Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1381350-Bi-Girls-in-Bondage-3
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1381350
The party continues....
    Downstairs in her cage, Sarah knelt upright and waited to hear her fate.  Molly, Loni and Ron came down the steps in their silk robes and faced Sarah.  Their eyes sparkled and all three had sly smiles on their faces.  Sarah was trying to hide her nervousness. 

“Good evening, Sarah…” Loni said.
“Good evening, Mistress…” Sarah replied.
“Are you prepared to give us orgasms?”  Ron asked.
“Yes, Master…” Sarah said quietly.
“Ron, would you open the cage and bring our slave to us?” Loni asked.
“Of course, Loni…”

         Ron picked the keys up from the top of the cabinet and went over to the cage door.  He opened the door and stepped inside.

“Stand, slave…” Ron commanded.
“Yes, Master…” Sarah whispered.

         Ron guided Sarah out of the cage, and had her kneel before three
leather chairs.  Her hands were still bound behind her back.  Molly sat on the chair to the left and Loni took the one to the right.  Ron sat on the middle chair, directly in front of the kneeling Sarah.  Loni licked her lips as Molly smiled mischievously.

“Suck my cock, slave…” Ron said forcefully. 
“Of course, Master…” Sarah said obediently.

         Sarah knelt upright and leaned forward, placing her head between Ron’s thighs.  Ron had been waiting expectantly all week for Sarah’s submission. Now it was here, and he was going to enjoy every moment.  Sex with Loni and Molly was incredible, and Molly was his favorite of the two; so slim and eager, and all cunt. This is going to be a good weekend, he thought. Slowly Sarah licked the tip of his cock, and nuzzled her way down to his balls; slurping sounds were heard as she licked and kissed his balls, then she took them into her mouth.  Molly and Loni winked at each other, and began to masturbate with the didlos that they had placed beside the chairs.  Sarah raised her head from Ron’s scrotum, and winked at him.  She then kissed the tip of his cock before taking his entire shaft down her throat.  Sarah felt Ron tremble with excitement as he let out a quiet moan of pleasure. 

“Shall we have a cognac?” Loni asked.
“That would be heavenly…” Molly said
“Indeed yes…” Ron whispered.

         Loni brought three snifters over, and poured.  Ron lifted his hands from Sarah’s head and took his snifter from Loni.  The three clinked glasses and Molly made a toast.

“To our orgasms!”  Molly toasted.
“To our orgasms!”  Ron and Loni replied.

         The three sipped and enjoyed.  Loni stroked Ron’s leg and Molly nuzzled his neck.  Molly had feelings attraction to Ron when he first stepped through the door. After their sex, she wanted more.  It felt so good to have a man between her legs. The sound of slurps gulps and moans of pleasure from Sarah and Ron filled the room.  At the twenty-minute mark, Ron felt his load starting up his shaft.

“Shall we take her to the bed, ladies?” Ron asked.
“Oh yes…” Molly replied.
“Arise, slave…” Ron ordered.

         Obediently, Sarah lifted her head from Ron’s cock and stood.  Sarah licked her lips and smiled at Ron.  Loni and Molly were on either side of Sarah as they guided her to the bed.  Ron removed the leather straps that were binding Sarah’s hands behind her back then shoved her onto the side of the bed.  Sarah obediently lay back, and Molly and Loni tied her hands to the headboard with long leather straps.  Loni straddled Sarah’s face.

“Suck my pussy!!” Loni commanded lustily.

         As the slurping and licking sounds came from between Loni’s legs, Ron drove his cock deeply into Sarah’s cunt.  He heard her moan and felt her quiver as his mass went into her.  Ron fondled her bountiful tits. His movements were slow at first, and soon there came deep, quick thrusts.  Loni leaned forward and kissed Ron and they shared a mischievous smile.  Molly had poured another cognac and thrust her slammer deeply into her cunt.  Molly watched as Ron’s ass pumped in and out between Sarah’s legs. He’s so gorgeous, she thought, and he knows how to fuck.  As she watched Ron pumping into Sarah, she thought of how wonderful he felt between her own legs. Molly licked her lips; Ron saw Molly watching, and winked at her.  Molly was definitely becoming his favorite. Loni was beginning to come and her body stiffened.  Her breathing quickened and she braced herself on Ron’s shoulders.  As Loni exploded into Sarah’s face, she let out a loud squeal of delight.  When Loni caught her breath, Molly stood up.

“My turn, girlie…” Molly whispered.

         Loni took a finger full of her come from Sarah’s face and put it on Ron’s tongue.  Ron obediently swallowed and kissed Loni.  Loni dismounted and kissed Molly on her way by.  Molly winked, and then straddled Sarah’s face.  Sarah felt Molly tremble as she licked her cunt.  Molly purred, and then leaned over to kiss Ron.  Loni picked up the dildo left by Molly and slowly drove deep inside.

