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by Nenen
Rated: XGC · Interactive · Adult · #2300091
A human in an anthro world has an unique way of taking over them.
Chapter #1

Dreams and breakfast

    by: Nenen
It all happened when you were 15. You donā€™t remember how it happened. You remember getting out of bed and then all is blurry until you woke up in a hospital bed, Miss Stone looking over you, as well as other anthros. Needles to say, you were freaking out that first day. Or week. You learned a lot of stuff in the following 2 years, after Ms. Stone took you in. This world has no humans, but creatures that seem like a mix of human and animals. Anthros. There are of all kinds, horses, birds, dogs, sharks, even dragons and dinosaurs somehow. Most of the time the people of this world think youā€™re a hairless monkey, and you try to keep up that idea. Though in places like school you canā€™t due legal documentation saying that youā€™re a species called ā€œHumanā€. Ms. Stone had to fight for days to get you into the local highschool, and even then it wasnā€™t a warm welcome. Everyone saw you as a freak, and whenever something happened to you the teachers overlooked it. Well, not all of them but a decent amount.

Still, it wasnā€™t all bad. There were some really nice anthros in school that you hung out with sometimes, and your adoptive family was very nice. Emi practically attached herself to you and wouldnā€™t let go most of the time, and Ms. Stone made sure to teach you everything you needed to know and more. Both of them made you feel welcome at their home. It hurt. Being away from everyone you knew and loved. Butā€¦ you do appreciate them for trying to help with it.

And thenā€¦ It happened.


Youā€™re in the houseā€™s pool in the backyard. Thereā€™s a tree behind your street, so the backyard is surrounded by a fence and trees. Giving you privacy. Ms Stone, an anthro arctic wolf, is with you, enjoying some time relaxing at the pool as you two talk about random stuff. Then Emi, her daughter and another anthro arctic wolf, comes in, a two piece yellow swimsuit on her 12 year old body. She started puberty, and her figure is starting to take a more hourglass shape, albeit still in development. She still doesn't know how to swim, so sheā€™s shy about being in the pool. You go to encourage her, both you and Ms. Stone are here to help her after all. ā€œItā€™s okay Emi, you can come here. Weā€™ll help you learn how to swim.ā€

ā€œIā€¦ Iā€™m not sure.ā€ She looks scared, but also seems to want to be with you. Then Ms. Stone gets out of the pool and walks to her.

ā€œItā€™s okay sweetie, everything will be fine. Here, take my and your brotherā€™s hand, okay?ā€ She nods and so you do, taking her little hand on yours and helping into the pool. She latches onto you as always and doesn't let go at first, but in no time sheā€™s swimming laps in the pool, being a fast learner.

ā€œMom! Big Bro! Look! I can swim!ā€ She says while laughing, a very bright smile on her face. You continue spending time with her and Ms. Stone like this until you feel like having some fun and step out. You take a few steps back and then jump in with a cannonball, splashing water all over them. Ms. Stone just smiles while Emi laughs a lot. ā€œMe too! Me too!ā€ Emi gets off the pool and prepares to jump. You try to stay in a position where you may catch her in case anything happens. She runs, and jumps. And thenā€¦

She lands on top of your head.

Many things could be expected at that moment, but none of them were what happened. In an instant, your head and shoulders were deep into her butt, leaving you in shock. You couldnā€™t hear well but you think you hear moaning on the outside, screaming, and then feel your body being pulled further in. You try to resist, to grab onto something to get out, but your arms are already somewhat deep in so you canā€™t do much. You feel something grab your legs and try to get you out, but the suction of Emiā€™s body is too strong. Soon, you went all the way in, surrounded by flesh. You try to move around, find a way out, but then you feel your arms fall into some kind of pockets that hug them tight, strange feelings accompanying it. You panic and try to move your legs desperately, only for them to land in similar pockets with similar sensations. You keep hearing moaning and screaming outside, you try to scream yourself, and then it happens. Something slides into your mouth as your head slides into a pocket of its own, and then you pass out.

The next moment you open your eyes you see the blurry image of Ms. Stone, looking at you worriedly. ā€œEmi! Emi!? Can you hear me!?ā€ Emiā€¦? Did she say Emi? Ugh you canā€™t hear well.

ā€œMs Stoneā€¦?ā€ Her face is one of shock. Your voice sounds weird, but not only is your vision blurry, your hearing isnā€™t doing well either. ā€œWhereā€™s Emiā€¦? Is she fineā€¦?ā€

ā€œ... Aā€¦ Alex?ā€ You nod. Feeling weird all over. You see her run away and then come back with a tray. ā€œA-Alex, stay calm, and listen to me. Youā€¦ what you will see may surprise you. But please, know that Iā€™m here and Iā€™ll do all I can to help.ā€ Youā€™re getting nervous. What is happening? Before youā€™re able to ask, you see her move the tray in front of you and you see a reflection.

