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Review #4153012
Viewing a review of:
The Dialogue 500  [18+]
Dialogues of 500 words or less.
by W.D.Wilcox
Review of The Dialogue 500  
Review by Lisa Noe
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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*Rainbowl*"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group*Rainbowr*

*Poseyv*Item Title: The Dialogue 500 Contest

*Poseyp*Author: W.D. Wilcox

*Poseyb*Type of writing: contest

*Poseyv*Reviewed by: *Paw* Lisa Noe*Cat2*

*Poseyp*First Impression: Hello W.D. Wilcox, I'd like to wish you a very happy account anniversary, I'm going to give you a detailed review today in order to aid you in becoming a better writer. "Beauty is in our Words" This sounds like an interesting and somewhat difficult contest to me anyway, because I'm not that good at writing stories. But for all of those people who can this is a great contest.
all you have to do is write a story of complete dialogue nothing else( no he said, she said, stuff) just dialogue. It has to be a story with a plot not a vignette. it needs to be listed in B-item format of course and it must be less than 500 words. You Know What!? You get a whole 500 gift points just for playing, isn't that sporting. first place prize is a Merit Badge of the gifter's choice and 5,000 gift points. Wow That's something!The contest will run from SEPTEMBER 1-30
and the Prompt is: Dialogue between you and the story master, or story mistress about new ideas for WDC.

Now that don't sound so hard now does it, I may do it myself even though I can't write.


thank you for sharing this item with me I appreciate your talent, you keep writing and I'll keep reading God Bless You.*Heart*

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   *CheckG* You responded to this review 09/06/2015 @ 1:14pm EDT
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