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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · History · #1365943
is a bit similar to moulin rouge, he is a very good painter and my personal favourite.
information on how to get in Paris. It was more difficult then I expected, but I would still go on with it.

My journey was so difficult, so many trains I had to take... at the end I was so tired. I must have been travveling for days... or at least that's how it felt.
I kinda lost track of the days.

But when I got there I couldn't believe it. I arrived at Gare du Nord in Paris and for some reason, there was already someone waiting for me.
He hold a little card with my name on it.
I walked over to him. He was a tall man with red hair.
'Are you miss Jane?' He asked me polite, as a real gentlemen he took my hand and led me to a carriage.
I was so happy Richard thought about me.
'So what's your name?' I asked, he was still a stranger to me.
'Tom Vervoort.'
'O, so your Belgian.' I asked.
'Yes, how else would I have met Richard.' He said smiling.
after a few minutes of silence he began to speak again.
'Do you have an idea where you are going to stay?' he asked.
'I thought Richard had taken care of everything?' I asked.
'No, my wife will not apreciate that.' He said.
what now?

'Can't you reccomend me something? mind you, I don't have a lot money.' I said.
He thought for a moment.
'Perhaps Montmartre.' He said, but on a weird tone.
'Okay. I could do that.' I said. For some reason it felt like I have heard of it before.
He gave me some money extra, to make sure I would have enough.

I was scared for some reason, I suddenly missed Belgium.
The thought of being somewhere alone with people I didn't know was so frightening.
The carriage stopped and we both got out.
'I will give you directions how to get there but I'm not going with you.' He said.
Now I was shivering out of fear. For some reason I was afraid.
'Alone? isn't that dangerous?' I asked, I could see on his face it was.
'Just don't talk to anybody, ignore them.' He said.
I will see you tomorrow in rue du faubourg saint-honoré.
He gave me the directions to get there and he got back in the carriage.

When it left I felt so alone. What did I had to expect there?
Suddenly I remembered Montmartre. I had heard some of the women talk about it in the factory. It was a place of sin. Whores.
O God...Where have I landed in?

I arrived at Montmartre and asked for a place to stay. They gave me an adress and after another 5 minutes I was there.
It was not the grand hotel but I had a place to stay.

I couldn't stop thinking about my mother. Maybe it was wrong from me to leave. I missed her so much now I was gone. But it was too late to change my mind. I was here in Paris and I'm here to stay.

After a few hours I was so bored to stay there at my room, it wasn't even dark yet and I wanted to see something of Paris or was I going to stay here the rest of my life?
The only thing that stopped was the warning of Tom.
After another hour (it could have been 5 minutes too, I was so bored) I decided to get out.
So I walked out of the door and bumped in to someone... Great one minute out and I couldn't help doing something stupid.
The person I just bumped in to helped me up.
'Are you okay, miss?' I heard a voice say, I looked and saw a little man, well, he reached my eyes and I'm not tall myself.
'Yes, I'm okay.' I said, I felt so embarressing.
He smiled.
'May I know your name, beautiful?' He said, almost flirting. I felt myself blushing, he was charming, I had to admit that.
'Jane.' I said.
'What a nice name.'
I couldn't help myself blushing, this man really had enchanted me! Not with his looks but with his charms.
'And what about your name? is just as charming as you are?' I asked.
'Maybe, Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa.'
'That's a mouthfull.' I answered.
So he was nobel? And Tom was afraid to come here...
'Just call me Toulouse, or something.' He said. 'So you were going out?'
'Yes, care to join me?' I asked, He smiled.
'I can't say no to such a pretty face.'
© Copyright 2007 youarejustadreamx (carmen33 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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