Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/1987770-Fantasy-Creatures-Crossword
Rated: E · Crossword Puzzle · Fantasy · #1987770
A crossword puzzle based around mythical, legendary, fantasy creatures.
This crossword contains only fake beasts and creatures. I hope you enjoy this crossword!
 2 A winged, scaly, fire-breathing beast that has a fondness of treasure.
 4 A cross between a fish and a man.
 5 The meaning to these beast's name is pocket monsters.
 7 A multiheaded creature. If you cut off one head, two more will grow in their place.
 8 A white stallion with a single horn on it's head. Although some peole may think so, it does not fart rainbows or poop skittles.
 9 A large venomous snake. Look it in the eyes, and you're dead.
 10 A quick bird that is often seen during thunderstorms. It has the ability to control lightning, and radiates electricity.
 1 A large water dinosoar that is believed to still be alive. Often known as the Lockness Monster.
 3 A bird of fire. When it dies, it is reborn from it's ashes
 6 A cross between a fish and a woman.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/1987770-Fantasy-Creatures-Crossword