Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/madlibs/item_id/359430-Instant-Poetry-Madlib-1
Rated: E · Madlib · Arts · #359430
Can't write poetry? Give this a try and enjoy the comedic results.
Fill in the blank next to each word request then click the button below...
Animal (1 syllable):
Animal (1 syllable):
Rhyme with said (1 syllable):
1 syllable word to rhyme with the word hall:
Action verb (1 syllable):
Past tense action verb (1 syllable):
Pick1: cried, yelled, asked, spat, purred, growled:
Past tense action verb (2 syllables):
Pronoun (he/she/it):
Pronoun (he/she/it):
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/madlibs/item_id/359430-Instant-Poetry-Madlib-1