted me instead, or in addition."

"Guess he didn't realize that he wasn't dealing with a pet, or a slave, or livestock," said Rex.

"Or one of those Free Domesticated ones," the feral said.

Rex looked back at the prisoner. "Chuck Lobo, do you know who you are in the presence of?"

The prisoner licked a gap in his mouth, where some teeth were missing. "No."

"Tobias Wrangler, son of two of the most Dangerous Ferals known to be alive in the case of Bella, or, in the case of John, dead," said Fafnir. "You're lucky it's just teeth you've lost. A hundred plus lost their lives to his folks, that we know of."

The Feral pulled out some bloody teeth from his pocket. "These will be nice to add to my necklace," he said, as he twisted some wire around them, before adding them to a string, which had more teeth.

Rex chuckled. "Well, best to haul this trash away. Those state boys don't like coming into these woods for some reason."

"Can imagine why," said Tobias.

Rex untied the prisoner, only to cuff him properly. "Let's go."

An hour later, Rex Fafnir was in the Ferals' camp, one of the few werewolves trusted by the group to do so, even though the place was located in a park, where hunting wasn't allowed.

"I'm surprised that the Wolfes aren't here to meet me, so that I can give them the Official reward for catching that mutt," he said, accepting a roasted leg of deer.

"Hanna's wedding to her second husband," said Bella.

"Oh, must of missed that announcement," said Rex. "I know her first died in a wreck a few years back. He was good."

"Good enough," said Tobias, as he sat down next to his mother. "So, what did this person do?"

"Broke into a dozen homes, committed robbery, murder, destruction of owned humans, and that's just the provable stuff," said Rex.

Tobias turned his head away, and spat. "Guess he messed with the wrong human."

Rex chuckled. "That he did. So, who is Hanna getting married to?"

"Richard Lupe, son of Alphonso Lupe," said Bella. "The son seems alright, but the father..... there's something about him that rubs me wrong."

A grimace came to Rex. "You're not wrong there. Agency has been investigating him. Keep an eye out, if he comes here."

Tobias nodded. "We will."

Rex chuckled. "You remind me of your father. John wasn't one to be messed with. Shame he died the way he did - stuck on a farm, trying to defend the livestock herd from rustlers after the Wolfes had been drugged, with him being killed, and the herd taken to be sold on the black market as meat. Still, you got to respect the Wolfes for how they honored him - turning their property into one big nature preserve, and allowing Ferals, especially the Wrangler herd, safe haven when they are in it." He looked at Bella.

Bella nodded. They knew the truth. John had managed to get the Wrangler Family Farm herd to escape after teaching them plenty of survival skills. Cancer was the reason he'd stayed behind - he'd traded his life for the herd. He'd even set up one of his enemies to take the fall - Marcus Fang, whom Robert Wolf had killed in Self-Defense.

Garlic and Silver had investigated the Fangs as a result - plenty had been tossed in jail, or heavily fined. But, there was still some troublemakers out there.

Rex finished his meal. "Well, best get going. Got a report to fill out."

"See you if there's trouble," said Bella.

Rex tipped his hat, and walked away.
"Caviar?" Al asked, offering it to Hanna's parents, Robert and Julia.

"I'm on a diet," Robert said. "I've been told to lay off butter-laden foods."

"There's no butter in caviar," Al insisted.

"I'm sure Hanna will enjoy your son's love," Julia said.

Al rose up from his chair, but his portly body which rivaled Robert's got stuck.

"Let us help you," said Julia.

Both she and her husband worked hard to get Al's body out of his chair. It took them a crowbar to pry him out. Afterward, he and Robert shook hands.
Before the ceremony, Al stepped into his private office, where another werewolf was waiting. "Romulus. You wanted to discuss a private matter?" The wolf named Romulus nodded. "Yes, Mr. Lupe. I know you're very busy and today is a big day, but I need to ask a favor of you." Al smiled "Romulus, we've known each other for many years. There's no need to be so formal. Now, what is it you wish to ask?"

"Well, you see...it's my daughter. I fear she's fallen in with the wrong crowd. Namely, she's been dating a vampire lately. I figured she was old enough to make her own choices, so I didn't protest. But last week, he and his friends tried to..." He cut himself off, holding back a sob. Al remained calm on the outside, but inside, his anger was beginning to boil.

Clara was like a daughter to Al, and anyone who dared hurt her in any way, was just begging to be taught a very painful lesson. "I understand, Romulus." Al said, placing a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder and offering him a drink, which he accepted gratefully. "Tell me the punk's names, and I will ensure they think twice before so much as looking in Clara's direction ever again."

