Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/953797-Endangered-Animals-Auction-Wolves
Rated: E · Message Forum · Animal · #953797
A 50/50 sig auction of endangered animals...
For my endangered animals auction!

Auction starts: 27th March 2005

Auction ends: 31st March 2005, 23:59:59, w.com time


*Star* To tell the people of w.com about the causes of certain animals' endangerment and/or extinction and thus hopefully encourage more people to go support these wonderful yet endangered animals.

*Star* Well… I’m running out of upgrades, so I hope generous people out there would be so kind as to donate some GPs so I can continue doing what I’ve been doing. :P Thus, I made this a 50/50 auction. Half of the GPs collected will go help this great group:

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*Bullet* There is no starting bid.

*Bullet* Put the number of your desired items and bidding amount as your post title.

*Bullet* You can bid as many times as you like to any items, but you must bid 100 GPs higher than the last bidder. Moreover, you may not retract your bid once you've placed it.

*Bullet* The images will be customized and given to the highest bidders after the auction ends and I’ve received the payment.

For my endangered animals auction!

Red Wolf (Canis Rufus)

Destruction of forests and coastal marsh habitat, as well as widespread persecution and predator control activities, brought them close to extinction. All of this, in addition to hybridization. In 1980, they were declared biologically extinct in the wild.

For my endangered animals auction!

Grey Wolf (Canis Lupus)

Mortality factors affecting wolves include persecution by humans, killing by other wolves, diseases, parasites, starvation, and injuries by prey. Most wolves probably live less than 10 years in the wild. They are listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and by the Brazilian Government.

For my endangered animals auction!

Maned Wolf

The effects of agriculture --overgrazing by cattle, annual burning of pasture and soil erosion -- leave less food and territory for maned wolves. They are killed by ranchers when they are forced to feed on ranchers' livestock. They are also listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and by the Brazilian Government.

For my endangered animals auction!

Mexican Grey Wolf

Until the 1900s, the Mexican gray wolf had ranged throughout Central Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, and Western Texas. Settlers at that time began hunting the wolf's prey, forcing the wolf to turn to feeding on the settler's livestock, and this, in turn, led to the settlers hunting the wolf.
By the 1950s, the Mexican wolf was virtually wiped out in the United States by private trappers and government agencies. The last wild Mexican wolf known of in the United States was shot in 1970. In 1976, they were listed as endangered. Their number has since been increased through captive breeding, and they have been re-released into the wild, though they are still very rare mammal in the wild.

For my endagered animals auction!

European Wolf

European wolves have managed to survive only in the most remote, mountainous, or densely forested regions. Areas in which these wolves can live without coming into conflict with humans are decreasing. There is little effective international agreement about the wolf's conservation. All efforts to preserve the wolf are conducted locally.




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by Cat-Claws is 22 Years Old!  •  04-03-05 @ 7:38 am

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/953797-Endangered-Animals-Auction-Wolves