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by Rorke
Rated: E · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2296702
A single candy ball can give an hour of power.
Chapter #1

the morning it begin

    by: Rorke
The Atom basement was surprisingly spacious and had been renovated into a guest room which suit Andrew, the self-proclaimed fugitive, just fine.

Much to his in-law's chagrin.

Half-eaten notes littered the table, where Andrew had attempted to memorize and then consume his formulas lists and data. So far no luck.

"I'll get it someday. I'll get it someday."

Giving up temporarily his madding task, he for the sixteenth time went over the variety of the different powers that each colored Liquorice tasting ball had.

Red-Super strength
Yellow-Super Speed
Black-Super breath
Dark Blue-Invulnerability
Light blue-Flight
Silver-Metal Skin
Golden-Size Alteration
Red Violet-Telekinesis
Indigo-Self-healing and regeneration
Tan (yes it's a real color)-Teleportation
Pink-Sonic sound powers.
Lime Green-Morphing into any person or animal or object
Yellow Green-Controlling the emotions of others.
Dark Green-Chlorokinesis
Salmon-Super intelliagance
Grey-Matter absorption
Peach-Force Fields
Neo Green-Mind reading
Scarlet-Energy projection
Lavender- Super Senses/X-ray vision/Telescopic vision/Super smell
Light Purple- Technopathy
Multi-color- Combines with any powers in use by others.

It was a pure cosmic coincidence that Andrew had found the meteor emitting all that bizarre radiation and an even greater coincidence that he found out how to replicate it into easy-to-make confectionery.

A great yawn escaped from Andrew. He hadn't slept last night and maybe not the previous. Sleep is for the non-fugitives!, he had reminded himself repeatably.

A series of raps against the door made him jump to his feet. "saboteurs!"

"No Sister, Andrew." said the exhausted voice of his Tara. Who had hosted him for the past two weeks and starting to regret it with each erratic encounter. "I bring breakfast."

"Coming!" Andrew put his papers into the large suitcase that held hundreds of his Power Candys. Unlocking the door he was greeted with the sight of flapjacks and orange juice and a small fruit salad. His tummy rumbling like a motor engine, Andrew greedily tried to snatch the plate

Only for Tara to swiftly slap it away with the same stinging force she reserved for the twins."You are only allowed to have breakfast if you listen to me, Andrew." He crossed his arm at the coming lecture.

"You have been couped up here for over 2 weeks, only coming up to take food or request paper. Your my brother and I love you, so I say this with love...Get out and get some fresh air!

"It hasn't been over two weeks! It's only Monday."

"Uh...no it's Thursday."



Andrew started to make excuses, again, "What if I'm recognized or an anvil drops on my head and I go brain dead?

Honestly, Tara didn't which one is more ridiculous. Oh, wait yes she did, All of It!

"Then put on a fedora and fake mustache or an extra think builder helmet. Just get outside before this place becomes your stinky tomb."

Despite her harsh words, Tara handed Andrew his breakfast with a chipper smile.
At the top of the stairs Dave stood rubbing his hands as he always does when expecting bad news. “So did he take the hint.”
“Only if we give him an anvil proof helmet.Hey!”
The pair parents were almost nocked off there feet when Liam & Lara barreled past them playing Pegasus vs Jetfighter.
“Pew, pew, Pew! Princess Glitter shoots her rainbow lasers at your space jet. Pew!”
“But the space fighter is faster than rainbow layers and fires its pony seeking missiles. Blam! Blam!”
The twins disappeared around the corner, at the same moment Tara let out a groan, “augh. Aren’t you supposed to take them to take them to school now?”
Under the collar Dave felt hot. Dropping the kids off would mean he would have to go straight to work at the bank…and see Jenny Johson. He was stuck in real bind, his co-worker made her desire for him know and he was married but at the same time he was even more curious and it was not like Tara had hidden her desire for more excitement in her life.
“Hey, watch it you little twerp!”
“Sorry Kim. I was just practicing for the soccer tryouts tomorrow.”
“Ha, do all the tricks you want. I have a better chance of being queen of last year prom.”
“Well, I did nominated you as brace face.”
“That was you, Adam Ant! I going to kill you.”
“oww, sorry and don’t call me Adam Ant!”
All this happened in the first floor right above the married pair. Dave faced palmed, he hated to have to diffuse conflict, “We just had to have twins.”
A minute after Mr & Mrs Atom went upstairs to stop Kim from mulling her brother, the door to the basement creaked open with Andrew silently squeezing out. He was dressed in a conspicuous trench cloak along with fake mustache and moth-eaten fedora. He had taken his sister advice to heart and maybe a little fresh air would help him finish memorizing all his notes.
No one knew that he had left the house.
From a crack in the basement wall a thin mouse wiggled out then nimbly climbed the desk legs. Whiskers twitching the mouse's eyes zoomed on it’s objective, a half-eaten cheese sandwich.
The atoms use to have a cat named Mittens, but she had passed on two years ago but the mouse didn’t know that, so it reasoned it had to be quick.
With a surprising burst of speed, the mouse leaped at the sandwich but its landing upset the equilibrium of the table which sent the briefcase filled with it power candies spilling over the floor whilst creating a bang that attracted someone's attention.
The mouse only took three mouthfuls before being scared off by the squeaking of the door handle.

You have the following choices:

1. Dave enters the room

2. Tara investigates

3. Kim opens the door

4. Adam comes in

5. The Twins enter

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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