Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/868097-Thanks-to-Collective-Anonymous
Rated: E · In & Out · Community · #868097
Wanna thank those wonderful anonymous givers? Here's where to do it.
I've been blessed over and over by those I've named the Collective Anonymous. I was given an one month upgrade as well as lots and lots of GPs, merit badges, a costumicon (before only Premium members + could use them) and ribbons to encourage me to continue putting effort into my reviews and writing. I've been encouraged so much by their generosity I had to express it somewhere and thought that perhaps there were others who would like to express their thanks.

Most gifting groups have a forum you can generally leave your thanks in, but if you're looking for a place to thank the CA, feel free to leave a message here. *Bigsmile*

Thanks, Anonymous!!! I didn't find this thread earlier or else I would have thanked you much earlier. Thanks for the upgrade! Now I'm enjoying blogging

Thank you for the upgrade!

To the anon who sent me the 3 month Upgrade, thank you so much! I really appreciate it, and could not afford it previously. I have a feeling I know who it is, but they might truly be anonymous. In any case, thank you from Anthony

Thank you Anonymous for giving me an upgrade. It really helped me get to know more writers. Thanks again.

Thanks to the anonymous person who gave me an upgrade. they are cool

i was gifted a 3 month upgrade and just wanted to say thanks to who ever you are

I was given an anonymous upgrade; suspect I know who it was, but want to give my thanks to "whoever" it was, lol. Thank you ;0) Kristi

i was given an upgrade as well... i am finally able to type my book out... ive been writing it out for two years!!! i am so thankfull... it was very much appreciated...

I have received so much encouragement through GP's and most recently, an Upgrade. I hope to show myself worthy of such generosity.

Thanks so much for the GPs for a couple of the reviews I've written! I wish I knew who you were, but I'll just have to send a big general thank you and hope that those responsible receive it. THANK YOU!

Thank You Anonymous for this 3 months Upgrade! This really made my day! Well now I'm hurriedly writing and updating my profile to match the upgrade! If you happen to read this than check my profile for an essay dedicated to you.

Thank you to Anonymous, for giving me a 3 month upgrade and making my Christmas. I'll try to use this gift well, and create those special items only available with an upgrade. Gracias - Feliz Navidad!

The upgrade!! After a quick post somewhere, I found myself with an email from "Anonymous", and a black case portfolio! *Shock* You can imagine how thrilled I was. ~Jaoli

Thank you very much for the upgrade!! *Smile* I really appreciate it and it's helped me a lot. Thanks!

Thank you to the anonymous member who bought me an upgrade; with it I've been able to expand my port with new items! Thank you!

Thanks, Anonymous, for the costumicon! Very sweet of you.

Thanks so much for all the anonymous gift points. I am going to start saving for an upgrade!

Awe, thanks anonymous for the cutie cupid valentine gift

Thank you "Just Because". You made my day! This was such an altruistic gesture!

Thank you for the costumicon, and the many GPs!!!

Whoever Anonymous is that sent the GPS, Thank You so much *Smile*

So... there's been another anonymous drive by. He/she dropped me a sack load of GPs 'just because' and made me tear up. This week's been tough and I've been blessed yet again

An anonymous donar recently donated 10,000 GPs to The Writer's Block forum. The proceeds are currently being used to help fund a contest open to everyone. Thanks so much anonymous person!

Thank you to "Just because", your kindness is truly a blessing. God bless you!

Thank you, Anonymous, for the extended membership. I've had more fun writing than I thought I would. Thank you, thank you.

Whomever is the wonderful person who sent the "Just Because" fistfull of GPs - bless you *Smile*

The generosity and kindness I have received here has been amazing. I would like to hug and kiss each and every one of you. You have encouraged, inspired, and uplifted my heart. Thank you!

Thank you, dear Anonymous, for sponsoring my Book Review on "Self-editing for Fiction Writers," yet again! And thanks for all the GPs. You're the bees' knees!

Thanks so much for the costumicon. I'm thrilled to my toes!

A big thanks for this opportunity. Thanks to all you very generous 'Anonymous' people who have supported my reviews and given me courage to keep on going - though the old eyes are telling! *Smile* You are all very kind! I'm very honoured!

I lov's you guys

Thanks so much for my upgrade!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/868097-Thanks-to-Collective-Anonymous