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by 5678
Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Entertainment · #1876303
You got an invite to my castle.
You got a invite to my castle how will you reacte? Will you come? Do you think its a trap? Will more people like your friends get the invite? Who knows if you come you may meet my grandduogther and my friends or maybe my enimes sorry if there are spelling misstakes I am not that good ok also this was inspiered by meet the dragon
1.No cussing
2.No sexual terms.
3.Keep it clean
4.Have fun.

: 5678
: 07-10-12 @ 6:41pm
: A little bit colser to the ground "Last chance Snooty promise not to hurt Zack and I won't crush you like the bug that you are." Christy said Snooty then swallowed his prid and said "Fine." Christy lefted her foot off of Snooty and returned to the size.

: 5678
: 07-10-12 @ 6:42pm
: She was before and grab Snooty and walked to the door.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-10-12 @ 6:46pm
: Zack watched as Christy dragged Snooty through the door. She then...

: 5678
: 07-10-12 @ 6:52pm
: "What did you do to him?" Sam and Zack asked at the same time "Lets just say he now knows what it is like to be viewed and treated like a bug." Christy said as she strached out her hand for Zack to get on and she throw Snooty out the door.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 4:23pm
: Zack jumped back on Christy's hand. "Now what?"

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 4:51pm
: "Theres still more singers we should stay and listen to them now that Snooty is gone it will be easyer to do." Christy said.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 4:56pm
: "Alright." Zack said as he sat down on Christy's hand.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 5:12pm
: Meanwliae back with Karmic "Yes I've finally found the spell to return me back to normal size." Karmic said as he tryed it on himself there was a bright flash and Karmic scremed in pain back with Christy and Zack.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 5:15pm
: Zack clapped in Christy's hand as the last singer finished their song.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 5:27pm
: "Yahooo I never know that the other singers were this good on the count Snooty." Christy said to Zack but then something just came to Zack and he asked Christy.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 5:32pm
: "Can we get something to eat? I'm getting hungry." Zack said

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 5:39pm
: "I'm getting hungry too how do you feel about pieza?" Christy asked "Pieza is my favorite food." Christy said.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 5:44pm
: "Okay." Zack said.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 5:51pm
: "I know the perficte place Alex's Pieza kingdom they sear people of all sizes and its right next door from here." Christy said as she got up "Uncle me and Zack are going to get a quick bit to eat ok." Christy told me.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 5:56pm
: Christy then walked over to the pizza place and got a table for her and Zack. The waiter soon brought out their pizza and they both began eating quickly.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 6:13pm
: "Man they always have the best pieza plus it free on this days" Christy said as she order a another pieza "What do you think of it Zack?" Christy asked.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 6:19pm
: "It's really good." Zack said as the waiter brought out another pizza. Zack jumped on another slice and began to eat. Suddenly he felt the slice he was on being picked up. '{i}Oh no, not again.{/i}' Zack said as Christy accidently ate the slice he was on

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 6:23pm
: "CHRISTY I'M IN YOUR MOUTH CHRISTY!" Zack shouted "Huna Zack are you really in my mouth?" Christy asked "YES I AM!" Zack shouted in replay Christy then run to the bathroom with her head pointed down to avoid Zack from falling down her thruot.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 6:27pm
: But it was already too late, Zack had already fallen down Christy's throat. As he looked around he noticed the dark red walls were shooting out red stomach juices, digesting the pizza. There were still streams of fire shooting out here and there as well.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 6:31pm
: Christy slaps herself on the forehead and saids "Not agine."

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 6:39pm
: Zack continued to look around and heard Christy yell "Zack, are you alright?" "Yes Christy, I'm fine and once again I kind of like it in here." Zack responded. Before Christy could say or do anything else, something suprised her...

