Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1145017-Poetry-Terms
by Joy
Rated: ASR · Quiz · Writing · #1145017
How well do you know the poetic language? Test yourself with 10 questions at each try.
A painting by Van Gogh

          Like most living things, poetry has a language with special terms of its own.

         Sometimes, we receive reviews for our poems including some poetry terms.

         Sometimes, when we read a poem, we want recognize poetic devices the poet uses.

         Sometimes, we want to write poems using the poetic devices.

         All in these cases, knowing the terms enhances our appreciation of poetry.

         Here is a fun quiz to see how well you remember some of the terms of poetry.

          This quiz has a lot of questions. You may take it as many times as you wish. Each time you take it, it is possible to encounter different questions.

Good Luck!

1. Poetry Terms:
 "A little month! or ere those shoes were old/ With which she followed my poor father's body…" Here, in Hamlet, Shakespeare refers to Niobe--who is the symbol of grief--while describing Queen Gertrude. What is the poetic device called when a poet refers to something with which he presumes the reader is familiar?
2. Poetry Terms:
 What is the figure of speech that uses exaggeration called, as the one John Donne used in the following lines? "Go and catch a falling star, Get with child a mandrake root, Tell me where all past years are, Or who cleft the Devil's foot, "
       Masculine Rhyme        
3. Poetry Terms:
 What is quantitative meter?
       Using different types of meter for each line        
       The measuring of the time the syllables' pronunciation takes rather than counting stresses or syllables        
       Employing concrete verbal imitations of vectors in physics        
       Using metaphors and metonymy in every line        
       Blank verse with elevated diction        
4. Poetry Terms:
 What is pathetic fallacy?
       A form of spatial prosody        
       An artificial character created by the speaker in a poem        
       Attribution of human characteristics to inanimate objects        
       Using derogatory remarks while praising someone        
       An oral-formulaic strategy of archaic poetry        
5. Poetry Terms:
 What is syllabic verse?
       The verse form in which the syllables are separated by dashes on every other line        
       A short form of verse with a silly or satiric subject        
       A form of poetry written like a syllabus or the contents of a curriculum        
       A type of verse written only by counting the number of syllables in each line        
       A type of verse where lines consist of graphic imagery and cacophony        
6. Poetry Terms:
 What is an octave or an octet in poetry?
       Olfactory imagery        
       A poem to be set to music        
       A stanza of eight lines        
       Four stanzas in syllabic verse        
       Name given to dramatic monologue        
7. Poetry Terms:
 What is an envoi or envoy?
       Short verse sent to one's beloved        
       A line of three syllables        
       The visual content of a stanza        
       The terminal syllable at the end of a stanza        
       A half stanza at the end of some French forms like sestina        
8. Poetry Terms:
 What is accentual verse?
       Measure of the length of a stanza for example 4 lines, 6 lines, or 7 lines        
       A rhyme scheme with strict end rhymes        
       A rhymed couplet following a stanza        
       Verse in which only the accents or stresses are counted for meter        
       Free verse containing internal rhymes        
9. Poetry Terms:
 "Others will enter the gates of the ferry, and cross from shore to shore; Others will watch the run of the flood-tide; Others will see the shipping of Manhattan north and west, and the heights of Brooklyn to the south and east; Others will see the islands large and small;" Walt Whitman in "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" repeats the word "Others" in the beginnings of his lines. What is the name of the poetic device he has used?
       Masculine Rhyme        
       Feminine Rhyme        
10. Poetry Terms:
 What is apocopated rhyme?
       Using the same word twice in a rhyme scheme and getting away with it        
       Another name for internal rhyme        
       A pattern of meter as in monometer, trimeter, tetrameter etc.        
       A pattern of rhyming words beginning with the same letter as in write-white        
       Rhyme with the last syllable missing as in tease-season or head-headed        
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