Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1512609-Jolene--Steve
Rated: XGC · Other · Other · #1512609
Lovin' in the Trek universe...
Jolene sat on the lounge, studying the PADDs in front of her. She sighed and tossed them onto the table, looking across at her Captain. She was in his quarters, hoping to do something other than what they were doing at the moment, even if they just talked and had dinner. She stood and moved over to sit infront of him, her hands resting on his thighs. "Come on Shadow, let's do something..."

Looking up at Jolene, Steve saw her wearing one of her revealing, form revealing dresses that he knew she had many of, watching her as she sat before him with a smile planted on his lips, he could see her ample chest, and long legs in large seductive quantities, he couldn’t help but steal an occasional stare or two. "Like what." He answered.

She smiled and knelt up to kiss his lips. The dress barely long enough for her body. "Oh, I don't know... anything..." Her hands moved to his shirt and began to unbutton it.

She undid his shirt exposing a firm, toned body, he could see the hem of her dress rise up over the swell of her firm, shapely buttocks which, coupled with the sight of her cleavage, her breasts pressed against his waist, Steve could not help feel aroused and a flow of more erotic thoughts entered his mind.

Jolene's lips found his chest; she kissed it lightly, her hands still working at pulling the shirt from his frame. Standing to straddle his lap, pushing her dress higher, she could feel his body reacting to hers, she gently ground herself against him. Her nipples becoming hard pressed into his flesh through her dress.

Her dress rode up her thighs, teasingly high though even more teasingly as to not be high enough to reveal anything other than thigh, his hands stroked her thighs as she straddled him, he felt himself pressing against her through his trousers and her dress. With her leaning forward, pressing her chest against him, Steve started to kiss her neck while his hands explored her curves, gently squeezing or stroking various areas of her body as it lay close against his. His nostrils filled with her scent, it turned him on even more, he could feel her chest rising and falling as she breathed in and out, at times, feeling her racing heart within her, like his.

Jolene could feel his erection hardening against her, her breath quickened with the thought of having him inside her. Their kisses deepened as her hands roamed his body, she already knew it, but it still excited her. Her hands inched slowly down his chest, using her nails to lightly scratch at his bare skin. She pressed a bit harder into his skin as she reached his abdomen, her eyes locked on his as they parted.

His tongue played with hers, their lips joined so hard it seemed nothing would be able to part them, though this was all apart of Jolene’s plan. The trails of scratches left a tingling feeling to his skin, not so much as to sting, but to heighten what she was doing, having to sit up to trace her nails downwards, Steve had his own ideas. Sliding his hands up the sides of her body, round to the front then to her chest, he took each of her large, firm rounded breasts in his hands and gave each a gentle playful squeeze, moments later; he let a finger line its way from the top of her cleavage down into the dark depths of her dress. He could feel himself pressing painfully under her; she was sat in the right place, and the idea of this, that if they were naked he could drive into her hot sex with no hesitation, danced on his mind repeatedly. Only to make his desire for her even worse.

Jolene smiled through a kiss, her hands slowly undoing his pants, but pressing heavily against his hard member. She took her time deliberately, wanting to tease and taunt him, by not having skin to skin contact with him for as long as possible. Pulling his trousers open she left his erection standing inside his boxers as she knelt up, making sure to press her hardened nipples against his chest as she moved up to his face. Her chest now at his eye level, she slipped backwards and stood infront of him, her hands poised on the zipper of her dress behind her.

With a catching glimpse of her chest before his eyes he removed his clothing and kicked them to one side, along with his shoes, his erection standing defiantly proud within his shorts begging for release from Jolene's teasing administrations. "I think someone is enjoying themselves just a little too much." Steve played as he could feel himself full of lust and desire for Jolene begin to boil over into something more primal.

She provokingly unzipped her dress, letting it ever so slowly slip from her supple frame. "Then perhaps that someone should be punished..." She said with a cheeky smile. She stood before him wearing nothing but a garter belt, attached to sheer stockings and red stiletto heels.

