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Rated: E · Folder · Experience · #1371300
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Jennifer took one last look in the mirror before leaving in her beat up Honda Civic. She tossed her blonde hair back away from her face. She had slept with it wet the night before putting it in a twist with moose so that when she let her hair down, it fell in long spiral curls. Her hair highlighted by the sun and a little help from Miss Clairol. She knew her beauty when she looked at her reflection and realized she had inherited the best of both parents. There was little doubt in her mind she could pull off the heist; after all, she was smart. Jennifer was waiting for a time like this to get out of this insignificant town and forget all that she ever knew. Jon was just someone she was using. A stepping-stone on her way out. Jon was good-looking but dumb as hell. A mere 29 years old and in prison again. He had been her boyfriend when she was addicted to cocaine. Jon supplied her with enough powder for a lifetime. Now she had beaten the drug and was ready to get some money and hit the road. Sometimes she missed the good folks she met at St. Thomas’ twelve step meetings. Maybe she would go back one day. She was proud staying drug free for six months.~1~

Her car cranked up without a problem. She had everything checked at James Automotive Center yesterday. It needed some minor repairs, a timing belt, a tune up, and oil change. It didn’t cost much. She managed to charm herself right into a huge discount. Jennifer captivated everyone she met; this trip would not be different. She put the car in reverse and checked the directions she printed off the internet. It was sixty miles to the prison so she had no time to waste.~2~

Jon was sitting in his small cell thinking about his life. All the women loved the curls he had that fell across his right eye. His hair a dark brown color with a hint of copper. His blue eyes in contrast made him look sexy. He was 6 foot 6 inches tall. Good looking, sweet-talking and charming, all a southern woman could ask for! He was voted most likely to succeed in high school and thought the plans were drawn out. Back then, he was a favorite of students and teachers. He won a football scholarship to the University of Mississippi, one of the best colleges in the south. He thought about the poem by Robert Frost and the road he took. It was the road most of his friends had took; women, drugs, stealing, and jail but he was smarter than most crooks. He saved the money he stole.~3~

Today his girlfriend, Jennifer would be here to visit him. He could always depend on her when he was in a bind. Jenn was easy on the eyes and his friends were going to slobber at the mouth. He had her hooked the day he gave her the white powder. She was a dumb blonde-haired woman. Jenn almost certainly sat at home nights watching the television waiting for him to parole. That was proof of her love for him. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood - blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it. One time he thought he was about to loose her when she started attending those drug meetings at the church. He did not want any outside influence on the plans he had in store for them both. He looked forward to purchasing a mobile home and parking it next to his Mother’s house. If they parked it in her yard, they would not have to pay utilities. They could use their money for fun! ~4~

Today he would tell her the secret he had been holding for a long time. The last hit he did was a fine one. Jon just felt he could not let the money just sit there; he needed to know it was safe. Jennifer was a safety net. Jon's job was taking money from the elderly. He would steal money from a baby if he had the chance. That reminded him; one day he went to the bank and got his son's money and his name was not on the account. Just having his way by bedding of one of the bank employees and like magic, he scooped up the dough. He made twenty-nine hundred dollars and pissed off his ex-wife but what the hell. Karen didn’t take him to court because since he did this he said he would give up all his visitation rights. Shit, he could have other kids. There were plenty of women out there wanting a man like him, tall and sexy! ~5~

His best hit was an elderly couple in need of remodeling on their house. Twenty-three thousand dollars and he didn‘t use his tool pouch. He laughed aloud. What a bunch of dumb asses! The elderly was easy prey. Jon was a slick talker and proud of his accomplishments. He saved $275,000 from defrauding the elderly., stealing from the innocent, and pawning anything he got his hands on. Jennifer was like him in some ways but could not bring herself to steal. She had a heart. Jennifer would be here in about an hour if he calculated the time right. He could feel his heart pounding as he thought about seeing her again. Jon just hoped he could trust Jennifer. ~6~

Jennifer stopped at a Shop N’ Snack to pick up a Dr. Pepper. Her Mom stopped buying them at the supermarket so the only way to get one was to stop at a convenience store. Jennifer took her snacks to the counter and said to the young man, “Could you give me a box of Marlboro Lights?”~7~

