Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bediane1954
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Happy birthday Diane *GiftV* *Heart*
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Father dies but Daddy was never alive
A sig I use to post in notebooks for account birthdays!

Wishing you a fantastic Writing.com Birthday!

*Balloonp* *Balloonb* *Balloong* *Balloony* *Balloono* Happy March Account Birthday, Being Diane ! *Balloono* *Balloony* *Balloong* *Balloonb* *Balloonp*

Happy birthday Diane *Balloonr* *Hug* *Balloonb*
Alexi *Heart*
  •   1 comment
A late thank you.
I’m still being Diane but really don’t know who she is and this year I’m going to find out and see what she’s really made of. My friend is older than me and is now working on his second book! The first book he wrote just brings short, funny family short stories to life. Surely we can do that and add a little more. I’l ready to work on...ok, folks let’s get on with the plan.
Am I a drama queen or what. I look at the notes and it drives me crazy!
I’m finally living for me. Codependent no More has me going.
It’s time to practice my codependent no more while I finish editing my book which I am to have ready to go by May 5. I’m looking at a few titles and have my art work just time to work and not carry worrying, the most useful emotion on earth.
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Willpower and determination. *Heart*
Being Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. Anyone who hasn’t read this book is missing out. No one on this earth has a complete life and her book is wonderful for those of us who feel lost in this world. This is the third time I’ve bought this book. This time it is on my Kindle so it won’t be going anywhere! Not turning this into a book review but on this feed I’d like to see what we are reading away from writing.com. It shows that good writers are also good readers.

Well Diane on falling on the notebook which Is something new I have learned today*Music2* Hope your having a good day!
I have to go out for a bit as my father in law upset. it's a long story, he is 90
Speak later sister
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Been thinking of you. Hope you are doing well in your family problems. It happens to all of us and it’s so hard. I got some support group online when Mother was older. She got mean and it hurt so bad. Sometimes it helps to know others have been there and done that.
I have a 35 year old son in jail again. Just can’t do it with him anymore. He’s going to be shocked after his 30 days. No car in Alabama and you have no way to go get drugs.
*Balloon1*Happy WDC Anniversary! *Balloon1*
Busy with October Nano writing month. This is great. I thought wrongly last month when I thought I could free fall a novel. What a mess! Why do we think we can write without a roadmap, also known as a plan, also known as an outline. Thanks for the group. I'm finally seeing the way.
I still cannot download my email. Help please..
My email is completely not working. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
I guess contact me at bedianeh@care2.com
So glad to be back. A long line of sickness prevailed over my family. I am so glad to get started again.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/bediane1954