Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1531499-Humor-Love-Story
Rated: E · In & Out · Romance/Love · #1531499
A funny love story. Let us see where it goes.
A few minutes after I sat down and ordered a slice of pizza and a cold beer at the local pizza shop, I looked across the café and saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She had sultry baby blue eyes and the sweetest pouty lips I lave ever seen in my life. My heart raced full of life as I watched her for a few minutes sipping her beer while she read the book she brought with her.

She looked over, seduction in her eyes, she smiled coyly

I tried to see the title of her paperback book.

As I'm looking in her direction, she looks at me

smiling, slightly timidly. I stood, intending to talk to her,

my legs felt like toothpicks and my feet lead weights.

But I dragged them over to where she was.

"hello" i said walking closer. "hello" said she, closing the book.

Up close, I was amazed by the beauty of

Her baby blue eyes. They glistened in the sunlight.

For a moment I could think of nothing to

For a moment I could think of nothing to say

For a moment i just wanted to kiss her

And I tried but she turned her head and

I felt my a whole open up inside me

, but then she sneezed. She said, “Sorry, the pepper tickled

my nasal cavity. Were you trying to kiss me?"

"Uh," I said, leaning back in my chair. "Of course not; I just wanted to

see what you were reading there."

She lifted the book for my inspection. It was

Lord of the Flies. "Are there any Hobbits?" I asked.

“That’s a different book,” she laughed so hard she tooted.

"Oopsie," she said. "That wasn't very lady-like." We both laughed.

“Mind if I join you?” he smiled. He then noticed

his fly was open and blushed like a schoolgirl

when he realized his hot pink spotted underwear were showing.

"Don't run away!" she said. "Pink is my favorite color.

he smiled and realized he loved her more than ever.

She instantly regretted making a comment about his pink underwear

He sat down saying, "That is one of the nicest

things anyone ever said about my underwear. Do you often

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1531499-Humor-Love-Story