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  1. Every Revolt needs a cause
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1954310-Yuan-Revolt/cid/1668097-Every-Revolt-needs-a-cause
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1954310
Sokka chief of the SWT is now off to war with the Earth Kingdom.
Chapter #1

Every Revolt needs a cause

    by: FlashWally22
Sokka was sitting at a table with Notai, Palluqtuq, Pinga, Sayen, Winona, Somar & Maika. Sokka was sitting there at the head of the table as he was 25 years old as Bato walked in. Smiling he was holding the carcass of a wolverine fox. He grinned as he placed it down on the bone plate that Sokka had. He pulled off a rib as he ate the cooked meat. Sokka smelt all the spices on it as he bit into it.

As for more information about the people Sokka was sitting with Notai was the first woman hunter in the past 7 decades. She had six hair loopies in her brown hair going back and joining a bunt that rested on top her long hair that was tucked in under the collar. Her eyes were brown and upon her waist was a machete.

Palluqtuq was the newest honor carver after her father's death during the war that ended 10 years ago. She had brown hair with a pair of hair loopies on the left side going to the back joining a braided tail. Her eyes were brown and her chest rather generous compared to Notai.

Pinga is the Southern Water Tribe Main Settlement's Seaway brewer and wife to Sokka. She has a blue eyes and is a rather beautiful woman. Her hair is sandy brown which is unusual and does not sport any hair loopies. Her eyes are as blue as Sokka's and height is beyond tall for a woman, standing at 6 and a half feet tall, two inches taller than Sokka.

Sayen is seaweed farmer with short brown hair and is a lot older than anyone. He was damaged during the war mentally and has chosen to live a life of not killing. His right eye has a long scar going diagonal crossing to the nose, his eye remains closed. His left eye is a steal gray which is proof of his air nomad ancestry from his great grandmother.

Winona is the first member in history to be a part of the Brotherhood of the Whale Tooth Scimitar. She has chosen to have her hair short like a man's on the sides and back with a pair of dreadlocks with accent beads like the traditional brother. The only brother that does not keep this tradition is Bato.

Somar had a chicken scratch goatee and jawline beard that was barely grown. He had two dreadlocks on the left side of his face that had blue beads at the bottom. His right eye was brown and his left eye was blue. He is a member of the Brotherhood of the Whale Tooth Scimitar.

Maika is a young boy that is 11 years old that has shown great maturity for his age. He is clearly Fire Nation descent being pale skinned with red brown eyes a trait found in the Fire Nation. His hair is jet black and in a bowl cut. He is the result of his mother being raped by a Fire Nation soldier during the war. He is the only Southern Water Tribe born water bender in the last decade. Katara taught him everything he would need to know, he is sometimes treated with prejudice because of his looks.

He then said to the others that were gathered, “Well, I only turn 25 once go on and dig in. It may be my birthday carcass, but I want to share it with some of the people that mean the most to me.”

Smiling they all began to dig in as they ate Sokka gave a grin to Pinga. She was just sitting there beside him with her legs folded under her bottom. She saw the look he was giving her and blushed as she then resumed eating. Sokka was so happy right now, there inside his wife was their first successful child that made it past 8 months. They had experienced many miscarriages. It would be any day now that Sokka would be a father.

Sokka enjoyed the meat as he then saw Gukki run inside. He gasped and panted saying to Sokka, “Chief Hunter, there's trouble at the pier.”

Sokka glowered as he stood up and walked with Notai, Somar, Maika & Winona to his six. The five walked as Gukki tried to keep up with Sokka as he explained, “The East Lake trading company ship sent their Earth Benders on a rampage after they were insulted by our honor. Now, their captain requests your presence for compensation for last month's tomatoes and lettuce that we paid him in what little silver and copper we had. He expected the rest and when we offered him Honor, his earth benders attacked. He wishes to give his condolences and take his compensation.”

Sokka saw the pier just a few minutes away when he stopped hearing the word 'condolences'. He then asked Gukki with as steady of a voice as he could, “What happened?”

Gukki looked down as he said with a low voice, “Brother Isi died trying to save Asa from being crushed by a boulder.”

Somar grabbed the hilt to his scimitar as Winona gasped, she was married to Isi. Sokka then said as he with his head low a single tear falling, “Winona, you of course of permission to rite of grief if you wish it.”

