Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1536543-Annie-and-Jake
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1536543
The owner of a spa in a small town gets a massage and more from her "favorite client".
  Annie flicked the nub of her broken pencil eraser and looked at her lithe fingers.  She recently had a manicure, though she preferred to keep her nails short.  Owning the only massage and therapeutic health spa in her small town, she didn't want to scratch any of her customers.
Well, maybe just one.

  His name came to mind.  Jake Henley.  Her favorite client.  He'd breezed into her shop about three months ago and set up appointments twice a week for a year. His handsome, chiseled features, lanky figure and narrow hips never wandered far from her mind.

  A pattern of flirtation was initiated from the very beginning.  But to her it was unmistakably more than that.  Within that flirtation, a deep connection was forming.  She hoped she wasn't misreading his signals.

  She dreamed of the things she might do to him, had she the chance.  First she'd unzip those baggy jeans he always wore.  Then she'd grasp that bulge she'd spied more than once protruding from the looseness of his pants, thrusting it into the depths of her throat.  Next she'd...break her pencil.  Oh well, she had broken the eraser earlier, thinking of how his blue eyes undressed her so many times before.

  He was due in only a few minutes.  She'd arranged for him to take a therapeutic dip in her foaming spa. It would soothe any stiffness he may have in his body, or if she had her way, intensify it.  A wry smile formed on her full lips.  The lighting was just right and she'd spent some time finding scented candles that smelled similar to the perfume she wore.  He had commented on how good she'd smelled the day they had met.  Finally, she'd cleared her schedule for the rest of the day.  Perhaps he would stay a bit longer tonight.

  The urge to go beyond flirtation was unbearable.  It was so unbearable that she had resorted to wearing new, low rise, gray dress pants and a top that displayed her pierced midriff.

  She flashed a nervous glance toward the mirrored wall behind her desk.  She quickly fixed a wispy, blond curl that seemed to escape her barrette.

  His black Jeep Liberty pulled up to the curb.  She felt moist heat spreading between her thighs and cursed herself at how much he affected her.  She did however enjoy the security of knowing he'd show up for his appointments.  She felt enough anticipation as it was.

  He slowly reached in his pocket and placed change in the parking meter, all the while watching her through the shop's large window.  Her legs began to tremble.

  "How's it going cutie?"  He asked sauntering through the door.

  She blushed.  "Good and how are you?"

  His blue eyes twinkled.  "What do you have in store for me tonight?"

  She pursed her lips and with a lift of her eyebrows, she said, “Follow me."

  She stepped down the narrow hallway behind the front office.  As she entered the large, steamy room she felt him brush up against her.  She made no effort to move away from him.

  "You did this for me?"  He asked looking past her to the large, bubbling whirlpool tub, topped with a luxuriance of foam.  Dripping candles lined the back of the tub.

  "Mm-hmm."  Annie answered, turning to him, loving his expression of amazement.  "You are my favorite client."

  He moved closer to her.  "I think you know I want to be more than just that."

  Annie felt like melting, and she wasn't sure what to say.  Her confidence had suddenly forsaken her.

  "I will, ah, leave you to undress and I'll be back in a bit."  She moved to depart and felt his hand gently grab her wrist.

  When he pulled her in front of him, she looked into his smiling blue eyes.  "I wish you wouldn't.  I know you want to stay. "

  Unexpected, even to herself, she leaned in and kissed him rather quickly, pulling away to scope his reaction.  When he showed no resistance, she moved towards him again.  He puckered his lips, but instead she decided to nibble on his neck.  His shirt was unbuttoned just far enough for her tongue to reach his collar bone.  His hands were firmly planted on her hips.  She pulled his arms tighter around her to where he couldn't help but touch her bottom. 

  Her mouth met his and their tongues mingled slowly.  He tasted sweet and melt-in-her mouth warm, like cotton candy, making her salivate even more.  How she longed for him.  She felt his hand move up her back, under her shirt, and finally into her mass of curly hair.  His fingers gently made circles on the back of her neck.

  As their kiss deepened his hold on her intensified, their breathing picked up pace.  She had to be with him in some way or form, even if it seemed sudden.  It felt so right.

  Almost immediately as the thought entered her mind, he backed up, freeing himself from her.

  "What's the matter?"  She asked.

  He seemed dazed.  "My neck."  He said watching her eyes intently.  "I woke up this morning and it ached."

  That seemed to be her signal, so she began to unbutton his shirt.  "Let's get you in the tub."  She whispered.

  "Only if you are joining me."  He said, smirking.

