Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1456041-Caleb-Campbell
Rated: E · Editorial · Sports · #1456041
Reality Awakens Player from NFL Dream
When I read about the military rescinding their decision to let Caleb Campbell persue an NFL Career I was quite disapointed. These players, from all the acadamies that have an opportunity to showcase their talents if nothing else bring positive attention to the service academies in general. I believe that the powers that be are not looking to the future but only the present. The present that does not include having an across the board policy reguarding these players and the possible contributions they can provide. Big business often recruits our nations heroes and a big name in sports to promote their company. If the military used the same philosophy then maybe just maybe the recruiting process would be less painful. How often is a prospective student influenced by a university sports program? What is wrong with giving our brothers and sisters who serve someone to cheer for everytime a hit is delivered or a basket made. Even more.....what about the student that wants to be like student X that is now a player in the NFL or NBA. Yes, we have all heard about the players that did indeed go on to play after their military commitment. However, maybe it is time for those generals and admirals who set this policy to make a change. Maybe it is time to think outside the five sided box!
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