Itā€™s a wolf with pure white fur. Itā€™s Emi. Your reflection is Emi.

Silence. A minute of silence. And then you scream.


ā€œAaaahhh!!ā€ You wake up with a scream, cold sweat rolling off your back. You touch your face, your body. Itā€™s male. Itā€™s human. You sigh. Just a dreamā€¦ another dream of that day. The door of your room opens and Emi comes running in.

ā€œBig bro! What happened!? Are you okay!?ā€ You look at her, and feel tears fall off your face. She immediately knows what that means, and goes to hug you tight. ā€œItā€™s okay. Itā€™s okayā€¦ Iā€™m here. Iā€™m fine. You didnā€™t hurt me, Alex. You did nothing wrong.ā€ You hug her as you cry. Every night that you have that dream you awake like this. Ever since the day you discovered your ā€œabilityā€, as mom calls it. ā€œBig brother. Iā€™m serious when I say, I donā€™t hate you neither am I mad at you for what happened that day. If you feel like you did wrong then I forgive you. I love you, big broā€¦ so pleaseā€¦ donā€™t leave againā€¦ā€ She starts crying now. And you hug her tighter.

It took you two days to learn how to leave Emiā€™s body. After that you stayed in your room for a full month. You didnā€™t leave for anything. You hid when mom opened the door to leave food. You cried whenever you heard Emi ask if you were okay. You justā€¦ didnā€™t know what to do. You wore Emi like a suit. You literally wore her like a suit and became her. You felt like you had violated the very core of her being, of your little sister. You couldnā€™t bear to see her again after that. Then one day she entered your room, crying while looking at you. You were expecting her to be scared of you, to be mad at you, but she just ran and hugged you. Begging you to stay, to not lose her big brother. The only thing she felt towards you was love, and worry.

ā€œEmiā€¦ I wonā€™t. I wonā€™t leave, I promised, didnā€™t I. Iā€¦ Iā€™m not sure about my ā€œwearā€ ability as Mom calls it butā€¦ know that I will never do it to you again.ā€ She sniffs and just hugs you for a bit. ā€œSorry for scaring you. Is Mom up?ā€ She lets go of the hug and smiles as she clears her tears.

ā€œYup.ā€ She coughs a bit to get her voice right. ā€œI was about to wake you as always when I heard you scream.ā€


ā€œBig Bro, you have nothing to be sorry about. I know what happened, and Iā€™m not mad. I told you many times that. I know Mom has made you practice ā€œwearā€ with her since then. And I want you to know, I am completely okay if you want to practice it with me too.ā€ You were about to argue when she put a finger on your lips. ā€œBig bro. I mean it. I want to help you as much as Mom. We both know things wonā€™t be easy for you, so if you can use ā€œwearā€ to get a better life then we both say ā€˜go for itā€™. I promise you Iā€™m completely aware of what Iā€™m agreeing to. My offer still stands. Iā€™ll be home all day today so if you wanna practice with me just tell me. Iā€™d love to help you in any way I can, and youā€™re free to use my body however you want. Oh, but it may be best to just stay in the house as me, if you do. Well Iā€™m off for breakfast. Donā€™t be late, Big Bro.ā€ She then kisses you on the forehead and leaves.

Itā€™s been 7 years since then. You have a good grasp at what youā€™re able to do with ā€œwearā€, but youā€™ve never tried it on anyone but Mom, at her insistence.

You leave your room and go have breakfast. Mom is there, a warm smile on her face. ā€œMorning honey.ā€

ā€œMorning Mom.ā€ You sit down and enjoy breakfast with your new family. ā€œWill you be out today Mom?ā€

ā€œNo, I have a day off so Iā€™ll stay here, if you want to practice again. Although, I do feel you should go and practice it on others.ā€ Your eyes widen and you almost choke on your cereal at her words. ā€œHoney, this world isnā€™t fair to you. I want you to use that ability you have to get a good life. You donā€™t have to live as someone else, but just, know to use this gift that you have. Both me and Emi agree with this. Know that weā€™ll always be on your side, no matter what happens.ā€

ā€œYeah. If youā€™re not ready for strangers Iā€™m here. Take pup steps basically.ā€

ā€œTake your time to think about it honey. Ms. Ember next door, our new dragon neighbor, should be a good target. Just, go there, introduce yourself, and take your chance. Then come back here and weā€™ll talk more. Okay?ā€

You donā€™t know how to feel about this butā€¦ you nod. In truth, youā€™re curious about using ā€œwearā€ on others. To know how it feels to be an anthro. But you donā€™t want to become obsessed with it and lose yourself to pleasure or something. You want to live your life as a Human in this world as your way of winning against all that is stacked against you. Butā€¦ ā€œWearā€ is part of you. Mom said to take your chances when they appear, and ā€œWearā€ brings many chances to the table. Well, you have a whole week off before class starts again soā€¦ maybe you will have figured things out well by then.
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