  Annie couldn't second guess how she felt.  After months of teasing each other, toying with the idea of something happening between them, now the opportunity lay before her.

  She slowly raised her arms as he ran his hands up her smooth sides, gliding the shirt over her head.  His eyes fell upon her bare breasts, as she had neglected to wear a bra.  Cupping one in his hand he carefully bent his head and met his tongue to the tip of her nipple.  She bit her lip to stifle a cry.  She couldn't let him see how anxious she was.  He let his tongue glide around her ring of color as she closed her eyes and savored the sensation.  She felt some of her juices oozing out of her crevice.

  His other hand firmly grasped her bottom.  Annie decided to lay her hands on his rock hard treasure, though before she was able to attain it, she instead grabbed something else that began to ring in her hand.

  "My pager is going off."  He said in a disturbed tone.

  She quickly stepped back as he slid the mechanism from his jeans.  A look of disgust crossed his handsome features, but only briefly.

  "I must take this call." he told her.

  "You won't be leaving though?"  Annie asked.  She had him where she wanted him and wasn't about to let him go.

  "No." he said, cupping her face with his large smooth hand.  "May I use the phone at your desk?"

  She nodded to him and he stepped out of the steamy room, closing the door behind him.

  Annie stood before the full length mirror.  How she longed to feel his tongue feather and flick the sweet spots of her body.  How she wanted to feel him take her nipples between his teeth and gently tug them.  For him to spread her legs and let her blossom before him, glistening, wet and ready for the taking.  To see the look of longing for her in his expression and feel inside her, the hardness of his prick, caused by his lust for her would ultimately send her over the edge.

  Before she knew what she was doing, she found her hands reaching down her flat belly, farther down until she found her clean shaven mound.  She'd left a little sprig of hair above her tight slit and she tugged on that almost moaning out loud.  Suddenly she thought of him, just down the hall on the phone.  Would he know?  He would probably be a few minutes.

  Sensation began to take over her body as she slid a finger inside her saturated crevice.  Her low riding pants loosened and fell to her ankles, which left only her thong.  Riding high on the arousal she felt, she slowly slid them aside and slipped off her shoes.  This left her almost completely unclothed.  The large heated tub lay directly behind her.  She backed away from the mirror and took a seat on the large, cool edge of the tub.  Spreading her legs, she worked her fingers, kneading her lips through the lacy material of her thong.  The friction of the material against her clit drove her mad and she arched her back.  She pulled at her panties until the string became taut and rubbed against her slippery crease.  She caught her breath and closed her eyes.  Her free hand found her breast and brought the nipple to her mouth.  Hastily, she licked at it, covering it with her saliva.

  He opened the door, but only a crack.  Her pants had fallen to the floor.  She looked as though she weren't sure what she was going to do for a moment, but after looking around she found a seat on the tub's edge and began to pleasure herself.  He had certainly not expected this after returning from his phone call.  His groin ached as he watched her prod her swollen womanhood with her fingers.  Finally she jerked her panties aside, revealing her gorgeous, glistening gash. The massaging shower head hung above her head.  The thought crossed his mind about the same time she reached up for it.  'Oh yes.' he thought.  The water began to jet over her throbbing button. It made small rippling marks across her soft, tan skin.  He could see that the water was hot and steamy.  She arched her back against the tiled wall and let out a loud moan, seemingly unaware that he stood in the doorway now.

  He wanted to be in there more than anything, but was too engaged in watching her ravish her own body.  She plunged two fingers deep inside and that was all it took.  The door creaked. Startled, she sat up. 

  "No, no, no, stay there, just as you were."  He said, crossing the room in haste.  He could see that she was a bit embarrassed, but when she noticed the swelling in his pants, she shed all her inhibitions.

  When he reached her, she took her two slick fingers, glazed with her syrup and placed them in his eager mouth.  With a gleam in her eyes, she slowly moved them around, toying with his tongue, making sure he tasted her properly.

  He closed his eyes as she began to unbutton his shirt.  Button by button, his chest was exposed.  She fell to her knees on the fluffy bath mat and unlatched his belt, all the while keeping focused on his face, watching to see how she was pleasing him.  It was important for her to get that feedback.  To Annie, it was just as titillating to know that he was as excited by her.

  Finally, her hand came in contact with his smooth, hard scepter.  It was a union she had waited for. He was so neatly trimmed just as she figured he'd be, for he seemed to take impeccable care of himself.  She delighted in the feel of his tip on her tongue.  Her own parts began to faintly tingle, building now as she noticed how eager he had become.  She savored the small amount of his come that had risen to the head of his rod, lapping it up between her lips that had become rosy in the steaminess of the room. 