“Boy…Ron’s getting into it!” Molly joked.
“Yes he is…” Loni giggled.
Ron wasn’t listening.  He was enjoying Sarah: the way she squeezed his cock, the way she rocked in rhythm to his thrusts, and, of course, her magnificent tits.  He looked up at Molly. She’s so gorgeous, he thought, and so fuckable.  At the seventy-minute mark, he felt Sarah stiffen.  He heard her moan in ecstasy as she exploded.  Molly felt Sarah’s breath as Sarah let out her muffled moan.  Almost simultaneously, Ron’s load traveled up his shaft.  He drove his cock all the way into Sarah, and let out a loud grunt when he exploded inside of her.  While catching his breath, Ron leaned over and nuzzled and kissed Sarah’s breasts.  Sarah was moaning with pleasure as the afterglow kicked in, with her thighs still wrapped around Ron.  Molly leaned over and kissed the back of Ron’s head and rubbed his back.

“I’m so glad he’s here…” Molly whispered hoarsely.
“Me too…” Loni said.
“Me three!” Sarah said her voice muffled between Molly’s legs.

         Everyone giggled, and Molly dismounted Sarah’s face. Ron dismounted Sarah and joined on the leather chairs for a cognac.  A contented Sarah was still tied to the bed, smiling and catching her breath.  Loni nuzzled Ron’s neck and Molly rubbed his tummy.  Not a word was spoken between them as they relaxed and caught their breaths.  Loni lit a joint and the three passed it around. When it was Molly’s turn, she walked over to Sarah and inhaled the joint deeply; she then blew the smoke into Sarah’s mouth, thrusting her tongue in for good measure.  Soon Ron, Molly and Loni were giggling from the pot and cognac.  Sarah remained quiet; she knew the time of pain was near.  Ron had been so lusty and had thrust so deeply into her. Would he be as lusty with the whips and kicks, she thought?  After twenty minutes of enjoying the afterglow, Loni spoke up.

“Are we ready to administer Sarah’s pain?” Loni asked.
“Yes…it’s about that time…” Ron agreed.
“Time to give her the ‘Virgin Whuppin’,” Molly giggled.
“Are you ready to suffer, slave Sarah?”  Ron asked.
“Yes, Master…”

           The threesome arose and untied Sarah from the bed.  Loni pushed a button and the crossbar arose from the floor.  Molly tied the leather straps to the crossbar with Sarah’s hands close together.  Ron removed two leather straps from the cabinet, and tied Sarah’s feet wide apart.  Ron, Molly and Loni circled the captive Sarah, licking their lips in anticipation and bloodlust.  One by one, the three kissed Sarah deeply and stroked her vagina. Sarah was beginning to feel nervous, and the three saw it in her face.

“Shall we proceed ladies?” Ron asked.
“Yes indeed…” Loni and Molly answered as one.

         Molly took out the jar of protective lotion and spread it, slowly and seductively, on Sarah’s back.  Loni did likewise on Sarah’s ass.  Ron finished it up by rubbing the lotion on her thighs.  Molly strutted to the cabinet and removed a long-handled wooden paddle.  She turned and looked at Sarah with her eyes sparkling.  Molly went behind Sarah and gave her an authoritative smack.  Sarah twisted at the impact and let out a grunt.  Ron loved the way Sarah’s tits swayed on impact.  Molly walked over and passed the paddle to Loni.  Loni kissed Sara passionately on the way behind her, and then there was another loud smack of the flesh, and a quiver and grunt from Sarah.  Loni then passed the paddle to Ron.  Ron walked up to Sarah and pushed the handle of the paddle slowly and deeply into her cunt.  He winked and smiled as he removed it, then he held it up to have Sarah lick it clean. Ron then administered another loud smack and Sarah’s tits swayed again for her audience along with a soft grunt of pain.

“That was a nice warm-up…” Ron said.
“Yes it was!” Molly agreed.
“Another cognac, guys?” Loni asked.
“Do ya have ta ask?” Molly teased.

         Sarah was holding up well, her body still upright on the crossbar.  She knew that the shots to her cunt were coming up. Loni, Ron and Molly sipped their cognacs and circled Sarah. Loni softly rubbed Sarah’s ass and nuzzled her neck from behind.  Molly set down her drink and went over to the cabinet.  She opened the drawer and pulled out the whip. She turned to face Sarah, licked her lips and cracked the whip to the floor.  Sarah shuddered at the noise.  Anxiety was written in her eyes.

“I think our slave is nervous…” Molly taunted.
“I think you’re right, my love…” Ron said.

         Ron’s cock was stirring again. Molly saw this, and stroked the cock into erection, in full view of Sarah.  Ron became very aroused by the sight of Molly with a whip in one hand and his cock in the other.  Molly kissed Ron, and then strutted behind Sarah.  Sarah tensed up in expectation of pain.  Molly raised the whip then brought it down on Sarah’s back with a loud and painful smack. Sarah let out a high-pitched squeal, her body twisting with the blow.  Ron felt a wave of orgasm in watching Molly inflicting pain to Sarah.  Molly strode to Ron, and handed him the whip.  Molly slowly kissed him and squeezed his cock nice and tight.

“Go get her, tiger…” Molly whispered.

