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Review #4236879
Viewing a review of:
A Thousand Hearts  [13+]
If only he had more hearts to give.
by JMRobison
Review of A Thousand Hearts  
Review by Purple Princess
In affiliation with House of Sensual Prose  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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"Game of Thrones"   by Gaby ~ Finding my way back
House Greyjoy image for G.o.T.

The monster had come for him, and willingly he would give his all to her for one kiss, one touch of her warmth.

Great descriptions of the darkness that surrounded him, of the incessant dripping of the knives. He was completely engrossed in her, mesmerized by everything about her, especially her mouth and eyes, so different from Miala. He is drawn to her like mouth to a flame, even knowing death will soon come for him.

Another bit. ~~bite perhaps?

He gives her everything he has to offer, ready to feed the monster. His only wish is that he had more than one beating heart to give, and the fact that he only has one offering seems to torture him as death arrives. He's consumed by her, desperate for her warmth, for that promise of just one kiss. Even through the pain of the monster all he can think about is staying alive to have more time with her. Great descriptions. The sound of the constant dripping still rings in my ears. His sacrifice he would easily give over and over again, but only to her, for her. The reference to her eyes being jewels brought home the intensity of what he found there, of what he wanted and needed, as if he could never get enough of this woman. Is she the Angel of Death? Could the pain of dying be softened by someone so magical it drives all the pain away? The descriptions alone had me sitting on the edge of my seat, caught up in his plight. Write on.

This would be my name.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 07/14/2016 @ 2:24am EDT
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4236879