  As she licked down one side, he let out a quiet sigh.  Yes, he was enjoying that.  Back up under, along the shaft to that sensitive spot right under the peak.  She loved this, loving that she was driving him wild.  Finally she went down, immersing him entirely in her throat.  He sucked in a breath and let it out rapidly.  Her hand worked the bottom of his pole up and down as her mouth met her fingers at the bottom with each thrust.  She moved her hair so he could take a peek at the how she was working him over.  She could feel his hands running through her curls, circling around her neck, urging her onward in her fun.

  He tasted sweet, yet manly.  A scent she wouldn't soon forget.  It was all over her now. Her saliva glossed his shaft, her hand and her cheeks.  She felt his body begin to tremble, his breathing increased and he made these sexy frantic, grunting noises that almost got her off without any stimulation.  She increased the speed at which she stroked him with her lips and tongue and felt his vessel constricting rhythmically as his creamy substance flowed freely from the tip.  She watched in awe for a moment, and then quickly consumed every drop, which made him even more astounded by her.

  "Oh, yeah." he said huskily as he let out a deep breath.  There was such vulnerability in a man after an encounter like that and she thoroughly enjoyed having that affect on him.
  She slowly kissed her way back up to a standing position and he surprised her by taking her lips in his once more, kissing her more passionately now.  Ablaze in her own unbridled desires, Annie desperately kissed his lips, then his neck.  Jake returned the affection and began to back her up towards the tub.

  "Care to join me?"  Jake murmured between frantic breaths and kisses.

  Annie could only nod.  She pulled off her saturated thong while he climbed in, then he held out his hand to her.  They both sank into the hot, frothy water up to their necks.  Annie ducked her head under and Jake followed.  When they came up, his hands were all over her, rubbing her buttocks.

  "Hey, I am the masseuse.  I am supposed to be giving you a rub down!"  She told him gently.

  He kept running his hands up the round smoothness of her hip.  "You work those hands and your muscles every day.  Who does this for you?"

  Annie thought a moment and decided to enjoy what he was offering.  She was always touching everyone else.  She had almost forgotten what it was like to be touched in return.

  "Mmm, that feels so nice."  She said in a dream-like state.

  "I'll show you something that feels even nicer."  He said in a low tone, looking deathly serious.

  Annie batted her large eyes at him in question and he had already begun to ease her out of the tub so that her bottom was on the edge, giving him full advantage to dive right between her legs and into her shaven muff.  But he did not do just that.

  Her legs were together and slick with tiny bubbles. Carefully, he kissed the outside of her hip.  She sat in such a way that he eased his head under her legs, prying them apart with his head, so that they lay over his shoulders.  His tongue toyed with the inside of her knee making slow swirling motions upward to her prize.  Before claiming it with his mouth, his gaze fell upon it.  His lips pursed together as if he were sizing her up.

  "You are so gorgeous." he breathed as if he couldn't help himself.  He feathered his lips across her labia ever so lightly, causing a moan to escape her.  He began using his tongue, spooning hot liquid from inside her. She tensed her legs around his shoulders, squeezing and releasing as her climax began to build.  He seemed to know when to increase the pace at which his mouth fondled her and when to let up with the pressure.  He was following her lead and she felt as if she were riding a wave of ecstasy.  She began to pant as she reached the height of her orgasm.

  "I'm coming, yes, yes, oh, God that feels good!"  She said out loud.  He delved into her depths drinking from her wet tunnel.  She threw her arms out, grasping the wall, moving her pelvis out so he could obtain more of her.

  "You do that so well." she told him, catching her breath, as he pulled her back into the water with him.

  He kissed her lightly, smiling and slipped back under the foam to give himself a rinse. He came back up and smiled his perfect smile with his perfect white teeth.  He had such a beautiful smile.  She melted into his arms smiling too.

  As she rubbed his chest, making lazy trails through his wet hair, she noticed three vague looking scars below his right breast bone.  He glanced down noticing her hesitation.

  "We all have our battle scars."  He said in a hushed tone.

  Annie looked uncertain.  How much did she know of this man?  The question plagued her for a moment.  Had she been wrong to become so involved with him, not knowing the many intimate details of his life?  Some of them were deep secrets she was sure, just as the wounds he had suffered had been deep.  She ran her finger across one of the larger indentations.  Then she bent her head down and kissed it.  He let out a shaky breath.