Romulus' downed his drink and hugged Al in gratitude. "Thank you, my friend. His name is Malcolm. Malcolm Fang. I don't know his friend's names, but he's bound to be with them."

Al nodded. "Don't worry, Romulus. I'll get my best men on it." Immediately after Romulus left the room, Al made a phone call to his second in command. "Tell the Klaw brothers I have a job for them."
('ll be referencing some things I've written.)

"Now, why would you send a couple of thugs to beat up a young vampire, whose family has come on hard times in recent years?" a voice asked.

Al looked up, only to find Robert boldly entering the office, a cane with a dense knob held easily in his hand, clearly more for show than practical use. "I don't know what you heard, but I think you got the wrong idea."

Robert chuckled. "If you think that me and my family are just a bunch of dumb country bumpkins, think again." He picked up the bottle, and looked at it. "Ah, I like this blood-wine - small single batch operation, and I know the maker, and how he cares for his humans, which is similar to how my family raised ours; before they managed to escape."

Al raised an eyebrow. "Heard that they were stolen about five years ago, all five thousand head."

Robert poured himself a glass. "They had help," he said. "John, my Herd Leader, taught them skills that were needed by any herd; medicine, food preparation, making liquor, and other soft skills, ones that require more dedication than simply hunting and fighting. He made them highly valuable to the Ferals. Then, somehow, he got several dozen, if not several hundred, Ferals to come help the livestock to escape, and I have an idea on how that happened, as it involved his mate getting a number of herds to join in on the operation. John managed to get all of them to walk out, while keeping me and my wife in our house. James and Hanna were both on their respective honeymoons at the time, and Billy was at a Summer Camp, so they weren't around to get in the way of John's plan. He got the Meals that were were going to eat to take some heavy-duty sleeping pills, to drug us, in order to slow us down. Then, he got Jeffery, my loyal slave, to open the gun safe, claiming that Fang had sent his goons to steal the herd, and after he got what he wanted, had him knocked out and drugged, with a safe dose mind you. Well, when I managed to wake up, it was in the middle of the escape, I saw them leaving, rushed down the stairs, and there he was, sitting in a chair, gun across his lap, and he had this look in his eyes, one he'd given me plenty of times before, whenever we were in disagreement, but now, I knew that whatever happened, it was for keeps."

"So, what did you do?" Al asked.

"I sat down, and he gave me a sheet of paper; a veterinary report I'd yet to receive about him," said Robert. "He had a bad cancer - in six months, he'd of been Fertilizer. Well, we came to an understanding. His Grand Escape - the freedom of his herd, for his life. Besides, I wasn't in much shape to stop it, and his mate was ready to burn the house down, so, I went back upstairs, went back to bed. Breakfast was bittersweet, to say the least."

"So, how did Marcus fit into the whole thing?" Al asked.

Robert took a sip. "Oh, turns out, he'd been planning to rob me anyways, possibly kill my family, but, it seems that the Ferals got to his goons before they could do the deed. I got him real good - he'd come to gloat, while in the guise of making another offer for my farm. Well, I got him good; I knew of a crime he'd done, one that John had seen, and told me about. Marcus, he tried to kill me - stabbed me in the heart and lung with a silver blade. Should of killed me, but for one thing, I'd had a big breakfast. Hundred plus pounds of human meat - more than enough to counter the silver's ability to otherwise stop my ability to heal up." He then looked at the cane. "John's leg was messed up because of a bear; needed this to walk around. The knob is effective enough to crush a bear's skull. A vampire's wasn't too difficult."

"So, why you tell me this?" Al asked.

"Because, unlike you, I'm no idiot," said Robert. "I know who you are, what you do, and what you do it with."

Al looked at him. "What are you asking for? You want in or something?"

Robert chuckled. "No. I don't want to commit any crimes, unless I need to," he said. "But, I will give you a polite warning; anything happens to me and mine, the next time you're out and about, expect to get ambushed by a group of Ferals - if you're lucky, they'll merely yank your teeth out, and if you're unlucky - head, hands, feet, tail, and hide will be placed on the wall of some cave - a trophy to show off what a member of the herd did to you, both as they killed you, and afterwards."

Al chuckled. "Are they really that good?"

Robert grinned. "I can prove it. Instead of sending the Klaw brothers to meet this vampire, ask him to meet you at a certain location." He got out his smartphone, and tapped on a location; one that was within the Wolfe Family Park.

Al looked. "Why there?"