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 6:47pm
: "Hun." Christy gasped as she looked in the miorre "I've grown my hornes I've grown my Hornes." Christy said happly.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 6:50pm
: "What does that mean?" Zack asked from inside Christy's stomach

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 6:55pm
: "You know how my uncle has hornes on his head will mine have just started to grow in every koopa with the roule blood grows hornes at some point in life and I just got mine." Christy told Zack.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 7:08pm
: "Wow. That's really cool." Zack said. Suddenly, he heard a rumble from somewhere inside Christy.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 7:17pm
: Christy suddenly let out a lound brup "Excuse me." Christy saide.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 7:23pm
: "Woah, that was pretty cool from inside you." Zack said. Zack then began to ge dragged into Christy's intestines. He was soon sucked fully inside and he began to look around. The walls inside were covered in villi and everything was a deep red color.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 7:25pm
: Zack felt something grab his leg. He looked down and saw one of the villi was sucking him into Christy's bloodstream. Other villi joined in and Zack was sucked completely into Christy's bloodstream.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 7:37pm
: Christy fealt it as Zack was taken ibto her bloodstream "Oh No!" Christy groned.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 7:47pm
: Zack observed his surroundings. The walls were now an orange color and red blood cells were flying around. "Zack are you okay?" Christy said. "Yeah Christy, I just got sucked into your bloodstream." The flow of the stream pulled Zack into Christy's heart.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 7:49pm
: "How am I going to tell this to my uncle?" Christy asked in an unhappy way.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 7:52pm
: "Just tell him. I'm sure he'll understand." Zack said from inside Christy's heart.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 8:00pm
: "but in the condtion his in now it could cause him to get in even worse condestion then he is his got a short temper as will." Christy said leaving the resturant.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 8:03pm
: "Why would this make him angry?" Zack asked, still inside Christy's heart.

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 8:09pm
: "You see when my uncle is in a condtion like he is in now its like almost everything makes him angry he just isn't in the mood to her bad news then his like this." Christy said sader then last time.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 8:15pm
: "Then just don't tell him until his condition ends." Zack said, "Besides, it's pretty cool being inside your heart."

: 5678
: 07-11-12 @ 8:25pm
: "Heres the thing even affter his not in the condstion for a week or mouth his still very very easy to anger" christy said even sader then before and some tears started to come down her checks.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-11-12 @ 8:30pm
: "Hey, this is not something to be sad about. This isn't even a big deal, I just need to find a way out of your body. Have any ideas?" Zack asked

: 5678
: 07-12-12 @ 11:11am
: "No I don't." Christy said thorugh tears.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-12-12 @ 1:40pm
: Zack sat down in Christy's heart to think for a moment.

: 5678
: 07-12-12 @ 1:42pm
: Christy had returned to the castle and her uncle was asleep she then whent to her room and started to cry.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-12-12 @ 1:47pm
: "Don't cry Christy. It'll be alright." Zack said. Then he was suddenly pushed out of Christy's heart and back into the bloodstream. Zack raced through Christy's body until he stopped inside her...

: 5678
: 07-12-12 @ 1:51pm
: Christy felt Zack as he was forced back into her stounge right in the circuler ring "Zack are you ok?" Christy asked through tears.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-12-12 @ 1:57pm
: "Yeah I'm okay." Zack said, "I think I'm inside your...

: 5678
: 07-12-12 @ 2:00pm
: "My belly I felt you being forced down there." Christy said through more tears.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-12-12 @ 2:03pm
: "Hey, you can get me out now. All you have to do is what you did last time." Zack said. "Or I could always jump into a gas bubble and you could burp me up."

: 5678
: 07-12-12 @ 2:08pm
: "The same way as last time cause you see the spices of koopa I'm part of drinks only lova based things which woun't cause gas." Christy said starting to stop crying.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-12-12 @ 2:10pm
: "Okay Christy, I'm ready." Zack said as he stood on the circle.

: 5678
: 07-12-12 @ 2:26pm
: Christy slamed her foot on her tail sending Zack flying to her miorr stand when Zack got up he saw Christy crying,

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-13-12 @ 11:19am
: "Christy, it's okay see? I'm out." Zack said while covered in red stomach juices.

: 5678
: 07-13-12 @ 11:22am
: "I know but its my fault that you were inside of me in the first place." Christy said still crying.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-13-12 @ 11:26am
: "That doesn't matter now, I'm out." Zack said, "But I could use some help washing off these stomach juices."

