Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1682009-ReiStarks-Wonderfull-Treks
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fanfiction · #1682009
Like "John's F,V,s" read this for Non-macro fun

Like "John's F,V,s" read this for Non-macro fun

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
this story is a non-macro tribute to "John's Fantastic Voyages" the jist of the idea is the protagonest is teleported to a fictional world (and does not know the world. so you know the plot but Rei doesnt)

and now to ReiStark
Rei's real name is Marklen Dante Bridges, the name given to him by his father whom he despises. his religeosly given name is Reiura Dante Starkarus (ray-ooh-rah don-tay star-car-us) wich is a mixture of different names from all the points of contact from the reflection of our world (paranormal hotspots in cultures) Rei=japan
Dante=west europe
Stark=east europe
due to a war in the south (caribian war of 2037) he was shiped off to battle in the MetalRaiders sect of the milatary (Un-natural and paranormal spec opps)
the catch is Rei was only 13 and the papers for his consignment were signed by his bastard of a dad (a Colonel 1st class who left Violet/Rei's mother)
after 3 long years of working his way up the ranks Rei is close to geting to his dad who is a traitor who fed information to alk-til-may (caribian terrorests) that let to the deaths of Rei's older and younger brothers (damian 13 / eric 17./ Rei 15)
after his platoon in GreatIguana (east of cuba, look it up here http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://davidderrick.files.wordpress.com/2007/09...)
was attacked and killed,
rei was found 4 days after in a pool of blood with a ring of dead solders around him, all with 44.cal bullets in their bodys kill zones. and Rei with the toren roter of a hapatche in his chest.
sent home he invented the QuickSlvR Bio-grid infusion a technology alowing the human body to connect to tech ie, the fact he replaced the braces on his torn lims with the QS-Bg-I. mark 7.79. and now has working feeling prostetics for the torn off bits of flesh (7 fingers, 5 toes, right elbo, and chunks of muscle)
up late after a gig in his metal band he writes a song and types it into his computer and passes out due to U,O,A,O,H,L (Ultra-Overkill-Amounts-Of-Hard-Liqor) knocking a jar of Bio-QuickSlvR on his PC that malfunctioned using the lyrics as command code and QuickSIvR taking the information and reacting to the EMP and warp fields created cousing the warp scanner next to him the release BioFuel at 1.23/GigaWats and the and the Enphronic TaRdiS displacent module to create a split in the QS-Bg-I-EMPs radions at 88/Mps and BOOM! other world warp!

Now for the rules

#1, there are no rules
#2, yes there are
#3, fuck you
#4, no i prefer your mom
#5, im gunna kill you in your sleep
#6, i dont sleep im with your mom porking every night
#1, if a chapter has 3 stars next to it *** its reserved by me, chapters violating that will be removed
#2, Sex is alowed but it IS NOT the main focal point of the story (love and war is)
#3, no short chapters (try for at least 2 paragraghs.)
#4, no bare chapters (describe what is going on in detail, ie dont put "then he shot you and you died so that was a sad thingy")
#5, no bashing ANYTHING! i don't care if they want to be a girl ,are a fur, gay, or have differing moral opinions, FACK OFF!
#6, ^the wanting to be a girl is not in Rei's charicter so none of that (other people can if it doesent conflict with their personalitys)
#7, sex should not take place till at least 30 chapters from the start of the Trek (not 30 from start of interactive, 30 from start of story)
#8, have fun and all are welcome (gay BI furry lez writers may write in all their glory)
#9, Rei is a closet furry (fox)
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1682009-ReiStarks-Wonderfull-Treks