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  1. Arrival
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Rated: E · Interactive · Entertainment · #2190254
A reporter and photographer is taking her summer on a remote island.
Chapter #1


    by: ChuckBerry
The loud echoing of the horn from the Cosquillas Island Ferry sounded shrilly in Erin's ears.

A muffled voice over the loudspeaker followed.

"Attention all passengers. We will be arriving at the Cosquillas Island docks in five minutes. Please return to your vehicles and prepare to

Turning away from the railing and the endless sea, Erin obediently strolled back to her Rav4 stationed directly behind her. Closing the door,
her eyes stared through the windshield at the silhouette of the island that was drawing closer by the second.

She smiled contently to herself. Her vacation had officially begun.

Well it wasn't quite a vacation. Just a yearly tradition. For the past five years, the intrepid reporter and photographer for the Mason City
Times newspaper returned to this island from May to August to work remotely. As her reputation had grown and her ability to meet
deadlines remained intact, she faced less and less blowback from her boss every time this time of the year arrived.

This island was her favorite spot in the entire world. A veritable paradise, where she was free to write and relax at her leisure. And have a
few laughs along the way.

The ferry bell began to ring furiously, as the ship reached the dock and was securely tied. Soon the gate fell and the engines of
various vehicles roared to life, eager to exit the ship's confines.

Erin soon followed suit and brought her vehicle onto the island. Taking a look at the sights around her, she decided to...............

You have the following choices:

1. Get a cup of coffee

2. Head to her house

3. Head to the amusement park

4. Head to the boardwalk

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2190254-Cosquillas-Island/cid/2656067-Arrival