Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/polls/item_id/2223241-Todays-Times
Rated: E · User Poll · Technology · #2223241
Im taking a poll on which version is better thank you for your opinion (A) or (B)
Poll Question:
(A) “Today's Times”

"what a beautiful life
sit in a square
watching pixelated screen
wishing you were at the place of your visions dream"

"Drama over there why hanging out your underwear
so everyone can swear “

So easy to disrespect others in this digital world
we have become so numb
a social greeting thru a computer screen
etiquette is forgotten fast
manners do not last
a bully's paradise
a stalker's little black book
hook-ups and look-ups
virtual meet ups and beat ups
emotional show down
duel of the mind
today's times!

‎(B) 11/‎19/‎2017

"Today's times"

"what a beautiful life
sit in a square
watching pixelated screen
wishing you were at the place of your visions dream"

"Drama over there why hanging out your underwear
so everyone can swear
underroos are for kids "

So easy to disrespect others in this digital world
we have become so numb
a social greeting thru a computer screen
etiquette is forgotten fast
manners do not last
a bully's paradise
a stalker's little black book
hook-ups and look-ups
virtual meet ups and beat ups
emotional show down
duel of the mind
today's times!

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Note: Once you have voted, you will be shown the current results for this poll. You may only vote one time in each poll and you will see up to the minute results anytime you may view it again.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/polls/item_id/2223241-Todays-Times