Watching the dress fall from her, revealing to him the large rounds of her breasts, her nipples hardened with excitement, her thin frame, her waist crowned by the belt supporting her stockings, but no underwear on, Steve felt himself get even harder, slightly painfully so at this picture standing before him, inside he wanted her so badly. Sliding off the sofa, and kneeling before her, he kissed her waist, starting at the garter and working down until he drew near her moist, willing centre, the smell was strong and powerful, he traced his tongue along the smooth, shaven area around her lips feeling the heat from her being this close to her. His tongue licked and probed. His hands rose up the insides of her thighs, slightly parting her legs; he fed his arms between them and firmly took hold of her buttocks in his hands, then traced his tongue along the slit of her sex before searching out her clit and with the tip of his tongue, touching just once.

Jolene moaned lightly, her hands moving to the back of his head, her fingers twirling around his hair, grabbing locks of his hair in her fists. She held his head in place, the pleasure screaming through her body. Her legs feeling like she was going to collapse, she moved her hands to his shoulders, half supporting herself as she again dug her nails into his skin. The thought that she might actually leave marks this time, was gone before it registered. The pleasure overtaking any thoughts that invaded her mind.

Steve continued his assault on her for only a few moments more, he wanted to get her back for the suffering, even though pleasurable, she put him through. As he rose to his feet, he brushed his toned chest up her body, the mounds of her breasts glancing each cheek, his right hand trailed the inside of her legs, riding his index finger along her slit grazing her clit as the final torment. Until Steve stood fully upright, looking down upon her with his few inches of height advantage over her.

Jolene leant up to kiss him, one hand moving up to encircle his neck. "That was mean." She whispered while the other hand moved down his body and into his boxers, she stroked his hard cock tenderly as they kisses. She could feel his body react to finally having her touch him. Giggling she pressed herself against him, her hand moving ever so slightly faster.

"Now who’s being mean?" Steve replied, as he let his hands glide over her shoulders and down her arms, where following them were gentle kisses, until he cupped each breast in his hands and sucked on each of her erect nipples, swirling his tongue around them. While doing so, Steve looked straight into her eyes, never leaving them, part of the plan to have her watch him, as he watches her responses to his 'handy work'

Jolene hooked her thumbs into the sides of his boxers, slipping them down his thighs, letting them fall around his feet. Sliding her hands back up his body to his chest she pushed him gently back onto the couch. Climbing into his lap this time she could feel his hard cock resting against her hot entrance. She moved her body so that only her lips enveloped his cock head, spreading her wetness along him. Their combined scent reaching her nostrils made her take a deep breath and smile. She bit his bottom lip as their kisses became more passionate.

His hands continued to fondle her chest as she sat her movements on his already sensitive cock heightened by the mood and raw passion within the two of them. Steve wanted very much to feel inside her, even watching so far as to watch her eyes as she slipped down his shorts. "See anything you like?" He asked. Deliberately teasing her to face her most deepest desires, and draw them to the surface.

At the Academy she often fantasized about this moment. And now, here she was making love to the man she fell in love with. "Definitely." she replied as she slid onto the floor before him. Her hands holding his hard cock firmly, her tongue dipping out of her mouth to taste their essence from the tip of his cock. She looked into his eyes as she blew out her breath, cooling the saliva left on his sensitive skin.

With a sharp breath in, Steve felt his hard shaft feel cold. A smile danced its way across his lips. "Good." As he came down from his momentary height of pleasure, seeing her sat there, her breasts pressed against the sofa, partly pushing them together, her hair cascading over he shoulders and her eyes, as deep as the darkest ocean with a smile that betrayed her true intentions.

Jolene smiled, the thrill of his reaction played on her mind for a few moments her nipples hardened further with it. She began to slowly suck on his cock head, going no further for the moment, her eyes still locked on his as she continued to tease him with her mouth and tongue.