  "You need to sit in the 'hot seat'."  She told him moving him backwards, helping him into one of the hot tub's massaging seats.  Oh, hell, he was just too damned sexy to question.  He flashed another sexy grin and she moved through the water to the control panel.  A CD panel moved out of the tub.  She pressed "play" and a rock song with the words "I f%#ing hate you!" blared into his ears.

  "Oops!"  She cried.  She scrunched up her face as if she'd just eaten grapefruit.  Then she turned the volume down in a frantic rush.

  "Hmm, was the last person you had in here an angry client by any chance?"  He inquired.

  "Actually, I was the last one in that seat."  She told him.  Her cheeks flushed bright red.

  "And what do you have to be angry about?"  He asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "De-stressing."  She said looking over the control panel.  "Let's see, heated jets, yes.  You complained your neck felt stiff?"

  "Mm-hmm."  He nodded as she turned the therapeutic jets on near his neck.  He felt another start to spew at the base of his spine and two beneath his feet. "So tell me, what do you have to be stressed about?"

  Annie took a seat next to him and grabbed the remote to turn on her own jets.  "I had one of my girls ask me earlier today if she could have some time off.  She's the best worker I have, practically my assistant."

  "Girls?" he said confused.  "I've only ever been to see you."

  "That's because you made your appointments so late in the afternoon.  I have three others who work for me.  They work the earlier hours.  Anyhow, I don't know what I am going to do without her.  Something about going to Singapore with her boyfriend."

  Singapore.  He tried to keep himself still.  That place was hell as far as he was concerned.

  She went on.  "Her boyfriend was gone for a year somewhere out in a desert or something.  He just made it back and now he is getting shipped out again.  She was very upset, so I couldn't tell her no."

  Jake shifted in his seat.

  "You uncomfortable?"  She asked beginning to rise from her spot.

  He motioned for her to come to him, grasping her wrist and positioning her on his lap.

  "Ooh, what are you doing?"  She asked, trying to make her question sound innocent.

  "Mmm, you have to ask?" he said, beginning to breathe heavily from the contact with her body.  He showered her neck with kisses and she responded by tugging on his hair at the nape of his neck.

  She planted each of her feet in the handy arm rests near his thighs, lifting her hips enthusiastically to meet his ever-ready tongue.  He parted the intricate folds of her healthy flesh and began to urge her towards another climax.

  Her hands ran through his hair as she lap danced on his hungry mouth.  She moved in rhythm to the music beating in the head rest behind him.  The smooth place between her thighs tingled, pulsing, tightening and releasing.  She stopped mid-dance, unwilling to let herself go.

  "What's wrong?"  He grunted.

  "Nothing." she said, scooting down onto his lap.  His tool was positioned exactly where she wanted it.  She looked directly into his eyes.  "Do you want this to happen?"

  He nodded.  "You know I do and I know you want this too."  He grabbed her hips and positioned his shaft right at her opening.  He bobbed the head around in the water as she watched.

  "Yes, Jake, I want you inside me."

  He emerged from the water, lifting her with him to the edge of the tub once more.  "I want to see you go in."  She told him.  Her voice was low and commanding.  So she scooted to towards him and he took his rod in his hand to guide it.  Her mouth opened slightly, her tongue ran across her hot lips, feeling perspiration from the steam in the room.  She moaned low and pulled him to her.

  Gliding his tongue over her lips, he murmured against her mouth, "Are you ready?"

  "Yes Jake, now!"  She urged.

  He stroked into her and slowly pulled out his throbbing knob.  It was coated and dripping with her cream.  "God." he said.  Then he stood up, his legs a bit shaky and said, "Lick it baby."

  She did as she was instructed and licked off every last drop of her juices.  "Did that taste good?"  He asked.

  "Mm, yes."  She answered.  "You like how hot you make me?"

  He took his cue and began to thrust himself in her.  She angled her torso so he could reach her depths.  Their bodies soon found a natural rhythm and Jake's brow began to show a sliver of sweat.  His eyes closed and his breathing increased, as the pace of his thrusts became faster.  "Annie, Annie, oh, God".  His large hands cradled her shoulders, warming them with spa water.

  Heat rose into her face and her moans became louder.  She could feel him contract within her and his body arched.  He seemed even bigger just before breaking.

  He caught his breath and held on.  "Not yet."  He told her.  "I can't let it go yet."  Deep concentration set in his handsome features.

  So she stopped and went down to his purple, bulging head.  With every lick, he contracted and took in a sharp breath.  "Annie, what are you doing to me?"