: 5678
: 07-13-12 @ 11:33am
: "Ok sorry." Christy sniffed as she took a rag out of a drow and cleaned up Zack.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-13-12 @ 11:35am
: "Well, now what should we do?" Zack asked when he was clean. "What do you do for fun?"

: 5678
: 07-13-12 @ 11:42am
: "I don't think we should be close to each other ever agine." Christy said wahle crying "You could have died Zack I don't that to happen agine just leave me alone." she said crying even more.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-13-12 @ 11:46am
: "Christy I didn't even come close to dying." Zack said, "I'm your friend and I trust you and that should be enough. Your body isn't the first one I've been inside so don't worry about it, honestly."

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-13-12 @ 11:48am
: "Besides, without you there'd be no one to protect me from Snooty and others like him." Zack said, "So please stop crying and lets go do something."

: 5678
: 07-13-12 @ 11:48am
: "Yes you are my friend my only friend." Christy said as she continued to cry.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-13-12 @ 11:51am
: "Please stop crying Christy." Zack said, "I'm alright."

: 5678
: 07-13-12 @ 11:56am
: "I just don't want you to get hurt and what happened I could have ended up hurting you." Christy said starting to come down a little but still crying.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-13-12 @ 12:02pm
: "Christy it's fine. You didn't hurt me and I was completely fine inside of you. Acids don't affect me and that's the only really dangerous thing inside you. Please stop crying." Zack said.

: 5678
: 07-13-12 @ 12:06pm
: But she couldn't stop crying but then Zack saw what looked like a music player and its disic holder was opened and in it it said The song that always makes me happy sung by my uncle which gave Zack a idea.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-13-12 @ 12:12pm
: Zack closed the music player and started the song.

: 5678
: 07-13-12 @ 12:25pm
: "Don't you dare have a gloomy face my dear Christy you have no reson to cry you are my baby you are my bundale of joy I don't want to see a tear in your eye cause your uncle is here I will make everything better don't you shid a tear you are the best."

: 5678
: 07-13-12 @ 12:27pm
: "Thing to ever happen to me just remember this even if I'm not here don't you cry cause I'll always be here and know this your uncle loves you with all my heart I will always love you." it said as it ended.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-14-12 @ 11:14am
: Zack then looked up at Christy, "Feel better?" he asked

: 5678
: 07-14-12 @ 11:20am
: "Yay a little bit but I was serious you're the only person to ever become my friend no one else has ever become a friend of mine." Christy said as she sniffed.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-14-12 @ 11:36am
: Zack felt sorry for the poor girl, "Okay, well... what should we go do now?" Zack asked.

: 5678
: 07-14-12 @ 11:45am
: "I don't know." Christy said as she made a very softe sniffe "You want to know why you're the only friend I have Zack?" she asked him.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-14-12 @ 11:46am
: "Sure." Zack said

: 5678
: 07-14-12 @ 11:54am
: "Its beacuse of my higth and apperences I sometimes forget to use my watch to make me a normal sized person and when they see me they run and even if I do do it they see me and then run away shouting monster perhapes I am a monster." Christy said.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-14-12 @ 12:16pm
: "Christy you're not a monster. A monster is something or someone who hurts others just because they can. You're not a monster and don't ever forget that." Zack responded.

: 5678
: 07-14-12 @ 12:20pm
: "Thanks Zack let me give you a little rewarod for cherring up close your eyes." Christy said with a gigale.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-14-12 @ 12:27pm
: "Okay." Zack said as he closed his eyes.

: 5678
: 07-14-12 @ 12:31pm
: Christy then gave Zack a quick kiss on the cheack and giggaled.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-14-12 @ 12:34pm
: "Thanks." Zack said. "What do you usually do for fun around here?"

: 5678
: 07-14-12 @ 12:42pm
: "Will I really don't do much here cause if you think of where we are you know there really isn't much to do here that is fun." Christy said.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-14-12 @ 12:46pm
: "Then how do you pass the time here? There must be something we can do for fun." Zack said

: 5678
: 07-14-12 @ 12:53pm
: Suddenly a very lonud barking sound was heard coming to the door and suddenly a Chain Chomp Brusted in!

