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Rated: E · Interview · Animal · #1097556
Getting to know my nanday conure.
a pic of my nanday parrot

What is your name?

Mullet Bateman

What is your DOB?

June 22, 1999

What kind of bird are you?

A Nanday Conure

Favorite thing to say?

“Good Morning.” I will say this even at night.

What type of nut do you prefer to eat?

Most of the time, it’s a peanut. But sometimes. I really get a taste for almonds.

How old where you when you came to live w your flock?

Fifteen months

Do you sleep with covers? In a happy hut?

Well, um…yeah….so here’s the thing. I absolutely LOVE sleeping in happy huts, but I can’t resist the urge to tear the darn thing into teeny tiny pieces. So, my parents won’t buy me another one.

Name your all-time fav activity.

Being on someone’s shoulder. Anyone’s shoulder. Okay, they have to be a family member, but I don’t care. I love seeing the rest of the house.

Almost as much as I love shoulder traveling, I love water. I love jumping into the sink when the water is running.

Who is your favorite person in your flock?

It varies. Right now, it’s Dad.

What scares you the most?

Things my flock carries: laundry, the broom, the vacuum cleaner, a box. Anything.

How do you spend most of your free time?

Hanging our on my perch. I know my parents would say…”Screaming!” but I’d deny it.

Are you the messiest bird in the flock?

Heck no!

If you had your choice, when would you bite another family member?

Anyone who preens me.

What music do you like? Any DVD in particular?

If my flock likes it. I like it. But I love dancing. Even if I have two left wings.

If you could visit any room in the house, where would you go?

Any room!

A memorable night?

A special visitor?

Can you whistle?

No. I wish I could.

What sounds do you like to mimic?

The screeching sounds of other conures!
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