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For Authors: November 27, 2012 Issue [#5385]

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For Authors

 This week: Dreams do come true
  Edited by: fyn
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~~Eleanor Roosevelt

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~~Walt Disney

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
~~Edgar Allan Poe

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. ~~Colin Powell

Dreams are necessary to life. ~~Anais Nin

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Letter from the editor

Maybe it is the after effects of Thanksgiving, maybe it is the anticipation of Christmas or maybe it is just too much turkey, but I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about dreams and what it takes to make them come true. For me, this has been the year of following a life long dream and opening my own publishing company. They say if one opens a publishing company and has ten books out in their first year; they are doing well. I will have fifteen since June of this year. I have never worked so hard in all my fifty-eight years as I have worked this past seven months. Even still, without the love, support, trust and faith of my family this could not have happened. More, without the love, support and a well placed boot or two by well meaning friends it could not have happened. It took more than me. It took me and....

Getting the WdC Anthology together has been a huge amount of work--absolutely a labor of love, again, accomplished with tons of help from some very special people. There have been an amazing bunch of people I've become friends with due to the anthology and I am so grateful to them!

Dreams. In my particular case, the dream could not become a true reality without authors. I have some aMAZing authors. Adriana Noir has her book Requiem:Book of the Fallen out. Mara ♣ McBain has a reissue of her first book and her latest book in the Trinity Falls Series: Club Ties coming out next week. There are several other authors with books out as well and bunches more coming in the next month or so. The WdC Anthology. Just a few, but in the process, I have gotten to really know and appreciate these people for the super folks they are. Incredible authors all. Then there is Winnie Kay who edits for me and sugargirl who is my internet and web guru and DRSmith who is the world's best web designer and Kayla Sullivan who is my right, left and middle hand. I am so fortunate. And I am incredibly thankful. So many incredible folks on this ride with me, who have faith in me and to think that I met most of them through this incredible site or introduced them to it. WdC ROCKS!

It is a scary thing to go after a dream, to really try to do something that has only been a wish, to do what it takes to make it happen. In my case, in making my dreams come true, I am also holding on to the precious dreams of others. Because, for them, to have their work published is the dream. Again, this is a scary proposition to be responsible for making their dream a reality. Yet, it is also a joyous one. The other day someone teased me and called me a 'dream-maker.' Wow.

I have learned that it is easy to speak of dreams; it is far more difficult to go after and chase that dream down, grab it by the tale (oops -- tail) and wrangle it into reality. In the past space of time I have laughed and spazzed, pulled out my hair, lost my temper, bearded nasty roaring lions in their dens, and cried both frustrated and dizzyingly happy tears. I've seen authors beam brighter than the sun ever has and watched as they held their book in their shaking hands and cry and laugh at the same time. It is a proud and humbling experience. It is wonderful.

In the past, when I had a job there was a carrot sitting a couple of weeks out all the time--that paycheck that kept me going through both the satisfying and the' fingers clenched into claws' moments. I haven't made a dime for me yet, seems like every penny goes to overhead or contractors or printers. Right now there is no carrot at the end of the rainbow to keep me going. Instead, the lights at the end of the tunnel are the gasps of joy, the looks on author's faces and the sense of having done my very best. It is a very different experience. I love it.

One thing that scares me, or perhaps, may be better phrased as gives me pause for thought, is that if I hadn't made that leap of faith, that I might have missed all this. I am so very glad that I didn't, because it has been the best flight ever!

So, for all you dreamers out there, DO go after that dream! Don't look back and think I could have done such and such or I should have. Don't wait for that mythical tomorrow. Go out, follow that dream and make it your reality!

Editor's Picks

My Mirror, My Loyal Heart Doth Show  (E)
Verse and language inspired by Shakespeare.
#1084361 by GabriellaR45

 The Track Meet  (13+)
track meet championship
#1875941 by Wrath.of.Khan

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1881563 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1237268 by Not Available.

 Retrieve When Necessary  (E)
Mental spillage, interesting but purposeful.
#1541137 by EarthenAura

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1875980 by Not Available.

O Mohonk  (E)
A visit to a wonderful place that left me breathless!
#1673613 by WebWitch Miss you, Mom!

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Anthology notes.

Those that pre-ordered the soft cover--it is in the mail.

For those who are interested--you have until December 2nd, 11:59 WDC time, to order the hard cover version. The hard cover will be a one time only offering. You can paypal me at robin.scorof@gmail.com the $30.00 fee plus shipping/handling. Email me at wynwidynpress@gmail.com with your zip code or country for shipping costs.

People are still ordering the soft cover version. I did order some extras but when they run out, I can order more, but, I will have to wait until I have at least fifty additional books to put in another order. For those ordering multiple copies, please email me for correct shipping with the number of books being ordered and your zip code/country.

If you are ordering from another country, I have to keep the orders to 2 books for first class (weight issues)--$18.00 usd s/h or it is roughly the same price shipping as it is per book for larger orders (3+)

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