“Sure thing, lady. Where you headed?”~8~

Jennifer replied, “Just south of here. I’m going to the nursing home to visit my Grandmother.”~9~

“That’s so sweet. Not very many young ladies take time out to do things like that this day and time.”~10~

“I couldn’t do without the love of my Grandmother. Dad passed away a few years ago in a coalmining accident. I feel like I need to do the right thing by his Mother,” Jennifer lied with a big smile on her face.~11~

“Well, you take it easy on the highway. I’d hate to see a pretty young thang like you getting into trouble,” the clerk said returning her smile.~12~

Jennifer thought to herself. I am going to be fine, Mister. Just look at me, fine as hell, and fixing to be toting mega bucks and no old man tying me down. I will not be waiting on anybody! She turned out of the station headed down Hwy. 68 south towards the prison for her visit with Jon. She memorized most of what she would say and Jon fell for anything. One trick she learned from a movie she saw was to take off your shoes and rubbed your bare feet up the leg of his pants. Men, they are so stupid, they will drop for about everything.~13~

Jennifer glanced at her directions to see what exit she had to take to reach the prison. Exit 14 was only eight more miles. Not long and she would reach her destination and be able to take full advantage of Jon. She had everything planned out. Then she would be free as a bird out of this town and the boring life that went with it. Mom got depressed after Dad got killed and just never pulled out of it even though she saw a psychatrist. He was good looking too but he was gay. ~14~

She reached the parking lot, pulled her purse to her side, and got out her two forms of identification. Putting the ID’s in her pocket was smart because did not want to take her purse and run into the hassle of being searched. This way they could just pat her down and she could get this finished. She took one last look in the mirror, checking her lipstick. She pulled her compact out and opened her powder to blot the oil on her face. She thought I will be glad when I’m older and don’t have to blot my face all the time. Her dermatologist told her with oil she had in her skin she would not wrinkle quickly. He just advised her to quit smoking. She would worry later about wrinkles, one addiction at a time.~15~

Jennifer walked to the gate and was nervous. It gave her the creeps. All the barbed wire and electricity running through the gates. She hoped she would never be stupid enough to be in jail. The thought of being locked up sent shivers. The guard told her to step away from the gate until he granted access from the authorities. Getting the okay, he smiled and opened the gate to let her in the main area of the prison. She is a looker he thought but coming to see a loser. Just like a woman wanting a tough inmate for a boyfriend.~16~

Jennifer looked at the guard and said, “Well, thank you, honey. I just get so scared in a place like this. Any help you can give me I would sure appreciate it. I just hate being at a place like this but my brother just cannot stay out of trouble. My Mother is sick so I have to come and see him. If it were left up to me I’d….”~17~

The guard interrupted, “You don’t have to explain to me sweetheart. There is a black sheep in every family. Mine, too.” Lying, he thought, they all did. The good-looking women always were coming to see their brothers.~18~

“You don’t say,” Jennifer said with a coy look on her face. ~19~

Once she was inside the facility, they quickly patted her down and lead her to the courtyard. She had not seen him in six months. I guess it is good he has me because these days no one visited him. His family had given up on his rehabilitation after his fifth time in jail.~20~

She took a seat at one of the picnic tables. There were people all around. Mother is with children, grandmothers, Fathers and Mothers. It was a sad place to be but her Mother said, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t pay the time.”~21~

Here came Jon in his white jumpsuit. He had been working out and looked good. She could see the muscle definition in his arms.~22~

Jon thought as he came out of the door. Jennifer looks better than I remembered. Her hair was long and those hazel eyes. God she was beautiful.~23~

“Hey, Jen,” Jon said.~24~

“Hey, to you honey. Have you been having it hard here in the cross bar motel?”~25~

“No, it isn’t too bad here. Better than the county jails where there is no T.V., books, or radios. This is a piece of cake. The food isn’t too good.”~26~

Jennifer put her hand on top of Jon’s and said, “I’m sorry baby. I should have thought and bought you some KFC.~27~

“That’s okay. Just seeing you is food for me. I will think about you day and night and wow, what kind of perfume is that? You are going to kill everyone in here. Smelling’ and looking’ good like you do.~28~

“Oh, you‘re always trying to sweet talk me,” Jennifer said. “Tell me some more!”~29~

