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Crossword about Narnia
How well do you know Narnia?
 2 Giant in Prince Caspian
 5 Country to the south of Narnia
 6 Owl in The Silver Chair
 7 Caspian's tutor
 9 Gloomy Marshwiggle
 11 First King of Narnia
 13 Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy's surname
 15 Last King of Narnia
 18 First of the lost Narnian lords to be found by Caspian
 19 Number of Narnia Books
 20 King who delivers the Lone Islands of a dragon
 22 The Morning Star of Narnia
 1 Faun in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
 3 Aravis' friend
 4 Name of the wicked uncle in The Magician's Nephew
 7 Long-lost prince of Clue 5
 8 Talking Mouse of Narnia
 10 Caspian's Uncle
 12 Star-gazing centaur in the last days of Narnia
 14 First name of the Pevensie's cousin
 16 Clue 14's mother
 17 Name that Aslan gave Strawberry the horse
 21 C.S.Lewis' nickname
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/1264030-Narnia-Crossword