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  1. Parvos Incorporated
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1911082-Shrunk-at-Work/cid/1499416-Parvos-Incorporated
by Lopad
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · LGBTQ+ · #1911082
Your boring office job is about to get a lot more interesting.
Chapter #1

Parvos Incorporated

    by: Lopad
You trudge into the lobby of your office building. It's just another Monday at Parvos Inc., the electronics company you've been working at for almost two years now. You walk into the elevator and quickly press the 'Close Doors' button not wanting to have to deal with anyone this morning. "Wait! Hold that door!" someone yells as they run in.

It's just Lucas, your friend and co-worker. "Good morning, Lucas," you say as you put your hand on the elevator door to stop it from closing.

"Gooood morning Henry," he says in his cheerful, joking voice that he always uses. He smiles at you with his blue eyes with his messy blond hair in his face from running in so fast. You press the button for the 3rd floor and wait to be taken up to the office. When you arrive, you and Lucas both walk to your shared cubicle. It's nice to have Lucas as a cubicle-mate rather than some of the jerks who work with you.

You set your brief case down on your desk when an aggressive hand grabs your shoulder from behind. It's Mark from marketing. "Hey Walters, how about a cup of coffee?" he asks in his annoying mocking voice that reminds you of the jocks from high school who thought they were so tough. You comply and head to the break room. "Make one for Anthony too!" he yells after you."

Mark Benson and Anthony Wallace are the understood kings of the office underneath the manager. Those who stood up to them rarely achieved a positive outcome from it. Although they were both huge jerks they did at least have nice bodies. Mark is 6'1 with a strong wrestler's body. He has short light brown hair and a clean, nice-looking face. Anthony is 5'11, slightly less muscly but still has a strong body. You happen to know he is on a soccer team from some online stalking. He spikes up his short brown hair and has a goatee that truly completes him as a douchebag.

Lucas follows you into the break room. "I hate those guys so much," He says as you start the coffee. "I just wish we could do something about it!"

"Don't get any ideas," you say, "They're Mr. Hall's two right hand men. If you mess with them, you will face consequences."

"Ugh! It's not fair."

"I'm just going to put up with it for now. I'm not planning on staying here any longer you know. Parvos isn't going to get me any further, and I don't want to be a customer service representative for the rest of my life."

After bringing Mark and Anthony their coffee, Mr. Hall approaches you. "Walters, a word," he gestures for you to come over to him. Great, what could he want, you think to yourself. Mr. Hall is your horrible manager. He is rude, egotistical, and sexist. At least you can thank him for your heavily male-populated office. The few women that he did hire usually quit on the first week.

"Walters, I have something important to share with you." He looks at you seriously. You can't help but notice the grey streaks in his slick black hair. Mr. Hall is a very handsome and mature man, even if he is a complete ass. "Corporate is sending speakers to all of the branches to talk about appropriate behavior in the workplace and I don't want you fucking screwing this up. Got it?"

"Yes sir"

"Good," He pats you on the back and gives you a devilish smile.

What do you do next?
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