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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/499584-How-You-Came-to-Know-Jesus/cid/191969-My-Jesus-story
Rated: ASR · Interactive · Religious · #499584
If you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, how did it happen?
Chapter #1

My Jesus story

    by: Stallion
It all started while I was studying at Purdue University. Even though I was raised Catholic and was very active in my local church growing up, I was TOTALLY clueless. A classic overachieving perfectionist in high school, straight A's and all. I eventually burned out near the end of HS, and it carried over to freshman year at Purdue. I came within a letter grade of flunking out my 2nd semester. I was at the end of my rope emotionally, and no one else really knew. Counseling didn't work; NROTC fell through. I hadn't pay much attention at the time, but I actually knew Christians in my dorm from Day 1. They always seemed upbeat no matter what.

Then in my sophomore year, I was in the Math building tutor room, getting help for calculus. I ended up helping this one Christian guy, and we started talking about what each of us did over the summer. He told me about the big Promise Keeper's rally in DC he went to with a few of his friends. I was all ears at that point (the Holy Spirit was drawing me in). He also told me about the bible study he helped lead---right in my dorm! So I checked it out one day, and never stopped coming. Sure, I was carnal, came late most times, but I felt compelled to be there. I became very close to the other leader there named Kevin; I was at his dorm every other night, asking questions and pouring my heart out. I also started going to their church, called Christ's Place (Chi Alpha), my 4th semester, although sporadically at the time. After I received Jesus, though, my attendance there was regular throughout college.

Then, the following summer I got my first job working at the city park where I live. I just felt uplifted and sang praise and worship while I worked; I couldn't help it. God's presence around me only increased the following fall of my 3rd year at Purdue. I started going to church more and more, to the bible study, wherever and whomever would show me more of Jesus. Then a good Christian friend named Phil prophesied over me that I would soon receive the gift of the Holy Spirit 3 weeks in. I had dreams based on that prophecy, what and who I would receive.

Then 6 weeks later, on October 30, 1998. I received the Holy Spirit at Whitehorse Christian Center, Phil's church; his church was having a prophetic conference. They were very charismatic and radical for Christ, the likes of which I had never seen before. So I was sitting there in church when they had 1st round of altar calls. I had a perfectly sound mind when I heard a still small voice say "Go, go, go." I was so scared I couldn't believe it, but I couldn't deny it. I told Phil, who encouraged me to go. I went for the 2nd round. I stood there, waiting with my arms raised. Then, I started trembling all over. When the pastor came to me, he simply breathed on me, and I fell back. It was just the LORD and me for what seemed to be an eternity (Phil later told me it was 45 minutes). My mind, though still there, couldn't understand this spirit-to-spirit encounter with the Living God. My needs were met, one by one. As I repented of my sins, tears streamed down my face, and what felt like a fountain started welling up in my chest until I spoke in tongues a couple times. In the end, I opened my eyes and started laughing uncontrollably for a while. The proverbial laughter being the best medicine was so true at that moment; I was totally healed. I rolled around, enjoying the LORD's presence.

That night after church, I was totally drunk with the Holy Spirit. In this state, I called Kevin telling him what happened. The next night, I didn't even wait for Phil to pick me up for the prophetic conference. I walked 5 miles to Whitehorse, totally inspired. To my pleasant surprise, Kevin, Phil and 10 other Christian friends were all there, inspired by my message to Kevin. I simply laughed and laughed; I had never laughed so hard in my life, while pointing at others receiving God. My life has never been the same.

It should be noted that repentance and faith in Christ by knowing I am a sinner and have no hope in anything of myself or this world was absolutely necessary for the above to occur as an eternal change in me within the Word of God. I am not suggesting that parts of the above are biblical at all, but despite that, Jesus saved me, not by anything I could ever say or do, but because He chose to be merciful and gracious and I am forever grateful to Him for that and to seek Him within my renewed nature in the Holy Spirit to all truth.


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