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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1455426-High-School-Boy-MacroMicroVore/cid/560962-Beginning
Rated: GC · Interactive · Adult · #1455426
You are a teacher/prinicpal/etc with the ability to shrink down and eat male students.
Chapter #1


    by: ravenpair
Welcome to the exciting profession of being a High School Teacher/Principal/Dean/Etc. Everyday you go to work, try to bring some good to the world, and get verbally assaulted, taken advantage of, ignored, and walked all over. Kids are always late, don't pay attention, act like tough guys, speak rudely and some just can't understand the simplest of the material. Still you go in five days a week, roughly 200 days a year, completely unappreciated.

What keeps you coming back for more? You claim its the love of kids and the desire to teach. You say "just by helping one student learn something, or change for the better, I have done my job." Truthfully you have another reason. You really have a secret desire that pushes you back to the same school day after day. A secret you have never spoken to anyone about.

You want to eat your teenage boy students. You don't know what it is; their plump feet, baggy clothes, boyish faces, dopey eyes, chubby cheeks, heavenly aroma, gawky voices... Whatever the reason, you have always wanted the power to shrink down every boy in the school, bring them to your kitchen and just devour them.

Sure, other people would call you crazy, but you can't change who you are, and you can't stop that forceful desire from intruding on your thoughts. Just a sample, a lick would calm your craving, (or so you think.)

Luckily, you have just received that power, overnight. After a strange dream in which you spoke to God about overpopulation, you woke up with the knowledge of an ancient spell, and a growling stomach.

As you slam your old car door and begin your daily routine, walking into the office, you smile, knowing that you would leave work with a squirming belly full of boy meat, and a large collection more to bring home. They would be fun to play with before they became dessert.

But first, who are you?
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1455426-High-School-Boy-MacroMicroVore/cid/560962-Beginning