Steve smiled as the feelings, the heat and sensations from within her mouth as he endured the pleasures she was granting him grew too much, leaning forward just a little, with a grin on his face, he traced his hands down her back, then laying flat on the sofa, positioned her on top of him, so she could continue sucking on him, while he could then taste her sweetness, that seemed to flow from her depths and without hesitation, parted her lips with his fingers, and at first lashed at her with his tongue, before driving it inside her.

Jolene's mouth opened wide with pleasure, forgetting for the moment that she was administering pleasure to her lover. She moaned quite loudly, his tongue feeling so good inside her clit. Her hands gently squeezed his cock as she moved further down, taking him into her mouth, sucking harder than before. Starting a gentle rhythm of moving up and down with her mouth and hands together.

As he licks, he uses a finger to play with her clit while he drives his tongue into her wet hole repeatedly, he can feel Jolene sliding her mouth down his now raging cock, A few moans escape his lips while his tongue works within her, she tastes sweet, and Steve tries harder to get more of the sexual nectar he’s drawing from her. He feels himself hitting the back of her throat, each time it does, it sends warm shivers straight to his mind, he wants more, but doesn’t want to hurt her, or hurt herself trying, he can feel her tongue licking every part, its smooth surface like silk against him, hot and forceful.

Jolene revels in the feeling of having his cock deep in her mouth; she wants to taste his sweet pre-cum so bad. She whimpers slightly, sucking harder, moving in slow motions before going faster and faster. His tongue is warm against her opening. She wants his hard cock deep inside her wet pussy, wants to taste herself off his lips.

Not able to take anymore of Jolene's oral pleasure, Steve after slipping from under her, places her in the chair nearby, with her feet on the arm rests, her legs spread wide, her breasts protruding between her knees. Steve stands between her feet, and lowers himself to once again tease by gliding his rigid cock up and down her slit while he leans forward to kiss her, using the arm rests to support himself over her.

Jolene hands held Steve's upper arms to help steady him. Her legs slid over the sides of the chair. Their tongues danced together first in her mouth then in his. Her pulse had quickened having him over her, just teasing her.

Steve teased her with the head of his shaft into her wet opening, watching her reaction, gazing into her eyes, then with one swift motion, plunged himself inside her as deep as the position allowed.

Jolene moaned loudly with the suddenness of his move. She let her head fall back onto the headrest, her eyes closing for the moment as she felt him enter her.

With slow movements to start, Steve slid in and out of her, invading her depths with his hard cock which glistened which her fluids. He moaned and groaned as her walls seemingly gripped him, milking him,

Jolene's senses were all screaming ecstasy Hearing, feeling, seeing, smelling and tasting him was wonderful. She moaned, tensing her muscles to hold him, causing more pleasure for the two of them. She could feel his lips on her neck, teasing and tasting her skin.

Quickening the pace, Steve drove into her with hard and determined thrusts, his waist slapping against her with each thrust, her chest heaving up and down, Jolene seemed to breathe in and out in time with his movements. Steve groaned a few times as the sensations were beginning to take its toll.

"Fuck me." Jolene panted, her eyes finding his, staring into their depths. Her fingers dug into the flesh of his upper arms, her nails biting into the skin.

With his arms hooked under her legs, Steve was close, his body started to register the pleasure getting too much as he quickened his pace, careful to not topple the chair but driving hard to get as deep inside her as possible. One hand moved to hold her breast, a firm, strong hold.

Jolene was unable to control her moaning any more. They became louder and more constant, she tightened her muscles as much as she could squeezing his hard cock, making her hole tighter for him to slip inside.

Feeling her contract around him was the last stray we with only a few thrusts left, Steve came inside her, letting loose wave upon wave of hot cum inside her, once more trying to get as deep as possible.

Jolene screamed as her own orgasm tore through her body, making it shudder with pleasure as she felt his hot cum fill her, her hands moved up to pull his face to hers and kiss him deeply.

Kissing her deeply, Steve stopped, still inside her, he pressed himself against her, spent and worn, he ached slightly from the rigorous movements of their heated passion.

Jolene gently pushed Steve off of her, standing with him and taking his hand leading him to the couch. They sat together, holding each other, light kisses playing on each others skin.
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