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Rated: E · Interview · Animal · #1003300
Getting to know my pet parrot Maya.
My African Grey

What is your name?
Maya Bateman

What is your DOB?
June 11, 2000

What kind of bird are you?
African Grey Parrot

Favorite thing to say?
“Come see me.” Or “Come see Maya.”

What type of nut do you prefer to eat?
I *Heart* almonds. I also love corn on the cob, and sweet potatoes, mmmm

How old where you when you came to live w your flock?
Around eight weeks old.

Do you sleep with covers? In a happy hut?
I sleep with covers over my cage.

Name your all-time fav activity.
I love climbing on my chain, turning upside down and swinging back and forth!

Who is your favorite person in your flock?
It used to be Dad, until Noah came, now, I think its Laney. But I love when Mom visits my cage.

What scares you the most?
Large objects. If I see something big I don’t recognize, I make growling noises.

How do you spend most of your free time?
Nibbling on my food, watching my surroundings, and talking to my flock when they pass by my cage. Oh, I do like to watch TV.

Are you the messiest bird in the flock?

If you had your choice, when would you bite another family member?
Every time someone tries to pick me up. Or, when I get mad at Dad for visiting other birds.

What music do you like? Any DVD in particular?
The Allman Brothers….and…Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival

If you could visit any room in the house, where would you go?
I love the den. I don’t like being away from my cage.

A memorable night?
When I learned how to do a summersault off of the pillow onto my Dad’s chest.

A special visitor?
Shaun – Autumn’s friend.

Can you whistle?
Um….Yes! Lots of different things. I love whistling. Allman Brothers intros….theme from Andy Griffith…

What sounds do you like to mimic?

*Bullet* what ever sounds the computer makes
*Bullet* microwave
*Bullet* orca whale noises I learned while watching the Discovery Channel.
*Bullet*trills – I love doing that with Laney
*Bullet* other birds – especially Mullet
*Bullet*kissey noises
*Bullet* Laney squealing

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