Winona then grabbed her scimitar as she growled with rage, “They attacked and their 'captain' could not control his men and women. I will take this earth bender's head!”

Sokka then said to Maika, “Make sure they can't leave the pier until the rite is over.”

Maika nodded as he went to gather his water benders. Sokka then flicked two of his fingers beckoning Somar to him, “I want you to find, rationally and civilly by their standards, who was the one to kill Isi. Put him under arrest awaiting rite, and then find him whoever he or she wants to either stand in for them or give their last words to. We will not have a blood bath on our hands.”

Somar nodded as he said to him, “As you wish my chief hunter.”

Sokka then said to Gukki, "Bring the Avatar, he's here in the village.”

Gukki nodded as he went to go get Aang. Sokka then looked to Notai, “Get six hunters and bring to the pier the money we have. I want it escorted, we don't want someone to steal it like what happened last year that resulted in massacre.”

Notai nodded as she ran and Sokka said to Winona, “You make one move that's unbecoming of a brother of the Whale Tooth Scimitar and I will take your sword. Do we have an understanding? You are the ultimate judge of justice and keeper of the peace. You will not let your emotions control you.”

Nodding Winona inhaled and exhaled as she calmed herself. Sokka continued with Winona on his side as he had his boomerang and space sword on him with his club on his other side of the waist. Sokka walked up to the boat at the pier as ice walls came up blocking off the pier.

The captain a skinny short man with brown eyes and hair shouted, “Hey! What's the big idea.”

Sokka then said to him, “It's just protocol when you kill one of my people.”

An Earth Bender walked out that was nearly twice the height of Sokka and nearly a person wider than Sokka. Looking like a stone chiseled to human features the man said to him with his beady brown eyes looking down on Sokka, “What's it to you, savage?”

Sokka then heard Somar walk up, “This is him, chief hunter. He refused to come along quietly.”

Sokka nodded as he heard the giant say, “So, what if I did. It's not like you savages can do anything to stop me.”

Sokka then said to him, “I don't want anymore blood shed.”

Two water benders walked up beside Maika that took a stance as water flowed out. Two of the brothers walked out as they grabbed their scimitar hilts and several hunters grabbed their boomerangs and clubs. Sokka then looked at the brothers and hunters of his people. He did not like where this was going, they were just waiting for him to give the word. Sokka had to be careful otherwise this would result in more of his people dying than the Merchants.

Notai walked up with six hunters as she presented three small bags that jiggled. Sokka then said to the captain, “This is all the silver and copper we have. Please, leave your man here. He is not allowed to leave until he has completed the Rite of Grief.”

Aang's voice rang through out the air as he shouted, “STOP!”

Aang landed as he then said looking at the group of people. He then saw the blood under a boulder near the shore. Blood was in the snow and ice looking like a red snow. He then shook his nerves off as he then looked to Sokka, “Chief Sokka, I request that you drop the Rite of Grief.”

Sokka looked at him as he said to Aang, “I'm sorry Avatar, I have no control over this. Personally, Isi was like a father to me. He was like my father or Bato, I take this personally too and if offered the Rite. I would take it. But, I am the chief as you just pointed out and am not allowed to take the Rite. It can only be offered by a person that is a brother of the Whale Tooth Scimitar, village chief or a Chief Hunter such as myself. If the victim is the grief of a brother then it falls to me to offer and them to take it. Isi was the husband of Winona and the father of three. Now, I offered to her and she took it.”

Aang turned to her as he then presented his argument to her, “Winona, I may not know you personally. But, think about this before you do anything rash. You have three children that you provide and love for. If you die too from this barbaric rite, then who will love and provide for them?”

A hunter in the crowd shouted, “BARBARIC? WE ARE PEOPLE JUST AS THE SAME AS YOU!”

The hunter walked up to be Mukka a village chief and skilled hunter from the Jagged Cove village of the Southern Water Tribe. It was one of the first villages built in response to Northern Water Tribe immigration.

Mukka then said to the Avatar, “Where were you when our tribes were suffering for 99 years of the War? And where were you last summer when the chief hunter of the Water Tribe was killed by Earth Kingdom merchants from the Omashu Merchant Trade Alliance? You were standing to the side letting these things happen. Now, you ask us to forget the death of one of our peace keepers? Without order from the peace keepers who do we trust when we can depend on you?”

Aang then said to Sokka pleading, “Sokka, you can't do this. You'll only start a war. The world doesn't need an another war.”

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