  She gazed up at him with hazy eyes and said, "Teasing you."

  "You've always been a teaser."  He made some small talk to calm him away from the point of orgasm.  He wanted to give her and himself a good long time to enjoy each other.

  "Me?"  She asked, surprised.  "You've got the wrong girl."

  "No, you're the one.  Let's see,” he said in a husky voice, filled with desire.  "The one who wears those low cut pants that shows most of your back and that cute pierced button of yours, the one who takes impeccable care of her curls.  Curls that I have envisioned draped across my lap for so long now, the one who has an ass that can set my crotch on fire, just by walking by."

  She opened her eyes wide and shrugged.  "Yep, that's me.  I'm not vain, am I?"

  He laughed and moved his mouth to hers.  Their tongues danced an erotic, wet dance outside of their lips.  His were soft and tasted like sweet taffy.  His tongue coiled around hers, like a ravenous snake, famished for her.

  Before she knew it, his hand was gliding between her legs.  "So smooth, nice, little, trim box.”  She heard him whisper.

  Her legs opened wider to accommodate his exploring hand.  His index finger came to rest between her cheeks.  Her entire pelvis tightened.  "Mm, that's nice baby."

  "Why don't you slide a finger in there?" she said to him.

  His eyes sparkled and he obliged.  She tightened around his finger and let out a squeal.  "You want in there?  I can tell you want in that tight little hole."  She whispered to him.  "You ever done it like that before?"

  Keeping his face close to hers, he cocked his head to the side.  "Please, I am almost in my mid-thirties and you are questioning whether I've ever made love that way before?"

  She nodded.

  "No."  He said.

  "Me neither."

  They both giggled for a brief moment, bending their heads together, as if they were kids.

  "Well, I am wet enough now.  We wouldn't have to use any lube.  So I say, let's take advantage of the opportunity."

  Watching her reaction and taking the time to savor the first-time sensations he was feeling, he eased only the head of his pistol into her vise like burrow.  He'd fantasized about being with a woman in this way, but he was blown away compared to how she felt here and now, in reality.

  Her trusting eyes remained focused on his.  "I'm not hurting you, am I?"  He asked.

  "No, go on."  She said, breathless.

  When she glanced down at last, she saw his penis, push in and retreat from within her.  She carefully laid her legs over his masculine shoulders.  Sensation raged through her, like beating waves in the ocean.  Her fingers immediately met with her tiny knob.  She stroked in rhythm with his pumping, which grew faster and as he gauged her reaction.  Seeing that she was enjoying the experience with him, he became confident enough to bask in the moment himself.

  She felt exhilarated and faint tingles began to intensify, centered at her swollen mound.  The tingles quickly advanced to moderate shudders, extending upward over her bare, slender abdomen and onward throughout her body.  She let out a low groan.

  He looked her in the eyes and knew she was about to lose it.  It was then he stretched backward, pulled out, grabbed his unit and let go, spattering her bare breasts with his hot, thick, liquid.

  When they finished breathing so heavily, staring at each other in astonishment at what they had just done, they again slipped down into the whirlpool.

  Finally, catching his breath, he said to her solemnly, “I will be leaving town in a few days.  That's what the phone call was about."

  She bit her lip and hunkered down in the frothy water further.  She really didn't know much about this man she had just had wild, passionate sex with.  But before she could say another word, he kissed her.

  "I see your disappointment.  That's why I am asking you to come with me."

  "But my spa, my customers.  Where are you leaving to?"

  "The middle east.  On an assignment.  I'm not supposed to talk about it, so I won't go into detail and don't ask.  But this particular assignment is a light one and won't require me or us to be in any sort of danger.  I want you to come with me.  You can close down the shop for a few weeks.  I will more than compensate for your workers pay and your own."

  When she still looked hesitant, he added, "You never know when certain parts of my body will...ah...get stiff."  Then he winked.  "Truthfully, Annie, I know we have a lot in common and I enjoy your company.  You're sprightly, full of energy, you make me laugh, and I've found myself falling in love with you more and more every time I come in."

  She drew in a breath.  Sinking up to her shoulders now in the water.

  "You don't have to answer me now."  He said, kissing her on the top of the head and rising from the water like a Greek god.

  She watched him reach for an over-sized white robe that hung on a hook on the wall behind the door.

  What could she say?  A few weeks in the Middle East, her nights filled with moments like what just happened between them?

  Two weeks later, they boarded his private jet.
© Copyright 2009 Heather Bahl (keycheck at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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