For Authors: June 26, 2013 Issue [#5742]
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For Authors

 This week: How Supportive of Other Writers Are You?
  Edited by: Vivian
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

         W.Com is a great place to have work reviewed, noticed, and promoted. We depend on others to help us reach a goal of excellence. However, do we in return help promote other writers, or do we demand all the attention for ourselves?

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Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

How Supportive of Other Authors Are You?

         Posts pop up all over the place asking authors to support other authors. Authors beg for reviews and for people to purchase their books. Pages on Facebook and different Yahoo! groups lists are clogged with authors promoting themselves, and occasionally others, to the point that important posts are lost in the babble. Scroll and chat on W.Com at times have members who pop in, push their agendas, and then leave.

         I believe in supporting other authors. In fact I'll review and purchase and promote other authors' books before I will my own. However, I am tired of asking for reviews for my book or books and being told by other authors (including one whom I've supported over the years), "Oh, I don't review other people's books." Yet, those same people expects us, including me, to review their books.

         I have supported other authors by buying their books, until I discovered that even those I thought were friends never bought even one of my books. Now, I'm much more stingy with my limited income when I choose books to buy.

         Have you noticed among all the self-promotions on social media and on this site that some people promote others, while others promote only themselves? Yes, it becomes quite noticeable after a time. I will share and retweet and give notice for other authors if they in turn do the same for other authors and, possibly, for me.

         I love reading, but now I read books and stories and poety I want to read or ones sent me to review. However, I have stopped reading some authors whose work I enjoyed in the past (and whom I know personally) because of their "buy my books or review my work but don't expect me to buy or review yours" behavior.

         Supporting other authors, or illustrators, is good, but that support should never be a one-way street.

Editor's Picks

Writings from W.Com

Please Review  [E]
This is a page to request reviews for static items and books.
by Writing.Com Support

Wild Card Review  [E]
Win 60 reviews in your port or 10,000 GPs for reviewing 20 items!
by Legerdemain

We luv in depth reviews! Contest  [18+]
A contest where fantastic, in-depth reviews could win big!
by Kit

We Love In-Depth Reviews!  [E]
Rewarding the best and encouraging the rest!
by Kit

The Best Review Contest  [E]
ROUND 4 OPEN! Can you give the best in-depth review? Amazon GC & 125K+ GPs in prizes!
by Jeremy

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Words from Our Readers

ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy
Thank you for sharing your feelings during and after the tornado; it's important for the world to understand the real, not imagined, feelings of those who suffer around the world just trying to deal with a horror. As human beings, we must never forget the feelings of those who suffer in any instance, especially if there is something we can do to prevent the instance. Tornado? We can do nothing. Child abuse? Yes, we can do something. We must never forget how we can help. Thanks again. Ann

I agree that some grammar rules should be followed to be understood because there are those who don't understand a piece unless it is written by the book. I guess they do not like art from Dali or Peter Maxx because they do not understand it. I remember a quote from John Lennon. He was told in class to write a sentence explaining what he wanted to be when he grew up. He wrote that he wanted to be happy. He was told he did not understand the assignment. He said, "No, you don't understand life." We cannot always follow the rules. Nothing would ever change if we all did the same thing over and over again. My opinion. If you do something different, you are creating change. It is also called being an individual. Being different caused rock n roll. Being different founded this country. Being different brought us some of the greatest books ever written. Again, my opinion. If you don't like the way I write then don't read it.

         Believe me, if you refuse to use good writing techniques so that your words are not understandable, then I won't read what you write. As a publisher, I have that right. As a reader I have that right. Following the rules does not mean a person does the same thing over and over again. It means that the person learns how to use the rules to make his work wonderful.

In reference to grammar, people will be judged their entire lives in three ways: the way they look, the way they speak, and the way they write. Good grammar in a person's native tongue should be something to be expected. Anyone with a high school diploma should know the difference between your and you're or lose and loose. To be a writer, every author should be acutely aware of the need for correct grammar/punctuation. I do not take seriously a piece that has punctuation/grammar errors, & such a piece is a reflection of the author. I shake my head when I hear or read someone say, "I seen it." If you have a HS diploma, you should know better.

Viv-having lived in the upper midwest for many years and seen first hand the distruction weather makes, I know your pain. It is writing that feeling that draws the reader into our own bodies so they share that pain. I too cry when I saw the distruction on OK

         Thank you for the comments on the grammar article I wrote a couple of months ago and for the comments on the article about the tornado in Oklahoma from four weeks ago.

         What topics would you like to see covered in this newsletter?

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