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 07-14-12 @ 12:56pm
: "Woah!" Zack said as he jumped out of the way

: 5678
: 07-14-12 @ 1:06pm
: Christy then grabed the Chain Chomp by the chain and said "Bad Chompy very bad boy how many times must me and my uncle tell you not to ranmdomly bust in to the rooms of the castle and you scared Zack apologyes to him now!" Christy told him.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 11-22-12 @ 11:21am
: The Chain Chomp very solumnly looked at Zack. "I'm sorry." The creature said. "Oh it's alright." Zack responded. "Why did you just come bursting into my room like that?" Christy asked.

: 5678
: 11-22-12 @ 3:37pm
: Chompy starts making a series of normal arfs then low then high Zack stod there and scrached his head. "MY UNCLES IS DOING WHAT!?" "WHY UNCALE WHY DO THIS NOW JUST WHY!?"

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 11-29-12 @ 9:05am
: "What?" Zack said. "What is it that your uncle is doing?"

: 5678
: 11-29-12 @ 3:51pm
: "Well the good news is his recoved. But when he did recover he jumped right into his koopa clown kart and when stright for princess Peach.His been doing ever sence his been the king of the castle." Christy said in a gron.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 11-30-12 @ 9:02am
: "Princess Peach?" Zack asked, "Who is that? And why is your uncle after her?"

: 5678
: 11-30-12 @ 3:59pm
: "Well you see Princess Peach is the princess of the Mashroom Kingdom and my uncle's father was always kidnapping her for years even when his father was a little kid he kidnapped her. And my uncle got that from his father and has been doing it

: 5678
: 11-30-12 @ 4:01pm
: For years just like his father did. I keep begging him to stop but he always saids I'll never stop what my father started untill that Mario is finally out of the way and the princess is mine!" Chrisy groned.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 12-03-12 @ 9:03am
: "Oh." Zack said. "Should we do something then or just stay here?"

: 5678
: 12-03-12 @ 3:10pm
: "No once my uncle has the princess kidnapped its up to Mario to save her he should be returning any second now." Christy said and then you hear a annacment on the speckers "Attetion all menions Lound Bowser is returning with the princess.

: 5678
: 12-03-12 @ 3:11pm
: All meions are to report to their station in the casle now!" The lookout siad. "Well it has started all we have to do is stay out of the way now." Christy said in a low gron.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 12-04-12 @ 9:05am
: "Alright so do we go somewhere to hide while this takes place or someplace where we can watch it?" Zack asked.

: 5678
: 12-04-12 @ 3:53pm
: "No my uncle told me that when ever he has kidnapped the prinicess that he wants me to stay in my room he wants to keep me a secret from Mario at all cost." Christy replayed "Chompy you better get to your sation before Mario gets here." Christy said.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 12-05-12 @ 9:09am
: "Okay, so we'll just wait here then." Zack said as he sat down.

: 5678
: 12-05-12 @ 3:27pm
: "Thats all I ever do when my uncle kidnappes the princess." Christy said. Suddenly they both heard what sounded like meneions grounding and yelling at each other.

: 2 Winged Dragon
: 12-07-12 @ 9:04am
: "What's that? Is he here already?" Zack asked.

: 5678
: 12-07-12 @ 3:52pm
: (Zack and Chrisy hear the menions say) "WHOAH! Are you trying to drop her? Hay its not my falut she is fat! HAY DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TROBALE YOU COULD GET IN IF LORD BOWSER HEARD YOU SAY THAT!? Okay sorry were almost there."

: 5678
: 12-23-12 @ 11:44am
: (Suddenly the door to Christy's room opens and in steps a koopa with a red headband and a red shell and he is followed by a koopa with a yellow headband and yellow shell a koopa with a black headband and shell and a koopa with a green headbamd and shell.)

: 5678
: 01-11-13 @ 1:28pm
: (The 3 that followed the one with the red headban are holding a cage and in that cage is a yellow headed girl in a pink dress) Alright bros just set her down there like Lorad Bowser told us to said the koopa with the red headband.

: 5678
: 03-04-13 @ 4:36pm
: (Soon the koopa with the black headband notices Zack) "Hay who are you small fry? And what are you doing with Princess Christy?" He askes.

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