"I have a bit of a Restraining Order against the Fang family, including Malcom, where they aren't allowed to enter the Park, without permission," said Robert. "Likewise, the Wranglers love beating up would-be poachers, especially Fangs. Poacher gets a beating, the Wranglers walk away, myself, the wife, or one of my sons, or my daughter, or some other staff member shows up, patches them up, and tells them to leave the place. Simple security basically."

Al grinned. "I got to admit - I like it."

"Good," said Robert. "Now, let's get out there - there's still the wedding, and my wife would kill me if I wasn't there to give my daughter her dance."

Al chuckled nervously. "I know the feeling."
Meanwhile, Billy, the youngest of the Wolfes, had just gotten out of camp when he found a stray dog in the streets. He gave it a donut and soon, more observers were giving the dog donuts.

"I think I'll call you Benji," Billy told the dog.

Suddenly, Benji got up on his hind legs and began singing and dancing. Even the vampire mafia couldn't help but laugh.
Back at the Lupe estate the ceremony was just beginning. It was an outdoor wedding, with the entire families of the bride and groom attending. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." Said the minister, as Hanna and Richard Lupe shared their first kiss as an officially married couple. The attendants cheered and applauded, with Hanna's parents looking especially happy for their daughter.

At the reception, various luxury foods were served, including fillet mignon, buttered scallops and ...prime grade human. Robert looked down at the serving tray holding the human meat with a mix of sadness and longing. Ever since he had converted his farm into a human sanctuary, he and his family had been trying to give up eating human in honor of his friend, John Wrangler. Or at least, eating it less often than they normally had. Still, he couldn't help but miss the taste sometimes.
(Okay, let's establish a quick timeline - the setting of this is 10 years after the interactive's main time, meaning that young Billy is going to be about 19 years old or so. Furthermore, Billy is no longer the youngest sibling - that goes to John Wolfe, who is about 4 years old. Coincidentally, Hanna happens to have at least one child, that's a few months older, from her prior marriage. James most likely has one or two. Oh, and John Wrangler and Bella managed to have at least one final child together, from the last time they managed to meet, on the night of The Grande Escape - Roberta Wrangler.)

Robert, by nature of being first in line, was going to be the first served. He looked at the human meat. There was something about it. It set off a warning bell, a small one.

"Something on your mind?" Al asked, standing next to him.

"The human meat you're offering doesn't look right," said Robert. He stabbed a small cube with his personal fork, placed it in his mouth, and chewed. It was good, but... "Yeah, you got gypped."

"What are you talking about?" Al asked, quietly. "That's Prime grade - cost me ten million dollars, not including the hiring of the butcher."

"Were you with the human at all times between the buying, butchering, and the serving?" Robert asked.

"From the buying to the butcher stall, I was, but not after that," said Al.

"Anyone you trust watching the whole thing?" Robert asked. "In fact, among other things, head, hands, and feet are missing, along with the bones, and a few other things that would be used for ID marks, like the tattoos.

"Are you telling me that I got robbed of a ten million dollar human, and got dog food in its place?" Al asked, his voice threatening to get louder.

"Not dog food - you'd get this at a nice restaurant, as this is of the higher B-Grade range, maybe low A-Grade range," said Robert. "But I wouldn't pay much more than seven hundred thousand dollars for this, and never more than a million for it."

"So, what do you suggest?" Al asked.

"Have someone take it back, and find out about this clearly accidental mix-up," said Robert. "Likewise, anyone asks, we got the wrong human delivered to the wedding by accident."

"Alright." Al waved one of his employees over, and soon, the platers with the human meat were taken back, and soon, the story about the mix-up was making the rounds.

"Not what I expected at my son's first wedding," said Al.

"Well, food issues are a common enough thing, that they'll forget it, especially later on," said Robert. "I remember during Hanna's first wedding, we had plenty of wine, even allowing the livestock to enjoy it, as the wedding was at the farm, although John made an alteration on the human meat dishes, and poured some rather fine peach brandy over the humans we'd asked to be Meals. Improved the taste, to be honest, but John had his reasons - always made sure that the Meals had some sort of alcoholic beverage, or was cooked in something that had alcohol. It was to prevent Vendalg from showing up."

Al chuckled. "Seriously? He was afraid of ghosts?"