“Jennifer, let’s get serious. You know why I brought you up here?”~30~

“I think I do,” said Jennifer.~31~

“Well, it’s a little bit complicated but I think you can pull it off. You are a smart cookie,” Jon said. I have got some money hidden in a tree back in Bakersville Branch. You’ve got to listen carefully to get the directions right or you’ll mess up.”~32~

“Okay, I’m listening but it’s kind of hard with that television blasting out. Why do they have that thing on when visitors are here, besides we‘re in the courtyard and can see and hear it? I‘ll bet that damn television is bigger than Hugh Heffner’s and in a prison!” said Jennifer.~33~

“Jenn, some inmates are not as fortunate as I am. I have a visitor. They do not have anyone to come and see him. It’s rather sad, don’t you think?” A good-looking old lady visiting them in the slammer! Hell, don‘t you think inmates deserve the same rights as those on the outside? You are here, aren‘t you?” said Jon.~34~

Jennifer had to keep a straight face from showing her feelings. How dare he call me his old lady? I am no old lady. Just wait until I get my hands on that money. I will be leaving his ass high and dry. To imagine the darn convict even thinks he has a chance with me! “I’m listening,” said Jennifer with the sweetest smile.~35~

Jon went on, “Well, there’s a park in Bakersville Branch beside Lost Creek. Do you remember that? It is about ten minutes from where your grandparent’s live.”~36~

“Yes, Jon. Which tree is it?” said Jennifer leaning in to Jon so she wouldn‘t miss any words.~37~

The local news came on during their visit and had that annoying sound it makes when they have a special report. Any kind of news in that small town calls for a special report thought Jennifer. That noise was so loud!~38~

Jon could not take his ears and eyes off what they were saying on the special report. ~39~

The announcer was interviewing a little boy about 12 years old. The newscaster said, “Young man, what did you find today, your very lucky day?”~40~

He looked up with a big smile and said, “I found a black box in the bottom truck of that tree over there and guess what was in it? A lot of money! Too much to count.”~41~

A shocked look came over Jennifer and Jon’s face as they continued to watch what they could not believe.~42~

The announcer said, “Well, the mayor said no one has stepped forward to claim the money and there isn’t an ID any where in the box so it’s yours, right?~43~

“That’s right, sir!”~44~

“I’ll bet you’ve got plans for that money.”~45~

The young boy shyly said, “Yes, I sure do.”~46~

“Well, tell us what are you going to get, a bike, computer, and a Sony Play station?”~47~

“No sir. My grandparents had a bad man who was suppose to do some work on their place. They took most of their savings out of the bank and gave it to him to buy supplies and to pay his worker’s ahead of time. Then he skipped town. They heard he was in jail but we don’t know for sure. Anyway, I’m giving them the money because they were so sad that someone could have done them that way,” said the young boy smiling from ear to ear. “I might have enough to buy them a brand new home, wouldn’t that be nice?”~48~

“I must say, young man, I’d be proud of you if I were your grandparents.”~49~
That ended the interview.~50~

Jennifer looked at Jon, “I’m getting the hell out of here you dumb ass. How could you just put a load of money in a tree in plain site? I had plans for that money.”~51~

Jon said, “You had plans! It doesn’t sound like it included me sitting in this jail. You were going to get my money and high tail it outta here, wasn’t you?”~52~

“I sure was. Do you think I was going to wait around for your ugly ass to get out of this dump and live in a beat up mobile home next to your Mother’s home? You were living a pipe dream friend. I am way too good for you! Just look at me.”~53~

“I ain’t seeing much. Just get the hell out of here.”~54~

With that, Jennifer picked up her second Dr. Pepper of the day and left. What possessed her to come up here? She knew Jon was a loser. She would just have to find someone else that wanted more than what Jon did! She would visit Smokey Joe’s tonight and wear that white halter-top with some tight jeans. This time maybe I will get me a married one so he doesn’t get any ideas about him and me living together.~55~

She got in her Honda, rolled the windows down, and headed back home. Her blonde hair blowing in the wind as she headed back to the same little town she wanted to leave! It made her feel glad to be out of that foul smelling prison. Free as a bird.~56~

2777 WORDS~57~
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