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For Authors: December 10, 2008 Issue [#2765]

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For Authors

 This week:
  Edited by: Cub-bee
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

          Hello, everyone! Welcome to this edition of the For Authors newsletter. *Smile* This week's topic is focused on Writing Groups and Book Discussion Groups, but first off, I'd like to share a few quotes with you. Enjoy!

"Having a good discussion is like having riches"
~ Kenyan Proverb

"Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance."
~ Robert Quillen

"It's all about letting the story take over."
~ Robert Stone

"Learn as much by writing as by reading."
~ Lord Acton

"To write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write."
~ Gertrude Stein

The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
~ Tom Clancy

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Letter from the editor

@ ~ Fire Up Your Muse with Writing Groups & Book Discussions ~@

Definitions [cited from Dictionary.com]
*Bullet* group - [noun]
1. any collection or assemblage of persons or things; cluster
*Bullet* discussion - [verb]
1. any collection or assemblage of persons or things; cluster
2. A formal discourse on a topic; an exposition.

         You never know what might inspire you until you take part in a Writing Group or Book Discussion. Whether you need inspiration or not, you will most likely sharpen your skills and come away with a more indepth view of published authors' writing styles and what others think of your writing.

         The library I work at, recently began a Writing Group. It has fired me up and taken me deeper into areas I have resisted. For instance, I'm not one who feels comfortable reading out loud. I'm a good reader, but I get very nervous. I must admit... I'm getting more relaxed, and so are the others. Our group leader has chosen for us to only make positive comments on anything written by one of us. I was hoping for some critiquing, but she mentioned we perhaps could start a blog and do that online, or email. Doing the positive thing, though, has really brought many of our members upward, boosting their confidence and allowing their creativity to flow. Not everyone aspires to be published, nor longs for perfection. And though I do like suggestions, I can get that here. *Smile*

         Our leader always begins reading a poem or quote that is somehow connected to the prompt she gives us afterwards. We are given ten or fifteen minutes to write per prompt. It doesn't matter what we write, be it a poem, a paragraph, fiction or nonfiction. And everything is treated as fiction as this sways us from branching off into conversation such as "Oh, that happened to me! I remember when..." While this might be fun to do, it takes up lots of precious time. And while two hours might sound like plenty of time to chat a little, it flies by, and is sometimes not enough for all of us to share anything extra we bring in.

         Our Book Discussion Group is a different kind of inspiration for me. While we don't share our own writing, we do discuss the author's writing, what we liked... what we didn't like. How we felt about this, or that. I always make sure I copy off the questions I ask and pass them out to all the members. It's much easier to discuss something you can look at, at least that's my own feeling and it seems to be working out well.

         Sometimes a book that is picked isn't the sort of book some of us care to read. Too depressing, too violent, too much swearing, too religious, etc. We are not required to read a book if we choose not do, but we do encourage it because you might find you can get past some of those things that hold you up from reading a good book. Another huge reason I enjoy the discussions is curiousity. As a writer, I am interested in what the readers have to say about the author's writing. I also like to study the style of the author.

         If you don't have access to a local Writing Group or Book Discussion Group to physically take part in, look around the site. If you can't find what you are looking for, it's easy enough to create a forum yourself. *Smile*

         A few interesting books to inspire you:

*Check3* Writing Alone and With Others by Pat Schneider
*Check3* The Writing Group Book: Creating and Sustaining a Successful Writing Group by Lisa Rosenthal
*Check3* The Kids’ Book Club Book by Judy Gelman & Vicki Levy Krupp
*Check3* The Reading Group Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Start Your Own Book Club by Rachel W. Jacobsohn
For additional online information, browse the following links: *Smile*

Starting a Reading Group

Starting a Book Discussion Group

Starting a Book Group

How to Start a Writing Group

How and Why to Start a Writing Group

How to Start a Writer's Group

Now... If you are interested in forming a group, think up some good titles for a name.

Happy December and...
Keep on Writing!

Cubby ")

Editor's Picks

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 The Children's Writer Group  [E]
A special group for writers of children's stories, poems and games
by Red Writing Hood <3

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer




As someone who is closing in on 49, and seeking representation for my first novel, I agree it's never too late. *Smile* Thanks for the easy-to-read format and for listing so much reader feedback, which is always fun. Finally, I just want to say "Thank you" for listing my story, "DEVANE'S REALITY," for readers' consideration.

~ You are very welcome, indeed. I wish you the best of luck on your first novel. *Smile*

Thank you for the excellent newsletter on writing, regardless of age. This is truly an inspiration to those of us who are trying. Your references and links were extremely helpful and enlightening.
Thanks so much!

~ You're welcome! And thank you for your kind response!

NanoWriMo2018 Into the Earth
inspirational, and so true, thanks, cubby for yet another excellent newsletter!

~ *Bigsmile* Happy to oblige!

bobneH .. aka.. just bob
Age is no excuse? So you're saying, at a young 72, I should get off my butt and finish my 'Space Epic'? Okay..."off to write"

~ *Laugh* LOL! I love your response! Thank you for making me smile. *Smile*

OMG, you must have caught my vibes when you chose this subject. I said to my husband not 2 nights ago that I don't have enough time, or years, left to write my book. And here you come with this inspirational newsletter. THANK YOU!!!! *Heart* Hugs, Oz *Heart*

~ (((HUGS))) back atcha! *Bigsmile* I'm glad you've been inspired!

DB Cooper
My favorite is Lorie Brindel in Obsessed. She was played by Shannon Doherty.
Beside being evil she was a tragic character. I kept wishing she would get better.

~ I know that feeling! Thanks for your response. *Smile*

Of course there are senior seniors like me. I love writing, but getting published is just too much work.

~ It is a lot of work, you got that right. *Bigsmile* But not impossible. *Wink*

I enjoyed glancing over the list of authors that published their first book after they reached the"half-century" point in life. Makes you believe that baby boomers like us have as much to give as to receive.I am hoping to write more and maybe actually leave something in writing that my daughters will read and remember

~ That would be a lovely thing to do for your daughters. *Heart* Go for it! *Smile*

What an inspiring newsletter! I am 57 and have always loved writing but not kept at it throughout the years. I have renewed this part of my life and am finding WDC so much of a help. I thank you for another prod to follow my dream...Sandy1219

~ Good for you!!! Thank you for such a wonderful response! *Smile*

gulshan kumar
it is a very inspiring newsletter to encourage the novices. In fact, innumerable incidents occur throughout our life and we share while gossiping among friends. With little efforts, these can be woven into story.

~ You are so right! I'm not so sure about little effort however, lol! At least on my part. *Bigsmile*

Hee hee, I also have another thing to make about villains: I have a dark fairytales called "The Black Feline" where the moral of the story is "Don't trust things that are always seemingly innocent."

Hmmm, what do you think?

~ Sounds interesting! And that's a great moral. *Bigsmile*

Hey Cubby... good inspirations for those concerned with age: Go for it! Hell, many of us aren't old... we just need ironing.

Therefore, when the time to write is right, it's writing time. I'm proud to announce my first book was released in Aug, age 60; check it out if care. www.beachesofbelmont.com

Two more, one a 1000+ page epic, to finish. If it's meant to be, it'll happen.

~ Congratulations!!! YAY!!!! *Balloon4* Good for you!

*Snow1* Thank you, everyone, for all the wonderful feedback you send in!

As always...

Have a wonderful week!

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Cubby ")


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