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For Authors: February 08, 2012 Issue [#4869]

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For Authors

 This week: Calliope Has Left the Building
  Edited by: KimChi
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hello, I'm Kimchi. Here I hope to share tips on the art and craft of writing, from idea to implementation, from editing to submission. Have an idea for a topic, tricks for phrasing? All suggestions are welcome.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

It's 2012. I have a laptop, a smart phone (with WDC writing prompts!), and an internet connection for instantaneous access to random historical facts and useless cultural fads. So what's wrong with this picture of modernity?

Nothing, except I'm uninspired. After five years of typing I should be proofing the galleys of my trilogy but I'm stuck on the first book. Where's Calliope when you need her?

If Calliope did materialize, I guarantee she'd have some choice words for me including various synonyms of "lazy". Heck, when she was coming up writers had sheepskin parchment and only 3 muses: Melete (Practice) born of water, Mneme (Memory) born of air, and Aiode (Song) born of human vocal chords.

Centuries later we have a Muse for every area of creativity plus tools even Archimedes couldn't have imagined, but writers still yearn for inspiration, one juicy idea we can expand into a blockbuster literary force.

The good news is, we have the technology. The bad news is, Calliope is dead. In fact, she never lived; she's an archetype. She can't whisper flowing phrases in my ear or give me the secrets to good writing.

We know this intellectually, yet we cling to the Platonic notion that we're downloading a pristine Form of our story from the ether and giving it our own spin. I believe this with all my heart! And that's the problem.

Inspiration can come in any form, but stories don't write themselves. I don't need inspiration; I have notebooks full of ideas and character sketches. I don't need knowledge; I have the ability to find data with a single click. What I need is a fire beneath my buttocks--structure, order, diligence--things no Muse can promise.

You know the saying: "Need a hand? There are two at the ends of your arms." That's the inspiration I need to "breathe in" more of.

Editor's Picks

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#850090 by Not Available.

Writer's block isn't my problem. I have plenty to write about; the words constantly swimming around in my head. Motivation seems to be the real issue.

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#451012 by Not Available.

It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.
- Confucius

Muse  (18+)
Silence is not always golden ... 3rd place 10/2009 Quotation Inspiration Contest
#1606252 by Mara ♣ McBain

A woman with a small child scurried out of his path like he was Sasquatch come down from the hills instead of a reclusive author. His lips twisted in a grimace at the thought, part annoyance part amusement.

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#1331995 by Not Available.

Danny fought to remain conscious. He remembered the car sliding out of control on the icy road, the shooting pain as it smashed through the snowbank lining the blacktop.

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#314848 by Not Available.

"Where do you get your ideas?" is probably the question most frequently asked to authors. Many of the successful authors have developed stock, often trite, answers to this question.

"Sears, between the shoes and pants."

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

*QuestionG* Something to Talk about *QuestionG*

This week's question comes from reader dejavu_BIG computerprobs
*Dollar* "As to article topics, I am curious how other writers deal with all these new reading fees magazines are charging- should you pay them or look for non-fee markets?"*Dollar*
What say you, dear author?

*MailG* Feedback *MailG*

Itchy Water~fictionandverse
A new raffle supporting contests and groups that encourage us to grow as writers.
Raffle For Writers  (E)
A raffle supporting contests and groups that encourage us to grow as writers.
#1825335 by Itchy Water~fictionandverse

I thoroughly enjoyed how you went about the subject. I'm glad for the reminder of what I should be. This was motivating. Thank you. I'm going to check out your pick's now. :)

I enjoyed your notes very much and think they are helpful. Good job! dean

Very sound advice. This one prompted taking notes to keep. It fits into reality. Thank you.

Hi Kimchi, Thank you for seeking out helpful resources and sharing them. Excellent NL and looking forward to you next one. I need to get into some good writing habits...Best time to start.

Well said, Kimchi. Welcome to the Editor arena. I absolutely embrace your first and third points--now if I can just get organized. This year....

BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th!
Sometimes, a laugh is needed.
 Freezing Cold  (13+)
Four guys in a frozen pond talk.
#1833860 by BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th!

I would appreciate it if you would read my story and tell me what you think. as I am always looking for experienced reviews. Thank You.
p.s. This is not the end of chapter one.
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#1838538 by Not Available.

Its informative and can be put to good use.Such tips certainly help.

dejavu_BIG computerprobs
An interesting and helpful first Newsletter, Kimchi, I liked the links to the writing articles you added. I think your third tip was the most helpful for me because I tend to always try to write in unknown waters and sometimes wonder if I'll ever find markets for the finished products.
As to article topics, I am curious how other writers deal with all these new reading fees magazines are charging- should you pay them or look for non-fee markets ?

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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Word from our sponsor
ASIN: 1945043032
Amazon's Price: Price N/A

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