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Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Opinion · #612957
warning containts some mildish language.
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Sep 28, 2011 at 1:25am
Re: source matterials for Work. and transistion
Shout box Rules: Expanded edition version 1.2
(updated to cover wider range of offences)



Do not flame (disrespect) other forum members. Please keep in mind that what you may consider a joke may be seen as offensive by someone else.

If somebody is purposly starting a problem report it to the attention of a Moderator.

Do not use abusive language, racism, Anti Homo-sexual slander.

Do not avoid the auto-filter.
Certain words are filtered for a reason Willfully Avoiding the autofilter includes replacing letters with similar characters.
Its highly noticeable when people are Actively Avoiding the Filters.
A minimum of 1 warning is issued before ANY action is taken.
*Ban me* appears with certain Racial comments and results in a suspension.

IF you are banned or suspended from any part of the forums, it is for a reason..
IF a Moderator is warning a member to stop doing something then its for a Reason

You can post vids in the shout box *Only if hidden inside the Spoiler BB code, and if its in acordance to the Content rules for the forums.
DO NOT post links to images that violate any other rule, or the KSI Code of Conduct, or anything that is morally or ethically questionable
All other rules and the KSI Code of Conduct apply to the shoutbox and its use. The use of the shoutbox is a privilege which can be revoked at any time, at the discretion of a moderator or administrator.

All of the items found in the KSI Code of the Conduct apply to all members of the forums, regardless of actual KSI membership status. Furthermore, nobody, regardless of rank/forum status, is exempt from following the rules set forth in this page.

If, for any reason, a moderator or administrator determines that a user has not followed the rules set forth in this page or the KSI Code of Conduct, or has otherwise posted forum-inappropriate content, the user will be given a minimum of ONE warning. After that warning, if the user clearly disregards the warning, the appropriate punishment will be given, at the sole discretion of the moderator(s) or administrator(s) involved

For a link to the Code of Conduct Follow this link:

Relevant Full Forum Rules and Supporting Posts:



The general punishment guidelines are as follows:
**Time and duration Also subject to The Moderator taking action and also the severity**

1st Offense: 2 day suspension of posting privileges
2nd Offense: 7 day suspension of posting privileges
3rd Offense: 2 week suspension from the forums
4th Offense: Indefinite ban or indefinite suspension of posting privileges

Note: Punishments are subject to change at the forum administration's discretion. Every situation is different, and may or may not call for different discipline than what is noted above

(Creditations: KSI Apoc 7 for aiding in the update. KSI Luci Lux 7)
source matterials for Work. and transistion · 09-28-11 1:23am
by AngelinTwilight
*Star* Re: source matterials for Work. and transistion · 09-28-11 1:25am
by AngelinTwilight
Re: source matterials for Work. and transistion · 09-28-11 1:26am
by AngelinTwilight
Re: source matterials for Work. and transistion · 09-28-11 1:27am
by AngelinTwilight
Re: source matterials for Work. and transistion · 09-28-11 1:29am
by AngelinTwilight
Re: source matterials for Work. and transistion · 09-28-11 1:31am
by AngelinTwilight
Re: source matterials for Work. and transistion · 09-28-11 1:32am
by AngelinTwilight
Re: source matterials for Work. and transistion · 09-28-11 2:09am
by AngelinTwilight

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