"There's stories about folks that enter those woods, that turn up dead, without a mark on them," said Robert. "Might be some truth to them. Anyhow, George, a good werewolf, whom I won't badmouth, well, his father had showed up, drunk to the point that we were worried he'd pass out. Well, his father didn't approve of the wedding, made it rather clear, but George and Hanna, their minds were all made up, and Father wasn't going to stop it. Well, that mutt decided to deck his own son, for disobeying him. Then, he was about to do so while the lad was down on the ground, only for John to 'stumble' into him, knocking him to the side, 'accidently' slip his cane between the fool's legs, causing him to stumble, and fall to the ground, with John on top of him. Of course, Julia and I helped the two of them up, John not being too steady on his feet as he was having some issues with his leg, and as for me, well, with some help from James, I made sure to toss George's father off the property - let's just say he hadn't been invited for a number of issues, his anger being one of them. However, when I looked at John, to see how he was doing, I wasn't watching George's father. John was through. He threw one of those heavy-duty plastic cups and got him good in the forehead - damn mutt had a silver blade in his hand when I looked back at him. I decked him real good. Between witness statements and security cameras, open and shut case."

"Sounds like this John was on a whole other level," said Al.

"Something," said Robert.

"So, I noticed that your grandchildren aren't here," said Al.

"Oh, let them spend the day with the Wranglers, along with Little John," said Robert. "Keeps them out of trouble."

"Isn't Little John James's pup?" Al asked.

"No. That one is mine and Julia's," said Robert. "He likes hanging around Roberta - that human girl's about his age, give or take a few weeks. In fact, she's John and Bella's."

Robert then watched as Hanna and Richard were feeding each other some of the filet mignon. "If nothing else, this might have saved you from some major embarrassment."

"Why is that?" Al asked.

"While most of us un my family have cut back on eating humans, since the night of the robbery, Hanna went a bit further, and became a Bone Carrier, and will not eat human meat that comes from a farm or a store, or any such place," said Robert.

"Why is that?" Al asked.

"Well, when a Feral with the fangs and teeth of nearly two dozen werewolves and vampires breaks down, and cries out the name of their daughter, said daughter having been killed by them, because the daughter, who was below the legal culling age, was drugged with the braindeading drugs, it does something to you," said Robert. "Between that and the other stuff, I don't blame her."

"I see," said Al. "What about you?"

"Well, let's just say that Feral meat has less fat, on average, and while I don't eat it as often, there are those who die from accidents and the like, and sometimes, those who cause a whole lot of trouble are delivered to the doorstep, all tied up, like a Kriestmas present." Robert grinned. "Besides, plenty of Feral are curious, and there's nothing like a nice Belly Bath to get that feeling of a full belly - though one must let them out."
Meanwhile, Billy returned his 4-year-old brother, John, to their family farm.

"That's funny," he said. "Cousin Jonathan was supposed to be here. I see his truck parked outside, but I don't see him."

"Maybe he's-" Liitle John started to say, but his was grabbed from the foot by a hand.

"Hey, there, you little snuggle bunny!" The voice of the person said.

It was a werewolf who looked to be 32 years old. He wore jeans with a belt, boots, a shirt with the sleeves cut off and shortened to show off his 6 pack abs. His entire left arm was covered in tattoos and he had a shark tooth necklace. He had a goatee as well. He looked like a surfer dude.

"Hey, cousin Jonathan!" Billy said, walking up to him.

Jonathan sat John down on the ground and the two cousins embraced.

"Thank you for babysitting John while I joined our parents for Hanna's wedding," Billy said.

"Don't mention it, cousin," Jonathan said as they fist bumped.

"Hey, John," said a female werewolf who had showed up.

She had a ponytail, wore a red tank top, blue jeans, and sandals. This was Al's niece Chloe. She had been John's babysitter in the past.

"Hey, Chloe!" John said as he came to give her a hug.

"Sorry, Chloe," Billy said. "Cousin Jonathan got I'm touch and said he'd babysit. I forgot to text that to you."

Chloe and Jonathan looked at each other.

"Hello," Chloe said.

"Hi," Jonathan responded.

"Do you two know each other?" Billy asked.

"Weren't you the one playing the ukulele in fron of the DJ at your father's wedding?" Chloe asked Jonathan.

"Yes," Jonathan replied.

He was Fred's oldest and only son. Unlike his father, Jonathan was into physical fitness.

"Can Chloe help Cousin Jonathan babysit?" John asked Billy.

"If it's okay with Jonathan," said Chloe.

"The more, the merrier," said Jonathan.
Back with Victor Batrello, as the newly appointed Don of the Vampire syndicate, he sat at the head of a long table at a sit down with his underlings. "I know some of you think me too young and inexperienced to take my father's place." He said calmly. "But, rest assured, my father and brother's passing will soon be a blessing in disguise. For you see, gentlemen, I have a foolproof plan to end this conflict between our family and the werewolf and human syndicates once and for all, and establish us as the true rulers of this city and beyond. And it begins today."

© Copyright 2024 Johnny Foxx, BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th!, ThunderX, (known as GROUP).
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