         Ron, still quite erect, strutted behind Sarah.  He kissed Sarah and nuzzled her neck from behind and fondled her ass. With Ron’s lash, Sarah’s knees buckled and she let out a low grunt of pain then struggled to catch her breath.  Ron strode to Loni and handed her the whip.  Molly smiled her approval at Ron then squeezed his cock with her hand.  Sarah slowly caught her breath and saw Molly, Loni and Ron smiling at her.  Loni slowly walked up to Sarah with the whip in her right hand.  She touched Sarah’s cheek with her left hand and gave her a passionate kiss.  As Molly pumped Ron’s cock with her hand, Loni softly went behind and gave Sarah a stinging lash.  There was another loud and shrill scream, with Sarah crying “Oh God…” as the lash took the wind out of her; her whole body went limp, with her tied hands holding her weight.  Sarah began to breath heavily, emitting a low moan with each exhale as she caught her breath.  Sweat was glistening on her naked body as her breasts heaved up and down with each breath.  For a moment she felt as if she were dying.

         Ron smiled deviously and licked his lips.  Molly’s hand was still stroking his erection. While still behind Sarah, Loni nuzzled Sarah’s neck.

“Isn’t payback sweet, guys?” Loni taunted.
“Yes it is, sexy woman…” Ron agreed.
“And we’re not even done yet…” Molly taunted her hostess.
“Molly…can I get a handful of that?” Loni asked
“Of course, my love…” Molly replied.

         Loni joined Molly and Ron, and took a sip of her cognac as she set the whip on the table.  Loni then kissed Molly deeply and grabbed hold of Ron’s jewels.  The three contentedly watched as Sarah regained her breath as her sharp pain subsided.  The load of her slack body was becoming too much for her bound hands to support; she clumsily regained her footing that the lashes had made limp.  One by one Loni, Molly and Ron came up to Sarah and kissed her lips.

“Are we ready to administer Primal Pussy Pain, guys?” Molly said lustily.
“Oh, I likey!” Loni said, “Are you ready, slave?”
“Yes, Mistress…” Sarah whispered hoarsely. Pain and fear were written on her face.
“What are we waiting for, ladies?” Ron asked.

         Molly went to the cabinet and pulled out a leather thong that could be tightened from the back. Loni helped Molly get the thong onto their captive, and then joined Ron in front of Sarah.

“Go for it, big boy…” Molly whispered to Ron.

         Ron savored the moment.  He first approached Sarah and kissed her passionately, rubbing her ass in the process. He then put both hands on Sarah’s ass cheeks, and delivered a vicious knee to her cunt.  The impact knocked her breath out again as she expelled a loud guttural grunt.  Sarah’s body went limp again and her moans of pain filled the room with each breath.  She looked up to see Ron’s erection and the three devilish smiles before her.  Molly was next to approach Sarah, strutting all the way around her, eying her prey.  Like Ron, she kissed Sarah deeply, and put her hands on either side of her face.  Her fierce knee to Sarah’s cunt produced a shrill scream of agony.  For a moment Sarah coughed, with her head bobbing back and forth. Vomit then erupted from Sarah’s mouth, dripping down the front of her naked, sweaty body and dripping from her tits.

“Somebody puked…” Loni taunted, “Very disgusting…”
“Oh…the poor, sick slave…” Molly taunted.

         Molly grabbed a terrycloth towel and wiped the vomit from the front of her hostess.  Molly then twirled the towel like a lasso, eyes laughing at her hostess.  Dropping the towel, Molly planted a kiss on Sarah.  With her hands still on Sarah’s cheeks, Molly gave Sarah a knee to her pussy.  Again Sarah’s knees gave out as she let out a moan of pain.

“Would you like the pain to stop?” Molly taunted.
“Yes…” Sarah whimpered hoarsely.
“I couldn’t hear you…” Molly said, while tightening the leather thong from behind.
“YESSS!” Sarah screamed. Loni strode behind Sarah.
“I didn’t hear anything, Molly…” Loni taunted while giving the thong another twist. Sarah screamed shrilly.  Ron came behind Sarah.
“I think she must be speechless...” Ron said.

         Ron twisted the leather thong tight and held it there.  Sarah let out violent screams of agony as Ron held the leather tight. Her body was quivering and her breasts shaking violently. More vomit poured down Sarah’s front.

“Say the magic word, slave…” Ron taunted.
“PLEASE! STOP!!” Sarah screamed in anguish.

         Ron loosened the thong as Sarah’s body went limp, now whimpering and crying softly.  Loni poured more cognac for the three as they gazed upon their victim dangling from the crossbar.

“A job well done, ladies…” Ron said triumphantly.
“Yes it is…” Molly agreed.
“Indeed…” Loni said.

         When Ron drained his cognac, he took a machete from the cabinet and cut Sarah free from the straps and crossbar. Sarah’s feet were untied.  Ron, Molly and Loni went to the bed to enjoy oral sex while they let the broken Sarah lie in her own sweat and vomit.
“The pain is over…” Sarah whispered to herself.



© Copyright 2008 Brandy deLuc (brandydeluc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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